Why weight training is so good for your health

Why weight training is so good for your health

When speaking of weight training, people think of a body with bulging muscles. And while aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, and walking are great to boost your heart rate and improve the quality of life, it is important to combine this with weight lifting. This piece focuses on how weight exercising can improve your health.Trevulan buy

Weight Loss

As you build your muscles, your body assumes an important role of burning excess fat in the body. According to experts, stacking up more muscles helps the body to burn fats quicker when at rest. That can hardly be achieved by the typical cardio sessions that only focus on strength exercises.Duke University(2012) examined 119 obese individuals and split them in 3 groups: Aerobics Training (AT), Resistance Training (RT) and a combination of cardio training and weight lifting.The participants followed a specific exercise routine for 8 months without altering their lifestyle in terms of diet, work, sleep etc. After the period of 8 months, their body, lean and fat mass were measured by the researchers. The results were quite interesting as the aerobic training and the combined training showed a significant loss in both their fat mass and body mass whereas the resistance training and the combined training showed a significant loss with regards to their lean mass. However, the participants in the aerobic training group were more likely to gain the weight they lost compared to the participants who put resistance training in their lives.

The bottom-line is; when you perform body-weight training or use weights and other forms of resistant equipment, your body’s ability to blast out the fat deposits in your body shoots even if you’re lounging on the couch. Therefore, get your good quality weightlifting shoes ready for resistance training that’ll help you lose weight.

Controls Insulin Levels

Weight training is an excellent preventative measure to alleviate chronic diseases. It is an effective exercise that utilizes excess glucose in the body, thus maintaining an apt blood-sugar level. That’s great news to persons who have Type 2 Diabetes who need to inject a few syringes of insulin to manage glucose level in the blood.

There is supporting evidence that both endurance and resistance training can improve glucose disposal, even though by different mechanisms in young women. Therefore, it was indicated as effective interventions to enhance glucose disposal in young females.

Lowers Inflammation

Inflammation, which is an indicator of serious diseases, can also be lowered by lifting resistance equipment. Researchers have discovered that maintaining a daily weight training session for a fortnight resulted in lower inflammation among heavyweight women.Glucocil-buy

In addition, resistance training (RT) has been found to be associated with reduced risk of low-grade inflammation-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, long-term RT appears to be connected with various health benefits,and can be considered as an effective way to prevent and delay low grade inflammatory-related diseases.

Strengthens the Bones

If you wish to remain active and keep away injuries, weight training offers the perfect solution for that. Lifting resistance weights helps in strengthening bones, which allows you as you age. It prevents osteoporosis and vulnerability to fractures. Regardless of whether you’re a 70-year-old or in your youthful days, weight-lifting boosts your skeletal system, thus preventing bone loss. Research supports that bone density in the spine and hip, as measured utilizing a DEXA scan, was increased by resistance training. According to a review from Tuffs University, the past 10 years, approximately two dozen longitudinal and cross-sectional studies have indicated a direct and positive association between resistance training and bone density. However, some studies do not support this relationship andit is of high importance to acknowledge the fact that the specifics of the exercise may have influenced the outcome.

Reduces Heart Disease and Stroke

Resistance training provides a different blood-flow pattern as compares to aerobics, and suggests that it has particular importance to cardiovascular health. According to AHA’S 2014 Health Statement, a well-guided weight lifting program is essential to not only prevent cardiovascular complications but helps patients recovering from a stroke to achieve cardio fitness, motor abilities and strengthens the upper arm.A recent study also supported this claim, by testing approximately 12,500 participants. They concluded that,even a little weight training might reduce the risk of a stroke,a heart attack or general mortality. In addition, individuals appeared to gain this benefit whether or not they also engage in frequent aerobic exercise.

Enhanced Body Balance

The balance of the body largely depends on the strength of the muscles. The stronger the muscles the greater the balance.To achieve stability and proper posture, it is essential to start a strength training program. Studies have indicated that old persons, who are especially susceptible to falling due to poor physiological function, can gain balance and strength from weight lifting. That reduces their risk of falling by 40%, as compared to their counterparts who do not exercise. Stronger muscles can help you to deal better with chronic diseases like arthritis as it protects your bones and muscle mass.

Boosts Self Confidence

Attending gym sessions for weight-bearing exercises helps you develop high self-esteem and confidence. Resistance workouts transform your life and focus it in one direction. When starting a workout program, you set goals and objectives. Once these are met, you tend to be confident to start on a bigger challenge. By doing so, you’ll feel like a youth, even in your 50s. By setting goals that initially appear beyond your capabilities and working hard to achieve them can build your self belief and inner confidence. Lifting weights is incredibly beneficial for your body as it increases the levels of endorphins that your body produces.

A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry looked at the outcomes of resistance training in 1,877 participants in 33 different clinical trials. The results showed that resistance exercise trainingwas associated with positive mental health effects. Weight liftingsignificantly reduced symptoms of depression and it is noteworthy that the mental health benefits were observed regardless of the participants’ overall health, age, and physical activity levels.Get Ultra Trim buy


Weightlifting is not as strenuous and torturing as most people tend to think. Take time and find a professional trainer or other workout guides to have the best tips on creating a workout plan that deals with resistance equipment. It will not only get you in good body shape but also improves your general lifestyle. Resistance training can enhance your overall quality of life and improve your ability to perform everyday activities. Building strong muscles can help you maintain independence as you age.Keep in mind that you do not need to spend many hours a day lifting weights but to incorporate some strength training exercises into your routine. You maynotice significant improvement in your strength over time with just two or three 20-30-minute weight lifting sessions a week.