What to Consider when Choosing a Hair Removal Method

Choosing a Hair Removal Method

What to Consider when Choosing a Hair Removal Method

The definition of a well-groomed person in the 21st century includes not having superfluous hair. In fact, it seems that the only place you should have any hair is your head and probably a well-kempt beard. As a result, there is now a myriad of ways you can get rid of your body hair at home or the salon. Before jumping into the factors you must consider, here are the primary hair removal methods.

Skin level methods

These are hair removal methods that only cut the hair that is above your skin and leaves the hair shaft intact and ready to grow the next minute. They include shaving, depilatory creams and bleaching. The methods are convenient and fast, but the results are short-lived, usually three to five days. If you are afraid of pain or your pocket doesn’t allow, skin level methods are the way to go.

Physical methods

These methods involve pulling your hair physically from its follicles so you can have more long-lasting results. You will enjoy a smooth surface for a while, usually a couple of weeks. Physical methods also make the hair strands finer and reduce the growth process. They include waxing, sugaring, electric epilators, plucking and tweezing. However, unlike the skin level methods, pulling hair from the roots is very painful, and sometimes you will require somebody else to do it for you.

Permanent methods

Laser hair removal and electrolysis are the only forms of permanent hair removal methods. They work by destroying the hair follicles, so no more hair is produced. Apart from being quite costly, these permanent methods require a board-certified specialist and patience. You have to do a few laser treatments before all the follicles are destroyed because the process of hair growth is not singular.

The pros and cons of every method from laser treatments to shaving vary widely, but these tips will help you choose the best way for you.

#1. Skin and hair color

Your skin and hair color matters when you have to use laser hair removal. This method works better on light skin people with darker hair. If this is your preferred method, you need to avoid tanning. Even natural sun tanning weeks before the laser treatment will darken the skin. You also have to prepare for laser hair removal by shaving your hair entirely and avoiding blood thinners for a while.

#2. How much it will cost

The cost of hair removal can range from $200 to $600 if you want something more permanent, like laser hair treatment or electrolysis. However, if you don’t have that much disposable income to spare, you can go for less expensive options like waxing and sugaring, which will cost you quite a penny at the salon. Shaving and depilatory creams are the cheapest options, but you have to redo the job a couple of times a week. When it comes to hair removal methods, you get what you pay for, so you have to weigh your pocket.

#3. Skin sensitivity

Apart from shaving and depilatory creams, the other methods of hair removal come with some pain and even redness on the skin. Waxing is especially painful because it grabs a handful of hairs from the roots against their growth pattern. If you have sensitive skin and low tolerance to pain, waxing, threading, and laser may not be good options for you.

You can try sugaring, which is a less painful alternative to waxing and still gives you the same result. Electric epilators are also less painful and easy to use at home.

Another aspect of skin sensitivity is how the method of hair removal will affect the skin. For instance, if you shave your bikini area, chances are you will get bumps and ingrown hairs which are very unsightly. Waxing and sugaring are the best methods for this area which has very sensitive skin. That means you also have to test out any depilatory cream you use before applying it all over your surface because it can have very adverse effects.

#4. Permanence

The method you choose will determine how often you will have to go through the process. If you decide to shave or use a depilatory cream, you have to repeat the process twice or thrice a week. Most people find that incredibly boring, so they choose more long-lasting methods. While laser treatment is almost a permanent solution, you have to do four to six treatments before all the hair follicles are killed. Waxing, epilators, and sugaring will give you at least four weeks of smooth skin so you can take a break.

#5. The body part

The part of the body where you are removing hair determines the method you will use. For instance, plucking and tweezing are not suitable methods for legs and bikini area because you will take ages to finish. However, they work perfectly well when you are shaping your eyebrows or those annoying hairs on your chin and upper lip. Similarly, laser hair removal may not be the best option for eyebrows, bikini area and upper lip because they are too sensitive, and the surface area is smaller. While the laser is ultimately the best method of hair removal, it is too costly for such small areas. Most people also fear to direct light and heat near their eyes, nose and pubic area.

#6. Type of hair

If you have ever heard people saying that their hair grows more when they shave, it is true. If your hair is thick, shaving will only encourage it. In such instances, waxing and laser are better options because they slow down the growth and make your hair fine. You can also try tweezing or plucking the hair out on your eyebrows instead of shaving with a razor because it only makes the growth faster.

#7. Your health and skin condition

When considering the best method of hair removal, it’s essential to also think about your health. People with diabetes, allergies, immune disorders, and skin issues should consult a doctor first before trying any of the methods. The same applies if you take any medication or blood thinners, especially if you are considering laser treatment.

You also have to consider if your skin is prone to scarring or you have a skin condition like acne, psoriasis and rosacea. Any method of hair removal, including shaving, may make your situation worse.

#8. Aftercare

Taking care of your skin after you have removed the hair is critical. You have to keep the skin well hydrated, so it doesn’t dry up and start cracking. However, some methods of hair removal require more than just moisturizing. For instance, you need to exfoliate a few days after waxing, laser hair remocal, or shaving to avoid ingrown hairs. Special hydrocortisone cream is also required if you opt to use depilatory creams for hair removal. Make sure you know the proper aftercare procedure for whichever method you choose.

Hair removal has become a necessary evil in society. If you decide to take care of the hair at home, make sure you have the essential tools. Consider a clean shaver, shaving cream, depilatory machine or a good cream that won’t burn your skin. However, if you decide to go to a professional, ensure their premises are clean and that everything is being done hygienically. Laser hair removal should only be carried out by board-certified dermatologists.


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