What are the Best Workouts to Lose Weight?

What are the Best Workouts to Lose Weight?

We all want to lose weight fast, but the point is where to begin? What to eat and more specifically which exercises to do to lose the extra weight that you find so hard to shed. What are the exercises that boost your metabolism, work on a number of muscles and help you burn fat? Here you will get all the answers to the questions.

While exercises are very important, you have got to remember that combining your exercise regime with a proper diet plan provides the best results. Here are some of the best exercises to lose weight and burn an insane number of calories. So put on appropriate clothing, wear your sneakers and let’s get going!Turmeric Slim buy

Workout Routines for Weight Loss – Move More to Lose More

Begin your weight loss journey with the following intensive workouts that would give you exemplary results, make peace with your weighing scale, help you wear the clothes you want and most importantly stay fit and healthy.

1. Lunges

You can try different variations of this one,but trust me the original version is pretty effective as well. It targets a number of muscles at one go, read hamstrings, quads, andglutes and ensures massive calorie burn. They should be an integral part of your leg day!

Here is how to nail it,

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. With hands on your hips take a large step forward starting with your right leg.
  • Keeping your spine straight, lower your body to form right angles with your front and back leg.
  • Bring back your right leg back to start position.
  • Repeat the move this time with your left leg.
  • Try and fit in at least 10-15 moves. Round off with 3 sets.

2. Squats

When in doubt, squat and don’t forget to squat low. It is one of the most weight-loss friendly exercise on the planet! You utilize multiple muscle groups with this and especially your core and lower body.

Here is how to nail it,

  • Start straight with feet hip-distance apart. Keep your arms resting by your side.
  • Try and keep your weight in your heels and lower your legs if sitting on an invisible chair.
  • Raise your arms before you.
  • Ensure that your hips are parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your knees aligned with your toes all this while.
  • Maintaining an even pace get back to the standing position. Do about 15 reps and complete 3 sets.

3. Burpees

Burpees are love said no one ever. But nobody can undermine the importance of this grueling workout. It targets yourchest, core, and legs all in tandem. Burpees mean lots of calorie burn and building lean muscles.

Here is how to nail it,

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees and drop down to a squat.
  • Now plantyour hands on the floor right in front of you and transfer the weight to
  • Jump back softly to get back right into a plank position.
  • Now bring your feet forward with a jump right outside your hands. Push your hands up to jump explosively into the air.

Immediately lower back into a squat for the next rep. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Complete 3 sets.Nutra Lyte buy

4. Mountain Climbers

Mountainclimbers are a cardio intensive workoutthat burns tons of calories. It’s a compound movement that works on the butt, obliques,and hamstrings.

Here is how to nail it,

  • Start with aplank position. Now bring your right knee between your hands, in a swift movement.
  • Then bring your left knee towards the median of your arms. Ensure your bent knee does not touchthe floor.
  • Repeat this movement for 1 minute at least and rest it out for 20 seconds. Include 3 sets at least.

5. Jump Rope

Jump rope isn’t something you should have left to your middle school. If you have then its time to bring it back to your fitness regime. Add a full minute of jumping and watch yourself shed pounds just like that.

Here is how to nail it,

  • Check the length of your jump rope while you hold it in your hands and make sure the handles are in line with your shoulders.
  • Bring your feet together, and hold the ends of the jump rope.
  • Now swing the jump rope and swing it beneath your feet, hopping all the time. Jump with the swing of the rope and continue jumping for 1 minute at least. Round off 3 sets.

6. Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebells are great ways to lose weight as theymanage to work on the entire body. They are a high-intensity workout yet works your muscles with great intensity.

Here is how to nail it,

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Now, get hold of the kettlebell with both your hands right in front of you.
  • Brace your core and squat a little. Press the hips forward as you stand straight and try and swing the kettlebell in an upward sweep. Lower your arms and return back to the squat position. This completes 1 rep and include 3 sets each comprising 15 swings.Digest IT Colon Cleanse order

How to lose weight with exercise? Now, you know exactly how, by performing the above-mentioned exercises with diligence and perseverance. Also, you have to be patient, it takes time to lose weight, and impatience and frustrations won’t get you closer to your goal weight. Keep the basics right, eat right, focussing on portion control, breathe mindfully to beat stress and clock in at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Okay, and don’t forget to drink copious amounts of water. These are the basic things that always work. Also, eliminate sugar from your life as much as you can as it is the number one cause of obesity and is linked to a number of chronic diseases. As you see your diet plays as much importance as your weight loss workout plan if not more!

Your weight loss journey has just begun, enjoy the process as, if you enjoy it you are much more likely to stick with it!