What Are Dental Fillings Made From?

What Are Dental Fillings Made From

There are different types of fillings to treat a cavity. Each type has different composition of elements their made of. They can be made of gold, silver amalgam (which consists of mercury, silver, tin, and copper), porcelain, composite resin (plastic and teeth-colored), and glass.

Fillings aren’t only used to treat cavities, their also used to repair cracked and broken teeth that have been altered or worn out due to accidents or bad habits such as nail-biting, brushing teeth too hard, constant chewing of ice cubes, using your teeth as tools, tooth grinding, and/or clenching.Alta White buy

Every type of filling shares the same goal which is to treat and restore damaged teeth that’s been decayed. But, it differs in composition, functions, usage, durability and cost. Dentists vary in the cost and the type of filling to be applied in regards with the extent of decay and the location of the affected tooth.

Dentists such as Digital Dentistry at Southpoint vary the cost of the filling depending on the- i)type of filling to be applied on the affected tooth; ii) location of the tooth; iii) extent of the decay; and iv) insurance coverage.

Before every application of filling, your dentist will remove the decayed part first and clean the affected area before treating the tooth with filling which is appropriate and desired for your tooth. Take note that every type of filling has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What Are Dental Fillings Made From?

1) Cast Gold Fillings

A Cast Gold Filling is also called inlays or onlays because it’s mainly used for in inlays, onlays and crowns. It’s composed of gold alloy mixed with other metals. A Gold Filling is popular because of its durability. It lasts for at least 15 years but can last longer.

According to American Dental Association (ADA), it can remain effective for more than two decades. But of course when talking about durability, it comes with a price. It can cost you 6 to 10 times more than silver filling. In terms of strength, it can withstand chewing hard forces. For some patients, they attribute gold fillings with beauty and elegance that made them choose it despite its price and the long duration of its application.

2) Silver Fillings (Amalgams)

A Silver Filling is also known as amalgam. It’s a traditional approach in dental filling options, and is composed of tin, silver, copper, zinc and mercury which is 50% of the mixture. It’s mainly used for filling affected part in the back portion of the tooth.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the mercury contained in the mixture is not high risk despite high mercury can cause kidney and brain damage. It’s been used for more than 150 years and no link of studies has found between silver filling and health problems as claimed by FDA. The mercury in this filling releases very low levels of mercury in the form of a vapor, which makes it safe to adults and children 6 years and older.

Compared to other fillings, silver fillings or amalgam is the cheapest. In terms of durability and quality, it’s strong and long-lasting enough. However, silver filling will start to appear silver but it becomes darker with time and it becomes visible when you open your mouth. The average year of its durability is 10 years but it can last longer.White light smile, White light smile reviews, buy white light smile

3) Tooth-colored Composites (Composite Resin or White Filling)

It’s also known and called as composite resin or white filling. Its composition is a mixture of plastic and fine glass particles. This is usually used in small and large fillings, especially in front teeth or the visible parts of the teeth when you smile or talk. It can also be used for inlay purposes.

Tooth-colored composites have two (2) types – direct or indirect fillings. Direct fillings use a bright blue light that helps to harden the soft material. For indirect fillings, your dentist will prepare the tooth and take an impression of it. It can take 2 visits with your dentist with this type of dental filling. This dental filling will cost you more than a silver filling but not more than a gold filling. It can also last for at least five years. Many people opt to this because in terms of aesthetics, the shade of composite fillings can closely match and blend with the color of your existing teeth.

4) Ceramics

This type of dental filling is made usually of porcelain. It’s known to be more resistant from staining compared to other dental fillings. However, it corrodes quicker than most of the dental fillings. It can last longer than seven years and others even claim that it can last longer than 15 years.

Ceramics can be pricey. It will cost you as much as the price of a cast gold filling but sometimes it depends on the extent of the decay, location and other factors. In some cases it costs a lot because some clinics and dentists offer high rates.

The strength and durability may not be compared to gold but this type of dental filling has many uses. It can be used for inlays, onlays, crowns, veneers, implants, and other orthodontic brackets. Moreover, ceramics are tooth-colored, it can match and blend with your existing teeth.

These fillings are made most often of porcelain, are more stain resistant than normal composite resin material but can be more abrasive. This material can last up to 15 years and can cost as much as gold.

5) Glass Ionomer

This type of dental filling is made of acrylic and a component of glass called fluoroaluminosilicate. Glass Ionomer fillings are less likely to corrode and are stronger than traditional ones. Bright blue light is noticeable and it will appear when it’s used to set the material.

This is also commonly used as cement for inlay fillings. Also, it’s used for fillings in front teeth, or in roots of your teeth. This is commonly used by people with multiple decay on their teeth. Moreover, affected teeth near the gum area tend to use glass ionomer. This can also be applied and used in filling your children’s affected area easier. Unfortunately, drilling is required in this process so pain is inevitable.

This dental filling is known for its ability to release fluoride, which helps the durability of your tooth and preventing decay. However, glass ionomer is more delicate than most of the dental fillings. A proper care of the dental filling will prevent you from corroding easily. The average durability is five years but it is usually longer to people who render extra care with their teeth. In terms of cost, it’s cheaper than most of the dental fillings. The latest versions of glass ionomers have longer durability and can be applied in more areas.Gleaming Teeth order


When it comes to dental fillings, it’s important to know what you can get and what their made from. With your budget in mind, you can easily make the right decision for you individual needs. Are you going to the dentist soon?