Top 6 Women’s Skin Problems And How To Treat Them

Women’s Skin Problems
Top 6 Women’s Skin Problems And How To Treat Them

There’s an adage that says beauty is only skin deep. Although this may seem true in all contexts, many people judge beauty through what they see first. Thankfully, nowadays, due to open-mindedness and a fresher way of embracing flaws and imperfections, these have started differentiating beauty standards. Everyone is considered beautiful in their own uniqueness, and all women should embrace their flaws as well. But, one flaw that remains difficult for women to accept is when they experience skin problems.

Having issues with your skin is pretty tough. It influences your self-esteem, and even mental health, for some. Most significantly, women are more conscious of how they look rather than men. 

This article will tackle some common skin problems that women usually encounter, and some treatments will also be provided below:

#1. Acne Or Pimples 

Almost everyone experienced a stage in their life wherein they battled against acne. Although most people probably experienced severe breakouts during puberty, some women over 25 still suffer occasional breakouts now and then. Pimples can be caused by fluctuations in hormone levels that lead to increased oil production in adulthood, which mixes with bacteria and, eventually, results in pimples. 

How To Treat 

Ask your doctor about prescription-strength acne medications if you’ve tried some over-the-counter or milder drugs that won’t work on your pimples. Visit your dermatologist as early as possible so scars can be prevented and the breakouts can be controlled.

Medications for acne work to reduce inflammation and oil production, or they treat bacteria that cause acne. The sad thing about acne is that they usually take time to cure and heal. You just need to be patient with doing the skin regimen, and you’ll be acne-free soon. 

Fortunately, due to the advanced development of acne medicines, you’ll have a wide array of medications to choose from. There’s also natural acne breakout remedy, and there’s a treatment regimen that requires topical or oral medications. Each one’s efficacy will have to depend on the condition and severity of your acne. 

#2. Stretch Marks 

Women are also prone to experiencing stretch marks. They usually appear as thin strips of lines on your skin. Short-term stretching of the skin can cause stretch marks. It’s also possible to develop stretch marks due to conditions that affect collagen production. People who usually encounter this skin condition include pregnant people and teens who’ve entered puberty. Furthermore, people who gain and lose weight rapidly are also prone to this condition. Fortunately, these stripes don’t do any harm to your body, although they’re not pleasing to the eyes. 

How To Treat

Treatment for stretch marks is possible through three clinical procedures: needling, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy. 

By contrast, home remedies can’t exfoliate the skin as effectively as microdermabrasion. According to a study, stretch marks can be improved with microdermabrasion. And, needling is also an effective way to solve this skin issue because collagen will be injected into the top layer of the skin, eliminating the appearance of these strips.

Apart from these procedures, here are some natural remedies for stretch marks: 

1. Vitamin A 

Considered as a retinoid, vitamin A helps alleviate stretch marks. The retinoids make the skin appear more youthful and smoother. You can find this as a primary or secondary ingredient for many skincare and beauty products in the market today.  

Vitamin A is beneficial to the health and appearance of your skin, whether it be used topically or taken orally. You can actually incorporate vitamin A into your daily meals. 

2. Sugar 

Sugar is a healthy ingredient that acts as an effective exfoliator. You can create your sugar paste by mixing sugar with the essential oil of your choice, like coconut oil. Create a sandy texture and mix in some drops of lemon juice. When the paste is ready, scrub it on your skin where stretch marks are found.

3. Coconut Oil

As stretch marks are scars resulting from skin damage, coconut oil can help speed up their healing. Research has confirmed the healing properties of coconut oil and found that it can reduce the healing time of skin wounds in rats. 

4. Aloe Vera

Despite the lack of clinical evidence supporting aloe vera as a stretch mark cure, pure aloe vera can be used as a natural healing and skin-softening agent. It’s easy to apply and use on your skin, giving you that refreshing and relaxing feel. You can go for a natural aloe vera plant and apply it to the affected areas every time you finish your bath.

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#3. Age Spots 

This skin condition is also referred to as liver spots. Age spots are usually the result of ultraviolet damage to the skin. As years go by, melanocytes, which produce melanin and give skin color, become damaged, producing more pigment with uneven distribution over time. To care for your skin and prevent age spots, you need to choose skincare products that are safe and do work.

How To Treat

The best way to treat these spots is to use a skin lightener and a skin exfoliator. You may use hydroquinone, which comes in topical creams that effectively diminish the appearance of age spots. But, the frequent use of this topical medication might lead to your skin getting immune to it, so it’s best to take some rest in between. Another medicine is retinoids. They act well as exfoliants, capable of regenerating skin cells faster. If your age spots are darker for some reason, you can always go for intense pulsed light or IPL laser treatments. They’re conducted by dermatologists and are effective for lightening darker spots.

#4. Rosacea 

Rosacea makes your skin look like it’s sunburnt. The spots can appear moderately or spread rapidly across the cheeks. Small activities, like drinking a bit of alcohol or exercising a little, may lead to more visible or apparent spots. Unfortunately, women in their 30’s are more prone to developing this condition than men. 

How To Treat Them: 

Steer clear of your triggers and identify what they are. In this situation, prevention is a better approach than cure. Many women have blamed the sun as the main culprit for this skin ailment. This is why you should use sunscreen with a higher SPF. You can also go for a product that contains niacinamide to make your skin more supple and stronger.  IPL treatments also work wonders to address this issue since this procedure can shrink the blood vessels responsible for inducing redness on the skin. 

#5. Birthmark 

Generally, birthmarks are pigment cells proliferating in an overgrowth. However, some people’s marks sometimes fade as they grow older. They’re harmless and don’t need treatment, although some still prefer to remove them if they’re on a prominent body part, like the face. Ensure to ask advice from your dermatologist first since dark brown marks could lead to melanoma, which is quite dangerous. 

How To Treat 

Many lasers are capable of targeting and removing skin pigments. You can visit your doctor’s clinic to have the removal performed. When your birthmark is darker and more extensive, you may seek treatment from a surgeon. They can execute anesthesia to make it painless for you if the operation would require blades. Surgically removing a birthmark may result in scarring, so post-treatments for your skin are necessary, as the application of topical creams and gels. 

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#6. Psoriasis 

Psoriasis appears like skin patches, and these could be found in almost anyone. A woman is more likely to develop it or have a flare-up at specific points in her life. During puberty, for example, and for women going through menopause or those who just gave birth to a baby, Psoriasis often gets worse in these stages. And, immensely, unfortunately, hormone and mood swings often contribute to its flare-up. The more you feel disturbed about having them, the more they become visible and harder to treat. 

How To Treat

Treatment for psoriasis aims to remove scales in the skin and stop skin cells from growing uncontrollably. There are three kinds of medicine: topical, light therapy, oral medications, and ingestions.  

Here are some effective treatments: 

1. Excimer Laser

The UVB light is delivered directly to the affected area by executing this type of light therapy. Since excimer laser is more powerful than conventional phototherapies, you’ll only be required to have lesser sessions for it. After a few sessions, you should expect to have a few blisters and redness on your skin. 

2. Retinoids 

Retinoids address more skin issues apart from psoriasis. However, their gel and cream form are also effective in treating this ailment. You can apply them once a day, and you may probably feel a bit of tinge on the skin when you’re exposed to light, so try to stay indoors while on medication. 

3. Salicylic Acid

This standard remedy can help with alleviating skin scaling due to this condition. Some products contain salicylic acid, but it’ll also work effectively if you wish to use it solely. 

4. Anthralin

Anthralin is a tar product that decreases the growth of skin cells. It also contributes to making your skin appear smoother and getting rid of scales. However, note that this cream shouldn’t be applied to the face as it’s more sensitive. Simply leave it on for a while, and then wash it off right away. 

5. Sunlight

Being exposed to natural sunlight is beneficial in treating psoriasis. However, this therapy should be consulted first with your dermatologist to ensure that you’re doing it the right way. 

6. Steroids

This medication is applicable for people who are only suffering from small patches of psoriasis. Triamcinolone could be advised to be injected into the affected area, and you’ll be seeing positive effects after a while. 


Looking good and feeling good starts with taking extra care of your skin. Knowing the different skin problems most women face will help you understand them more and significantly alleviate them. The most important thing is to have them checked by your doctor and devise the best treatment as early as possible.


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