Top 5 Essential Oils for Massage Therapy

Top 5 Essential Oils for Massage Therapy

If you feel tired, stressed out and drained by the end of the day then you must do something that makes you feel fresh and active. The most effective thing which can make you active and energetic after a tiring day is a massage therapy. There are innumerable benefits of massage therapy which have compelled the people to take a massage. It is not only beneficial for the physical and mental health of the person but it also has a positive impact on the well-being of the person. It is very effective in combatting insomnia due to stress.  There are many types of massages in which many different techniques are used. It is an effective and alternative treatment for reducing stress, muscle tension, pain, and anxiety. In order to improve your self-esteem and to make yourself confident you should take a massage at least once a week. Essential oils play a significant role in improving the sense of well-being. It is effective in tightening your hanging skin, reducing stress and anxiety and for many other things. Essential oil massage is very beneficial for making your mind and body healthy. Some of the essential oils for massage therapy are as follows.

Essential Oils for Massage Therapy

Avocado Oil:

Avocado oil is highly penetrating and absorbing oil. It has a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and other elements which are beneficial for your skin and body. The high quantity of vitamin A, D and E play a vital role in making your skin radiant and glowing. People with dry and dull skin should take avocado oil massage. It is very effective in treating tan and damaged skin. The avocado oil regenerates the skin cells and makes the skin beautiful and attractive.  Avocado oil is well-known for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-wrinkle properties. The strong and pleasing aroma of avocado oil is very good for making you feel calm and relax. The regenerative and reconstructive properties of the avocado oil are very good in making your skin beautiful and stunning. It disappears the signs and symptoms of aging and makes the skin soft and silky. Avocado oil massage also plays a vital role in improving your metabolism. In order to have beautiful and stunning skin and to feel relax and calm you should take avocado oil massage at least once or twice a month. This will make you feel relax and happy.

5 Essential Oils for Massage Therapy

Jojoba Oil:

Have you ever wonder that why jojoba oil is present in most of the skincare and beauty products. It is because of the reason that jojoba oil is very good and beneficial for the skin. Jojoba oil is actually a wax which is extracted from seeds of the jojoba plant. The anti-bacterial properties in jojoba oil prevent you from different infections and diseases. It is very good for the people who have acne on their skin. The jojoba oil massage reduces the acne and disappears the marks and scars of the acne and pimples. The light and silky texture of the jojoba oil allows it to absorb easily and deeply into your skin. The high content of vitamin E in jojoba oil plays a very effective role in making your skin beautiful and glowing. If you are taking a massage for making your skin beautiful and for making you feel fresh and relax then you should take jojoba oil massage. The jojoba oil massage prevents your body from different infections and diseases as the antibacterial properties in the jojoba oil fights off germs and bacteria. Therefore, in order to have a healthy body and beautiful skin, you should take jojoba oil massage.

Clove Oil:

There are countless benefits which are attributed to clove oil. The antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties of clove oil make it one of the most beneficial essential oils. The clove oil is used in treating a number of diseases and problems. It is obligatory to have clove oil in every house as it has a number of benefits. The clove oil can be very effective in treating a wide range of health issues including skin issues, headache, asthma, congestion, and others. The clove oil massage plays a significant role in making you healthy and robust. The clove oil massage therapy reduces a headache and stress to a greater extent. In order to get rid of the stress and anxiety, you should take a clove oil massage. If you have too many wrinkles and dark spots on your skin then clove oil massage can reduce your wrinkles in a short amount of time. It prevents your body from different infections and the aroma of the clove oil induces relaxation in your mind and body. Instead of taking the massage with expensive and costly creams and lotions, you should take massage from clove oil.

Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil is the most used essential oil in the world because of its countless benefits. People are using lavender oil for many decades. The innumerable benefits of lavender oil have compelled the people to use this oil for various purposes. The powerful antimicrobial, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties of clove oil are very beneficial for everyone as these properties prevents the body from different bacteria and viruses. The calming and sedative properties of lavender oil relax the body and also reduce stress and anxiety level in the body. If you are always tired and stressed out then you should take a lavender oil massage because lavender oil can induce relaxation in the body and make you feel calm and elevated. The massage therapy from lavender oil is very effective in reducing pain and irritation in the body. The lavender oil massage can alleviate a headache, relieve pain, reduce acne and pimples, improve cognitive skills, heal wounds and burns in a short amount of time and reduce stress and anxiety level in the body. Therefore, whenever you feel tired and dull you should take lavender oil. The comfortable massage chair can make the lavender oil massage more effective and beneficial. Navigate here. Therefore, you should take massage while sitting on the cozy and comfortable massage chair.

Geranium Oil:

The geranium essential oil is widely known for its sedative and calming properties. The fragrance of the geranium oil is very effective in making you feel fresh and uplifted. You will suddenly feel active and relaxed after taking massage from geranium oil. In order to have relaxed body and mind and to reduce anxiety and stress level, you should take a massage from geranium oil. The geranium oil is also very effective in regenerating and rejuvenating the dead and damaged skin cells of the body. It plays a significant role in nourishing your skin by regenerating the dead and damaged cells of your skin. The geranium oil massage is very good for improving blood and lymph circulation in the body. It also improves your nervous system and improves your cognitive skills. The geranium oil can help in relaxation and in boosting the energy level of your body which increases your stamina. In order induce relaxation and have proper sleep at night you should take geranium oil massage at least once or twice a month. It will make your muscles and bones strong and sturdy and also make you feel relax and uplifted.

Author Bio:

Sara is a psychologist by profession, and she loves massage therapies. She enjoys home-based work and traveling. She is obsessed with massage chair therapies and other relaxing techniques. She regularly writes blogs at my massage chair.