Top 5 Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Top 5 Benefits of Medical Marijuana

There are many uses for the schedule 1 drug marijuana. Medical marijuana consists of the marijuana plant or chemicals taken from the plant. Cannabis is the active chemical inside the marijuana plant. It mimics similar chemicals within the body, and these chemicals are involved in things such as memory, appetite, pain, and movement.

There has been very little research done on the plant. With such little knowledge, medical personnel feels that they cannot refute such claims, nor can they prove these claims correct. Many believe that the drug can treat almost any ailment. Many states have approved the drug for medical use, and in some cases recreationally as well.

Whether it is for medical purposes or recreational ones, is unclear though this increase is giving rise to serious public health concerns. Getting a MMJ card would be an ideal step to take if you are a regular user, Onlinemedicalcard can help you in this regard.

Helps Control Epileptic Seizures 

Studies show that Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC binds to specific brain cells. These brain cells regulate relaxation and control excitability.

Experiments on rats with epilepsy show the drug stopped the seizures in ten hours. THC has proven to help control epileptic seizures with a low dosage of CBD.


CBD or as it is more commonly known Cannabidiol is one of the many chemicals found in marijuana. Cannabidiols are not the same as THC, because CBD is not psychoactive.

CBD is only prescribed to patients when regular medication does not affect the seizures. When the ketogenic diet isn’t an option, then CBD may be prescribed to the patient with epilepsy.

Research is Needed 

Patients with epilepsy sometimes tell their doctors that using marijuana stops their seizures. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough research on the plant. Doctors need a  license to study marijuana. There are many studies throughout the world, investigating whether CBD helps with seizures.

Are There Negative Effects?

The CBD treatment for epilepsy also has side effects. The drug affects a person’s memory; they can miss doses. The strength of the drug can vary depending on how it is taken. If marijuana is smoked, it could negatively affect your lungs. Eating the CBD may not have such a side effect.

Reduces Pain and Nausea Caused by Chemotherapy 

The most common use of medical marijuana is for the pain and nausea that chemotherapy creates. People who go through chemo suffer from nausea, pain, vomiting, and an extreme loss of appetite.

THC Can Help

THC helps improve the side effects of chemotherapy. THC decreases pain, reduces nausea, and stimulates a person’s appetite. If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, you may want to check out ilovegrowingmarijuana .

Chemo has a lot of harmful side effects on those who have cancer. Marijuana cannot help with all the side effects such as hair loss, fatigue, or anemia. The drug does help with the more severe side effects.

Scientifically Proven 

Scientists have found that people with chronic pain sometimes find relief after smoking cannabis. It is believed that THC binds the pain receptors in the body and eases inflammation.

Marijuana blocks pathways in the brain that causes nausea and vomiting. It also stimulates a receptor that reduces nausea.

Decelerates the Progression of Alzheimer’s 

THC reduces beta amyloids in the brain. Scientists believe beta amyloids cause the development of neurodegenerative disease. Scientists believe cannabis affects the inflammation and the production of beta-amyloid. 

These findings are still in the preliminary stages of the investigation. For more conclusive results, there is an obvious need for more clinical trials.  

Inflammation Reduction 

One must keep in mind that just because the plant helps, it does not mean everyone can use it. Alzheimer’s damages the brain, causing brain cells to die and the brain to inflame. Studies show that THC can help protect the brain. THC treats the inflammation and prevents the cells from dying.

A Wide Array of Benefits

THC can also treat dementia the same way it treats Alzheimer’s. Cannabis also treats the anxiety and aggression caused by the disease. There are many studies to see how the plant affects other conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

The Studies Continue 

There are more extensive studies for people with Alzheimer’s. These studies help doctors determine how effective the drug is. They also wish to find out whether the usage of marijuana is safe, both medically and recreationally.

Treatment of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness all over the world. Studies show that marijuana or cannabis reduces intraocular pressure. Although scientists are still unsure about how marijuana treats glaucoma.

IOP Reduction 

Marijuana reduces IOP. IOP (intraocular pressure) is the main symptom of glaucoma. Any cannabis-based medication reduces the IOP, thus treating glaucoma and preventing blindness.

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, which could lead to total blindness over time. Marijuana or CBD is a less expensive treatment than the traditional treatment for glaucoma. Currently, it is not an FDA-approved treatment for glaucoma.

The Controversy 

There is a lot of speculation on whether marijuana can be used as an actual treatment for glaucoma. Many believe that the drug cannot effectively treat the condition. Scientists have proved that the compound treats the pressure on the eyes.

Other studies believe that to treat the IOP effectively; one must use marijuana up to eight times a day. The health issues this would cause are severe. The CBD will affect the mood, coordination, blood flow, and memory of the patient.

Preventing Cancer Cells from Spreading

Cannabis stops the spread of cancer cells by turning off a gene called Id-1. THC is also found to block tumor blood supplies. THC stops cancer cells from spreading to healthy tissue. 

Slows Tumor Growth 

Although other anti-cancer treatments are still needed, The American Association for Cancer Research has determined that marijuana slows down tumor growth. Especially in the lungs, brain, and breasts.

The Research 

There are no clinical trials currently testing the use of CBD for cancer treatment. Side effects of this compound may not be lethal. Certain people who are sensitive to CBD may experience severe side effects.

What are the Adverse Effects?

These side effects include constipation, red coloration of the eyes, hypotension, and tachycardia. There is a low risk of addiction. Some patients do show signs of withdrawal after they stopped using this substance.

Symptoms of withdrawal are nausea, insomnia, irritability, and hot flashes. Although this is very unlikely to happen, it is still possible.

To Sum it Up 

There is a wide range of medicinal uses for marijuana, including treatment of diseases or treating the side effects of other medications. THC is one of the main chemicals that help treat these diseases.

CBD is also a chemical that comes from the marijuana plant that treats certain diseases.  This compound and THC can treat the pain and nausea caused by chemotherapy. They also help treat diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and possibly schizophrenia.

CBD and THC are found to prevent certain types of tumor cells from growing, stopping cancer in its tracks. Medical marijuana is beneficial in treating diseases and ailments. Researchers are still studying all the medicinal uses of the cannabis plant.


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