Top 20 Hair Treatments for All Types of Hair Loss

Top 20 Hair Treatments

The hair is an important part of the body. Beautiful hair means beautiful you. All of us lose lots of hair strands every single day. Losing up to 100 strands in a day is normal. If a person loses more than 100 stands every single day, he or she must take a treatment or try a home remedy to stop the hair loss. In this topic, we will shed light on the top 20 hair loss remedies and treatments.

Main Points Discussed

  • What is Hair Loss?
  • What Causes Hair Loss?
  • Home Remedies and Treatments to Stop Hair Loss
  • Which Remedy or Treatment is Better for You
  • We Can Solve Your Problem!

What is Hair Loss?

The hair loss simply means the fall of hair. It is a common practice to lose some hair every single day. It is normal if we lose up to 100 strands in a day. If a person loses more than 100 stands every single day is known as an abnormal loss.It becomes necessary for the persons facing abnormal loss to take a treatment or try a home remedy to stop the hair loss. Failing which, the person may lose all of the hair one day.

What Causes Hair Loss?

The hair loss is more common in men than the women. The hair loss problem arises due to many reasons. In this part, we will shed light on some of the notable hair loss reasons.

Physical and emotional stress often causes hair loss. Moreover, it is also true that the pregnancy can also cause hair loss. There can be hereditary reasons as well. Another famous reason for this issue is the lack of proteins. Iron is an important nutrient for hair health the lack of red-blood cells in the blood often causes iron-deficient anemia.

Home Remedies and Treatments to Stop Hair Loss

Now coming to the actual topic. The people facing abnormal hair loss should try a home remedy or hair loss treatment to stop losing hair. Otherwise, all hair will go one by one. Let’s start discussing the top 20 hair loss treatments and home remedies.

  1. Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a medicine that is famous for stopping abnormal hair loss. It is available in the market in the form of foam or liquid. If we rub this medicine on the scalp twice a day. It is a proven fact that it helps in the regrowth of the hair. The results delivered by Minoxidil are temporary in nature. The time you stop using it, the problem will start again.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a famous plant that contains growth factors. It contains enzymes that are famous for enhancing the growth of the hair. Naturally, Aloe Verais found in the form of agel. It can be applied to the scalp as it is. Moreover, we can eat one teaspoon on an empty stomach. It contains an enzyme known as “proteolytic” that can repair the dead skin cells in the scalp.

  1. Jojoba Oil

jojoba oil

The use of jojoba oil has long been used to treat hair fall issue. Just like all other hair oils, we can rub it on the scalp and the hair. Using this oil on the part of the scalp where you have less hair can deliver amazing hair growth results.

  1. Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is often used to treat this issue. It is the very common home remedy. Saw palmetto blocks the formation of dihydrotestosterone hormone. It is a hormone that kills all the hair follicles and causes serious hair loss.It is often the main reason for alopecia. You can achieve a significant improvement in the hair growth by using it.

  1. Rosemary

The use of rosemary is also an old home remedy to address this issue. Its use for the health of the hair is centuries old. Rosemary is a woody and perennial herb with fragrant. It delivers good hair growth results when used with almond oil. After mixing Rosemary and Almond Oil, themixture can be applied directly to the scalp.

  1. Emu Oil

Emu Oil is a common hair loss treatment oil. It moisturises and stimulates the hair growth in the follicles.The alternative healers often recommend this oil for the hair problem. The oil is good for the hair and scalp so that it can be applied directly to the scalp and hair.

  1. Licorice

Just like saw palmetto, licorice also prevents the formation of dihydrotestosterone. We have discussed above the drawbacks of dihydrotestosterone – the hormone that causes damage and kills the hair follicle. The hormone testosterone forms it. By using licorice, we can stop the testosterone to become dihydrotestosterone.

  1. Safflower


Safflower is agood way to increase the circulation. So adding it to the regular diet is a good idea. It is known to be a good vasodilator. One of the main functions it performs is to clear the blood vessels in the scalp.By opening up the blood vessels, the pressure of blood decreases. As a result, the supply of blood and oxygen throughout the scalp increases.

  1. Coconut Oil Massage

coconut oil

Using coconut oil after heating it is also good for the hair growth. The use of this oil is very common all over the world. It is due to the reason that it is famous for its hair growth properties. By applying and massaging it on the scalp, we can achieve an increased flow of blood to the hair follicles.

  1. Corticosteroids

It is a medicine that contains an important hormone which suppresses the immune system. As a result, the relief form alopecia areata. It is normally taken in the form of topical creams or ointments. It can also be taken in the form of an injection. A noteworthy improvement can be achieved to stop the hair loss if we take it several times in a month.

  1. Ultra-violet Light Treatment

If you are serious about solving the hair fall issue, you should try ultra-violet light treatment. It is a kind of light therapy that is performed twice of thrice a week. This treatment works slowly but delivers long-lasting results. This procedure makes use of a laser light; so there are some health risks. That is why it is not a common treatment.

  1. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Experts often suggest hormone replacement therapy to address this issue. It is often recommended to the women for post-menopause hair loss problem. In this procedure, the patient is given with progesterone and estrogen through tablets, patches, or creams. It is a good cure for the people who are a victim of pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.

  1. Hair Transplantation

One of the best options includes the hair transplant treatment. The hair transplantation has now become very easy due to the advent of latest technology. That is why more and more people are now taking the plunge. Your own hair will be taken from any part of the head and the body to transplant at a particular area on the head.

  1. Better Blood Circulation

The lack of blood circulation in the body causes some problems. One of the problems caused by the stoppage of blood circulation is the hair loss. If we maintain a constant blood circulation in the body, we can stop the hair loss problem.

  1. Vitamins and Minerals

Some vitamins and minerals are good for the hair growth. Iron is an important component that is needed by the body. It plays an important role in the growth of the hair. The Vitamin ‘B’ is another important component. Biotin, a form of vitamin increased the growth of the hair and enhanced the overall health of the hair. If your body lacks such essential vitamins and minerals, take the food that contains such elements or use quality products that can provide the same.

  1. Potassium-rich Foods

The foods rich in potassium can also solve the abnormal hair fall. For example, banana is the fruit that contains potassium,and it is good for the hair regrowth. By using the food or products that contain potassium, we can not only improve the circulation of the blood to the scalp but also manages the fluid balance in the body. Eventually, the cellsand the follicles get what they need to do well.

  1. Healthy Diet

Adopting a healthy diet is of utmost importance for a healthy body. The reason behind the hair loss could be apoor diet. It is important to mention here that crash dieting is not good for your health. It through the hormones of the body out of balance. The balance of the hormones is very important for the smooth functioning of the body. In the absence of hormonal balance, testosterone changes to dihydrotestosterone; hence follicle cells die down.

  1. Aromatherapy & Meditation

Aromatherapy and meditation can also help in reducing the hair fall. The hormonal balance badly disturbs when we are under depression and anxiety. It is important to note that you should be in a good mental health to be in a good physical health. Aromatherapy and meditation are good options to alleviate the depression and stress. In other words, anxiety and depression can indirectly affect the health of your hair. Use meditation or aromatherapy techniques if your hair loss is linked to depression and anxiety.

  1. Indian Gooseberry

The use of Indian gooseberry is a proven method to restore the hair growth. It has good massive benefits for the hair and the scalp. Gooseberry contains tannins, vitamin C, antioxidants, kaempferol, flavonoids, and Gallic acid. All these nutrients improve the texture and health of the hair. In other words, many hair related issues can be solved by using it.

  1. Egg Mask

The egg has long been used to improve the health of the hair. Eggs are famous for providing our body with the important proteins, sulphur, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and iodine. All these important components are beneficial for the eggs. If you are serious about making your hair strong and healthy, use egg mask on the scalp every week.

Which Remedy or Treatment is Better for You

Everyone desires thick, long, and lustrous hair. Unfortunately, we do not find much time to take care of the hair properly. As a result, the hair suffers from many problems. The home remedies and advanced treatments mentioned in this paperwork for most of the people. If you want guaranteed results, contact Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic now.

We Can Solve Your Problem!

Hair replacement Dubai clinic is the leading destination for hair problems. We offer the latest treatments to cure hair loss. If you are facing the hair fall issue, do not delay the hair fall treatment. If home remedies and other treatments mentioned in this topic do not work for you, do not worry.

The hair transplant is now easier than ever and that too at a low cost. Contact us today and know your options. If you want to know more about your treatment options, please fill the short online form and qualify for a free online consultation and exciting discounts.