Top 10 Health Benefits of Reflexology

Top 10 Health Benefits of Reflexology

Top 10 Health Benefits of Reflexology

One cannot underestimate the benefits of reflexology to the health of a human being. Reflexology is the system of massage where all the body parts stimulate beginning from the head, hands, and feet to create a healing effect on the entire body of a person.

Without reflexology, people would be a sick day in day out as a result of foot, heel and other forms of pain. Many benefits come along with reflexology, without it there would be more medical health problems.

At some point, each one of us requires a massager to enjoy the benefits of true reflexology. Reflexology treatment does not stop at that! It also helps in healing severe migraines, sinus issues, neuropathy, constipation disorders, stress, and cognitive disorders among many more. This article explores the benefits that you can enjoy reflexology. The origin of reflexology dates back to the ancient Chinese and Egyptian times.Joint Advance, Joint Advance Reviews, Joint Advance Buy

You know that your feet carry your whole body, this means that it has to receive a lot of tender care, but most often we forget about our beautiful feet. The “heart” of reflexology lies in our feet. Most people care so much about the upper part of the body, meaning the feet are always isolated, after reading the benefits you will not ignore your feet again. Below we explain the more benefitsyou need to understand.

1.    Quick recovery of Injuries

An injury is usually quite devastating and painful for anyone, and it can happen accidentally or during sports activities that you engage in. It can also be a minor or a significant injury depending on the impact of force.

For all types of injuries, one can use a massager that works well in all the circumstances. The massage soothes pain within a relatively short amount of time as compared to when messages do not happen at all. Often, this used for athletics that get injured in the middle of a match. Team doctors use the strategy to increase the player’s endurance.

We have all seen big league matches, such as when Christiano Ronaldo is playing and gets a minor injury. The doctors do quick massages along with dressing the wounds so that the player gets into play within the shortest time possible. Eventually, players finish games amidst threats of injury; sometimes teams even go on to win. For anyone who watches football, you must have seen this happen.

Usually, the effort combines the ability of a doctor and that of a massage therapist. As we know, the feet, glands, and organs work in a reflex action, meaning when a foot injury, every other part of the body suffers.

2.    Faster Blood circulation

When blood is not flowing effectively in the body, legs become numb which reduces one’s ability to move from one point to another or even move legs. There is a direct association between reflexology and blood circulation in the sense that if the flow is not working correctly, someone suffers greatly.

Let us use an example of a sportsman again. Many at times athletes wear tight clothes and shoes which strains blood flow in the body but with a massage done utilizing a massager for plantar fasciitis, blood flow increases. With the massage, players recover quickly after tough matches.

3.    Quality sleep

Is quality sleep always eluding you after long walks or extensive standing periods? That means you need a message on the feet that enables one to relax. Our body has many reflex points that contribute to the quality of sleep.

These points are found in the ears, hands, the face and ears. Over the decades, getting massages added to the quality of sleep after severe strains on feet. One ought to consider accessing massage parlors after long days of pressure for quick relaxation and rejuvenation.

4.    Nerve treatment

Since Ancient Egypt, reflexology has evolvedas a critical way of curing afflictions. One crucial area is nerve treatment. Nerves are sensitive and need soothing, and when not cared for, it can lead to insensitivity. Reflexology comes in handy to increase the reactivity and functionality of these nerves. With one touch point, more than 15,000 nerve endings stimulate at once which cleans someone’s neural pathway with that particular touch.

5.    Reduced Depression

The human mind always fights against mental problems. Some of the issues include stress and depression. For avoidance and reduction of these problems, 2-3 minutes of massage on pressure points each day goes a long way in triggering consistent blood flow which in turn contributes to reduced depression and stress.Fibromyalgia Treatment revi

6.    General Relaxation

As human beings, we all need rest and as we know rest brings relaxation. Before retiring to bed after a long day, 5-10 minutes of massage with a massager goes a long way in creating a relaxation mood. That sets the pace for an overnight rest where the mind is rejuvenated. For people with insomnia, message activity is of great significance and reduces the lag time before they fall asleep.

7.    Cancer Treatment

Cancer is scary for everyone, patients with this condition typically experience stigma and sometimes even rejection or trauma. With a regular massage, cancer patients ease up through reduced anxiety. Massage works by stimulating antioxidants that kill cancer cells. At the same time, vomiting minimizes a lot as a result of chemotherapy that is usually painful cuts when patients receive massage.

8.    Smooth pregnancy

Pregnancy experience is hectic and turbulent for women. With unpredicted fetal movements, mothers are bound to experience significant discomfort during their pregnancy. Reflexology uses noninvasive healing techniques to create a balancing effect in a mother’s pregnancy.

The massages help mothers attain hormonal balance as well, which eventually reduces the stress of carrying the pregnancy. Besides, mothers benefit from eased breathing which brings relaxation to their body and mind too!

9.    Increased metabolism

A relaxed mind and body guarantee effective digestion of food which improves overall metabolism. That means one has to engage the right mood for food digestion and absorption which helps supply critical nutrients at a reasonable rate into the body.

To activate the body metabolism, you can choose one of the many ways. Some of the examples include meditation, yoga or a massage session. In the end, one reduces adverse effects such as overeating which could eventually result in more harms such as obesity.

10.    Body Pain Relieve

No one likes to have pain! Reflexology reduces various types of pain in the human body. An example of this pain is back painting, severe migraines, frequent headaches, and neck or spinal pain.

Anxiety can cause a significant amount of discomfort in someone’s body, but luckily, reflexology works to relieve these pains. The feet are the epicenter where stimulation of glands and nerves begin from during pain infliction.


Reflexology plays a crucial role in everyone’s life. You can accelerate healing of injuries, get quality sleep or treat your nerves by stimulating them from the feet. Furthermore, you can get better blood flow, cut depression, eased pregnancy among many other benefits.Nerve Renew Order Now

Always when doing a message take note of pressure points such as center big toe, a ball of the foot, the bottom of big toe and foot of center toe. What is quite impressive is that the foot controls many parts of the human body including the glands, the digestive system, the brain, the respiratory system and the reproductive system. That means our entire body system is dependent on reflexology.