The Hope of Beating Cancer Kindles in The Heart – Let’s Not Give up Yet

beating cancer kindles in the heart

The hope of beating cancer kindles in the heart – let’s not give up yet

We are still battling against cancer and it is one battle that humanity is fighting with all its might. Every year millions of dollars go into the research for cancer. The scientists are yet to solve the remedy to this fatal disease that takes thousands of lives. The thousands, who lose their battle to cancer. With the advancement and progression in science and medicine, new drugs have been circulating the pharma world, but there is a monopoly.

Monopoly in the market at times causes the treatment not being in the best interest of the patient. The thought naturally come in as how is the treatment not in the best interest of the patient? Due to the monopoly in the pharma world, only a handful of drug companies manufacture the drugs required to treat patients with cancer.That is why the prices are not affordable to all the patients.The drug companies gain huge profits because of their scheming. The patients have no option at all to choose other options in treating cancer.

The trusted insurance companies try to control the expenses; the cruelty of the corporate world

In such scenarios, where the cost of the chemo treatment drugs is expensive; the insurance companies try and check the cost of the treatment. This is “expense control” in the insurance industry. All these schemes of the pharma world and the insurance industry leave patients with little option and follow the usual care routine.

The doctors have nothing to do with it -just as the patients have little option; the doctors also face the same condition. The insurance companies and the drug manufacturers have already set the protocols for the doctors to follow.  Here, the doctors follow the guidelines while treating the patients, which at times may not be in the best interest of the patients.

The oncologists, on the other hand, see a window to increase their income. They also sell the chemotherapy drugs prescribed by the oncologists. The oncologists buy the drugs from the manufacturers at a wholesale price and mark their price high. The patients instead of getting the drugs from the pharmacies directly get it from the oncologists.

The doctors are prescribing drugs that are earning money for them, while the oncologists prescribe drugs that make a huge profit. The common man literally has no other option to treatment.

beating cancer

Think complementary care to cope up with the chemo treatments

Complementary care treatment concentrates on the total well-being of the whole body. So, during chemotherapy, if the entire body is functioning correctly, the body has a better chance of healing.Complementary care treatments work alongside conventional therapies. This treatment is promising and helps patients with their side effects due to chemotherapy. How the patient feels during and after the treatment is important and it also plays a pertinent role in the recovery of the patient.

The primary goal of complementary care is reducing stress and making the patient relaxed. It calms the emotions, relieving anxiety and increases the general well-being of the patient. The idea that positive emotions help the patient living a better life also gets support from researchers, doctors,and nurses of the particular field.

In short, one can choose complementary care therapy alongside ongoing conventional treatment. The therapies help to cope up with day to day life better and treat the side effects due to the traditional treatment. Cancer is not only fatal, but it also has the strength to break a strong mind. It is foremost important to gain control over the mind than anything else.

Free yourself from the side effects and the stress

With the ongoing treatments, many patients have reported that complementary care helps them to sleep better at night. Insomnia is one of the side effects of chemotherapy along with hot flashes and pain. The patient is also relieved from the agonizing pain in due time after opting for the right complementary care therapy.

For instance, acupuncture relieves the patient of the sickness and nausea that a patient feels after a session of chemotherapy. At several times the doctors and the oncologists do not consider what the patient feels during the treatment of cancer. The patients have no control over their treatment. But, in complementary care, the patient has control to choose and a bonding relationship with the therapist. That uplifts the mood of the patient.

The complementary care of therapies is natural and non-toxic. There are many types of complementary care therapies that one can choose from to feel better.

  • Yoga
  • Massage therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal medicine
  • Visualization

These therapies help the patients to tone down their overall condition and feel better. Aromatherapy naturally relaxes the mind and brings in positive vibes. Every alternative treatment benefits the patients in treating one side effect or a multiple of side effects due to the radiotherapy and the chemotherapy used in treating cancer. One can get in touch with Dr Sadlon Alternative Medicine Rochester NY to know their options.

There is a specific group of researchers and doctors who do not support complementary care treatments because there has not been extensive research in the said field. So it becomes often unconventional to the medical practitioners. But what they fail to accept is that the patient feels better after such therapies. Plus, there is a probability that it might aggravate the symptoms and side effects of chemotherapy. Till date, the experts and professionals have not found such complaints reported by the patients and their families, but the probability remains.

The only concern is to live a healthy, pain-free long life

Whether one chooses complementary care therapy or not is entirely up to the patient. Staying positive during the treatment of cancer is very necessary and broken minds affects the body more than any ailment can affect it.

The positive outlook of the patient helps in coping a better life. Some patients find their betterment in complementary care therapies and live with the hope for a better future. The positivity helps them to fight for tomorrow. Moreover, the journey also eases out for the patient who is always in pain and have other issues that make life miserable.


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