The Complete Guide On Skin Whitening and Anal Bleaching 2018

The Complete Guide On Skin Whitening and Anal Bleaching 2018

Since time began, mankind has been obsessed about having a white complexion. White skin has always been associated with beauty: the whiter your color is, the more pleasing you are to other people.

Some people might call it a cultural bias but the love affair with white skin is true and real. It has become the anchor of a lucrative skin whitening industry with an estimated worth of around $31 billion by the year 2024 according to a research firm.Purebody buy

Who’s fond of skin whitening?

The obsession with skin whitening can be considered a global phenomenon. Countless people all over the world would want their skin to be fair. Skin whitening is particularly popular in Asia, where most people have skin darker than those living in other continents like Europe and North America.

In India, for instance, white skin has traditionally been associated with beauty, desirability, and power. Throughout the country, beauty parlors have a common come-on: “Let’s scrub out your tan” which emphasize the belief that only people with fair skin are beautiful.

The same goes for other Asian countries like Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia where fair-complexioned individuals are widely considered more attractive than those with sun-kissed skin. Countries like China and Japan are also seeing an increase in the number of people who use skin-whitening products.

African countries also have people who are fond of using whitening creams. One recent study showed that 77 percent of the women in Nigeria use skin-lightening agents while 59 percent of women in Togo do the same.

Skin whitening is not only popular in countries where people have predominantly dark complexion. Even Caucasians are bleaching themselves particularly in their private areas such as their anus. Anal bleaching is not only exclusive to porn stars and strippers. Celebrities and ordinary individuals are now hopping into the anal bleaching bandwagon with the desire to lighten the dark areas around their anus and make themselves more presentable to their partners.

What is anal bleaching?

Anal bleaching pertains to a treatment process designed to lighten the skin around the anus. The process can help increase one’s confidence and please his/her partner during sex. Others opt to undergo the treatment process because they want an even skin tone so they can have more confidence in wearing thongs, bikinis, and G-strings.

Anal bleaching has become very popular following the rise of Brazilian waxes in women. Ladies started to notice that their anuses are darker than other parts of the body. While this is normal due to a combination of factors such as genetics, lack of ventilation in the area, moisture, sweat, and friction, many people find it disturbing. They fear that their partners might lose interest in them after seeing their dark anuses.

Whitening of the intimate areas of the body was once only done by porn stars and strippers but it has slowly become mainstream. Celebrities have also confessed to doing it, thereby helping other people realize that it’s a topic that should not be considered taboo. Reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian admitted undergoing the procedure during one of the episodes of “Kourtney and Khloe Take on Miami”. Actor Sacha Baron Cohen also had his anus treated during the filming of the movie “Bruno.”

Where are anus whitening treatments done?

Lightening your backdoor may involve a medical procedure performed in a salon or office, or by the use of products like topical creams and lotions which can be applied at home.

Just like other skin whitening procedures such as laser skin whitening surgery, anus whitening procedures are done in the clinic of an aesthetician or cosmetic surgeon. The procedure takes a couple of hours. Depending on the treatment option, the individual wanting to have a white anus may have to go through several sessions to achieve satisfactory results. The process also typically involves the use of local anesthetic topical cream and injection of anesthesia.

However, facility treatments are quite expensive for ordinary Joes and Janes. Many people have also expressed discomfort in having to bare themselves in front of a complete stranger. Others find the idea of having to go to an unfamiliar place to strip naked weird. All of these scenarios have made home skin whitening treatments very popular because people wanting to lighten their skin down there can now do so in the privacy of their own homes.Zeta White, Zeta White Reviews, Zeta white skin lightening cream, Zeta white skin whitening cream, Zeta white skin lightening & whitening cream, Zeta skin lightening cream

Then there’s the risk of getting an infection or other ailments like herpes especially if the treatment is done in a dirty boutique or spa. Other risks involved in undergoing anus whitening session include strictures that can make the anus opening smaller and thus causing difficult bowel movements.

Moreover, anal bleaching conducted in spas and clinics don’t yield permanent results. The darker pigmentation may always come back.

These factors have made home anal bleaching solutions very popular these days. People are simply more comfortable to apply creams and lotions on their sensitive areas than to have a complete stranger perform skin lightening procedure on them. And the relatively affordable costs of anal bleaching products have made the use of these items a no-brainer for many individuals.

Anal Bleaching at Home– How to do it?

There are plenty of anal bleaching solutions designed for home use. Regardless of the anal whitening product you are interested in using, it is important to first conduct a research on how it works so you won’t be wasting your hard-earned money.

In a nutshell, skin whitening and anal bleaching by reducing melanin, the pigment that is responsible for giving the skin a brown color. When the skin stops producing melanin, a lighter skin tone is soon revealed.

Skin whitening and anal bleaching products differ in terms of ingredients but there are similarities in using them. Here are some general instructions for using skin whitening and anal bleaching solutions:

1. Prepare the skin to be lightened

Clean the rectal area with soap and warm water then pat it dry. Some products recommend the use of an exfoliating scrub or loofah to remove excess, old skin. However, use of such should be gentle as most bleaching creams or solutions are not designed to be applied to broken skin.

2. Apply the cream

Apply the anal bleaching or skin whitening cream in the area and rub it in circular motions until it is fully absorbed by the skin.

3. Know when to stop

Not all anal bleaching solutions are free of side effects such as inflammation of the butt. Use of the product should be discontinued if any of these effects including itching, stinging, and burning sensation in the anal area persist.Cleara Bella, Cleara Bella Reviews

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of anal whitening products advertised for home use. But only a few are considered to be as safe and effective as Intilight. This skin whitening and anal bleaching cream is free from harmful and harsh chemicals. It is completely natural and hypoallergenic. Gentle yet strong enough to lighten the darkest areas of the anus, Intilight bleaching cream can work on all types and colors of skin. It can also be used in other parts of the body which you want to have a lighter hue. Intilight is the dermatologist-developed anal bleaching solution that you can trust with 1,000’s sold nationwide over the last 6 years.

whether it in the expo your body or down there.