The Bride Diet: How to Lose Weight for a Wedding

The Bride Diet: How to Lose Weight for a Wedding

Weight is a reoccurring issue to most brides and is cause for concern to the majority of women preparing for their big day. Though major changes can’t be made in a matter for weeks, there are healthy ways to shed pounds before walking down the aisle.

Here at Health Kart Club we have provided you with 5 quick tips to help you quickly shed weight so that you can look and feel your best on your wedding day. Continue reading to find out more.

Keep it simple

Don’t stress yourself trying to shed weight and don’t make your weight the center of your wedding planning world. You will drive yourself crazy if you do otherwise.

The goal here is to look and feel your best. That is possible to do without taking drastic measures like starving yourself or going on those crazy all liquid cleanse diets. If you want that bridal glow when walking down the aisle then it is important to maintain a healthy fitness and nutrition routine. Start with small goals such as cutting out soda and eliminating processed foods while cutting back on sugars, starches, and sodium to reduce bloat.You will notice a difference in how you feel almost immediately.

Make sure that you are getting the proper amount of sleep every night as lack of sleep is associated with weight gain. A lack of sleep changes hormones that work with your hunger and appetite making you grace the most unhealthiest of foods. It also depletes the body of the necessary hormones used to expend energy and burn calories.

Never skip meals, not only is it unhealthy, it causes your metabolism to slow down. Skipping meals makes you crave unhealthy food alternatives like sugar and carbs and forces pushes you to eat and consume more. You don’t want to go through all this weight loss work just to turn around a few months from now and be twice as heavy as you were when you started, right? Then don’t skip meals or starve yourself.

Drink plenty of water

Water intake plays a crucial role in weight loss and has many nutritional benefits.

How does drinking water help you lose weight?

When drinking water before meals, it acts as an appetite suppressant and keeps you fuller longer. Replacing sugary drinks with water will reduce food cravings. You will see differences in your weight within a couple weeks by dropping sodas and calorie filled juices. Drinking ice cold water boosts your metabolism which helps aid weight loss.

Without enough water your body will become dehydrated, which is a contributing factor to weight gain. Dehydration tricks the brain into making a person believe they are hungry which causes the person to consume more calories throughout the day. Without enough water your body will not work as effectively or efficiently during workouts due to weak and tired muscles.

Be mindful of calories

Every day presents you with the opportunity to prepare and eat nutritious meals in reasonable portions. Start by choosing a smaller plate or bowl to fill with food. This will help with portion control. Fill up on vegetables will help keep your calorie intake down. Make better choices. If you are craving meat, prepare a small portion of a lean meat over something as high in calories as fried chicken or pulled pork. If you have a craving you just can’t seem to curb, search of a healthier version of the recipe. You do not have to give up your favorite foods when being mindful of calorie intake, you just have to control your portions and make healthier choices.

Cut out all those empty calories and consider investing in a food journal. It doesn’t have to be fancy, a simply lines notebook from your local office supplies store will do you justice. These nifty journals force you to record everything thing you eat or drink and in return help you to reduce your calorie intake and can even help you double your weight loss. There are studies that suggest people who use a daily food journal lose weight faster and are more likely to keep it off. This is all due to awareness of what you are consuming. You wont forget that midday snack you had if it is written in your journal.

If you have never used a food journal before than you may be in some need of tips or advice on keeping one and writing in it regularly. The first bit of advice is to keep your food journal travel friendly. Make sure you are able to carry it with you on trips or to restaurants so that you are able to record everything thing you consume no matter where you go. Be specific. If you had a slice of pizza or a sandwich, say exactly what you had on it. Did you have a 12 inch all steak sub or did you have a turkey and veggie wrap?

Consider using a mobile notepad or writing app to use as your food journal. This ensures you will have your food journal on the go. There are even tracking apps available specific to tracking your food and weight.

Be honest with your journal. It is the only way to ensure success with this method. Write down your thoughts and feelings while tracking your meals and snacks. Record how the meal made you feel and if its something you absolutely hates or if it is something you would like to try again.

Boost physical activity

Regular exercise is important for any part of nutrition or weight loss plan. When trying to lose weight you should consider adding cardio and strength training exercises to your fitness plan. If you already have a regular workout routine, try adding ten minutes to it daily for the extra physical boot. Find small ways to add extra time for fitness into your day. Do you use an elevator or escalator everyday? Take the stairs instead. This will burn extra calories and hepkeep your body lean in preparation for your wedding day. The Berkeley Hotel wrote an informative article on wedding fitness that will help you shed those unwanted pounds before walking down the aisle.

Try some intense workouts or HIIT and interval training workouts. These high intensity routines burn calories fast and help to make your body lighter and leaner.

Schedule a Prep Day

Preparation is key to being successful in anything, including weight loss and fitness. Try making weekly meal preparation part of your routine. Making use of one day to prepare meals for an entire weeks will save you time in the long run and will help you avoid making poor choices throughout. Meal preparation has many other benefits including saving you money and helping you achieve nutritional and fitness goals. A regular meal prep plan will allow for you to be completely aware of every calorie you consume and it will make filling out those food journals we discussed earlier a lot easier. Prep days help you with meal struggles. If you know that breakfasts are hard for you to accomplish due to lack of energy or tie then make sure you focus on the specific meal when prepping. Go from that boring bowl of cereal to healthy pre prepared breakfast burrito instead.

The more you put into your weight loss now, the less you will have to focus on later as the habits you build will eventually begin to happen more naturally and without thinking.