The Best Possible Ways to Know How Much Weight You Can Lose On a Liquid Diet for One Week

How Much Weight You Can Lose On a Liquid Diet for One Week

Liquid diet is very useful for losing weight within a short span of time. It helps in eliminating the belly fat as well as body fat without any deterioration. In order to get a view about how much weight you can lose on a liquid diet for one week, you can scrutinize the following article.Get Ultra Trim order

The quantity of fat that can be discarded from our body is based on a number of factors. It depends on the amount of calories consumed by us per day. However with the help of liquid diet you can lose weight up to 10 pounds.

Liquid diet usually consists of soups, herbal teas like green tea and various juices. However, the quantity must not surpass 4 litres. If you are willing to know how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks 10 kg without exercise, then just go through the following diet regime.

Fluid diet curriculum:

DAY – 1

  • Morning – one cup green tea
  • Afternoon – one cup oat soup
  • Evening – one cup mixed vegetable soup

DAY – 2

  • Morning – one cup green tea
  • Afternoon – one cup fruit juice
  • Evening – one cup mixed vegetable soup

DAY – 3

  • Morning – one glass warm boiled water, followed by one cup green tea
  • Afternoon – one cup oat soup
  • Evening – one full glass milk

DAY – 4

  • Morning – one glass warm boiled water followed by one cup green tea
  • Afternoon – one cup mixed vegetable soup
  • Evening – one full glass milk

DAY – 5

  • Morning – one cup green tea along with one cup plain oat soup
  • Afternoon – one glass red apple juice
  • Evening – one glass lukewarm water

DAY – 6

  • Morning – two glass warm purified water
  • Afternoon – one cup red tea with less sugar content followed with one cup oat soup
  • Evening – one glass apple and peach juice

DAY – 7

  • Morning – two glass warm purified water
  • Afternoon – one cup red tea with no added sugar followed by oat soup
  • Evening – one glass milk

Carralluma Actives order-Recommendations:

While undergoing the fluid diet plan it is obligatory to pursue the instructions given below:

  • The oat soup should be devoid of any dry fruit as it will increase the calorie level
  • The fluid mentioned here should be purified
  • The fruit juice must be made in such a way that half portion should be fruits and half water
  • Keep in mind that the fruits are fresh
  • You can prefer green vegetables rather than using other vegetables
  • Boil the milk properly before drinking
  • U can take the red tea at several intervals of time just keeping in mind that it is sugar free
  • To fight the hunger you can drink warm water
  • After the completion of the fluid diet regime you must consume less vegetables
  • For dinner you can have just one bowl oats for three days
  • Avoid fatty and calorie based foods as much as possible
  • You will need to follow a strict regime after the accomplishment of this fluid diet plan
  • Raw carrots and fresh fruits will help you to gain energy

Liquid regimen is useful in the sense that it can burn more calories and fat present in our body than the normal food plan. The chubby tubby structure will turn out to be a perfect curvy figure. There are several other ways for losing weight using a fluid diet plan within just one week. As for instance the lemonade is an effective ingredient in reducing the body fat to a great extent. You can take help from guide to well. This will definitely provide you the optimal results which will be profoundly helpful.

Here is the procedure of preparing the lemonade mixture for weight loss.


  • Lemons
  • Maple syrup
  • Cayenne pepper


Take one lemon and cut it into two pieces so that you can squeeze the juice out of it. Take one glass of spring water and add the lemon juice in the water. Next add adequate amount of maple syrup and cayenne pepper in the glass and mix thoroughly. According to your preference you can add ½ to 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and ½ cup of maple syrup in case of four lemons. This juice is definitely going to be a favourite drink for most of us. Now you can place the drink in the refrigerator and drink it whenever possible. You can also carry the drink along with you while going out and imbibe whenever you feel hungry. Implementing such techniques regularly can help you to know how much weight you can lose on a liquid diet for one week.


The drink may not suit everyone, especially the ones who have never tried a liquid diet before. If you feel dizzy after taking the drink for a few days then you can add fruits to your diet. However it is not wise to consume one whole apple or banana, rather go for one piece of apple or one piece of peach. After a few days you will observe that your body is acclimated to drinking only the lemonade mixture charging your body. This juice will then give you refreshment and keep you energized throughout the day. You can continue the liquid diet for one week in order to get the optimal results. One should experiment how much weight you can lose on a liquid diet for one week. Dietrine buy


The above article is a quick review on the weight loss plan by following a liquid regimen of one week. We have provided all the tricks that will help you to decrease the fat assembled in your body. It is very important to be vigilan while pursuing up the routine.