The Benefits of Sculptra Treatment for Your Appearance

Benefits of Sculptra Treatment

The Benefits Of Sculptra Treatment For Your Appearance

Signs of aging appear on your face as you grow older. This is an inevitable part of life. As creases, folds, and wrinkles surface, your self-esteem and confidence lessen. But with advances in technology, various methods are developed to help you look younger. One such advancement is Sculptra Aesthetic.

When you want to combat the appearance of aging, you might look to your plastic surgeon or dermatologist for help. Surgery is definitely an option. However, if you’re like most people, you might be afraid of going under the knife. Fortunately, Sculptra can help you look younger without the need for a full-blown surgery. Let’s dig deep and learn more about Sculptra treatments and the various benefits you can reap from it.

What Is Sculptra Aesthetic?

Sculptra is a soft tissue filler that is used to fight aging by replenishing facial volume. It helps to gradually replace lost collagen as a result of getting older. It is cleared by the Food and Drug Administration, and is mainly composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA).

It is injected into the desired area of the face and fills up both deep and shallow wrinkles. Sculptra is used for smile lines (nasolabial folds), lines located around the mouth (marionette lines), and wrinkles within the chin. The treatment contours the face and restores its volume. For a comprehensive skin rejuvenation program, other forms of non-surgical treatment might be administered with Sculptra.

What Are The Benefits Of Sculptra?

Overall, this treatment is used to combat aging. Other benefits of Sculptra include the following:

Benefits Of Sculptra

  1. Results look more natural compared to other methods.

Typical Sculptra results are subtle and look more natural since the production of collagen is stimulated. This results in an overall lift of the face, making it appear younger. Volume is gradually added through the production of collagen, which makes the improvement look natural. Since collagen is naturally stimulated within the layers of your skin, its texture, tone, and overall health, as well as elasticity, are improved.

  1. Results appear gradually.

The results given by Sculptra happens in a gradual manner. This means subtle changes, as opposed to an instant, significant modification of your face, happens. Thus, anyone who sees you won’t suspect that you had treatments done on your face.

Gradual changes happen within the treated area which looks more natural. You don’t have to worry about looking “instantly” weird to your friends since subtle changes take place over a certain period of time. Plus, you don’t have to worry about people suspecting and talking behind your back thinking you had treatments done on your face.

  1. It is non-surgical and minimally-invasive.

Sculptra is non-surgical and minimally-invasive. This means the person who had the treatment will undergo minimal downtime. On the other hand, surgical procedures like facelifts require you to recuperate for an extended period. With Sculptra, you’ll have the ability to get back to your responsibilities, such as work or family schedules, faster.

You don’t have to worry about taking a long break from work. With Sculptra, you can get back to daily activities faster. In addition, people who fear going under the knife can benefit from Sculptra Aesthetic as it is minimally-invasive.

  1. It enhances collagen production.

Collagen is a type of protein in your skin and is usually found in copious amounts when you are young. As you age, the levels of collagen within your skin declines. This protein is responsible for making your skin plump and firm. When collagen production is enhanced, the dermis becomes thicker, thus enhancing facial volume.

When facial volume is enhanced, it looks younger. You don’t have to worry about wrinkles and fine lines. Sculptra Aesthetic will address it gradually. And once you appear younger, you’ll feel better about yourself.

  1. It enhances your self-confidence.

Because your appearance is improved, it will most likely lead to a boost in your self-confidence. This diminishes the risk of depression, along with conditions associated with low self-confidence, such as sleep difficulties.

When you feel confident, people notice it. This might result in having better interpersonal relationships. In addition, you might also love yourself more. Thus, you take care of yourself better which leads to better physical and mental health.

  1. It encourages you to become more active.

Enhanced self-esteem encourages you to go out there and become more active. You may begin to love socializing with other people as you feel good about yourself. In addition, you might be encouraged to exercise. Physical activity is an excellent way of toning and shaping your body, and helps improve your quality of life.

Since you are more confident, you begin to feel better about yourself. Feeling better leads to a good mood which might also lead to better production in the workplace. In addition, since you feel better, you might foster better relationships with other people as you don’t feel moody or groggy all the time.

  1. There’s a reduced risk of incurring allergic reactions.

The risk of having allergic reactions is almost zero. This is due to the fact that PLLA, the main ingredient of Sculptra, is synthesized from lactic acid, a naturally-occurring substance within the body.

However, allergic reactions can occur due to other aspects of the entire treatment process. The cleanser used for preparation can lead to allergic reactions. It is best to talk to your doctor regarding any allergies or sensitivities.

Other Benefits Of Sculptra For Your Appearance

Sculptra is commonly used to reduce facial folds and wrinkles. It is not recommended for use on the lips or eyes. It has off-label applications, including the following:

  • It can be used for buttocks augmentation as a non-surgical butt lift procedure.
  • It can be used to address cellulite.
  • It can also be used to correct wrinkles located within the elbow, knee, and chest.
  • It can be used to bulk up appearance and create definition within the pectorals, biceps, triceps, thighs, and glutes.

How Does It Work?

Sculptra is injected into the dermis (the second layer of your skin) using a small needle. The tissues located in the dermis absorbs the PLLA. The said substance enhances the production of collagen within the area. In addition, it strengthens the skin’s natural structure.

Sculptra works on the deeper layers of the skin, slowly producing collagen to replace the lost protein due to aging. As a result, the skin becomes more plump and smooth, filling in wrinkles and deep folds. Once the injection is done, the physician massages the area to distribute the drug evenly.

For best results, 2 to 3 sessions are recommended, which are spaced over several months. The physician will advise you on the best program for your needs and create a customized treatment plan.

When Will You Notice Results?

Results of Sculptra occurs gradually over a period of 4 to 6 months. The effects usually last for about two years. Some patients opt for revisions after the 2-year period to further stimulate collagen production.

Does The Process Hurt?

Since the Sculptra is injected into the dermis using a small needle, you will only experience minimal discomfort. Sometimes, lidocaine is used to make the procedure less painful. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that blocks pain signals transmitted in the skin’s nerve endings.

Within 24 hours after the procedure, patients might experience mild swelling, which can be addressed with a cold pack. The physician will advise you to avoid sunlight until the swelling subsides. The doctor will also suggest that you continuously massage the injected area for about 5 days post-treatment.

What Are The Side Effects?

The most common side effects include bleeding, redness, tenderness, swelling, or bruising. This is usually resolved within 2 to 6 days. A delayed side effect is the formation of bumps on the treated areas. The bumps are typically non-visible but can be felt when you press the treated area. Formation of these bumps usually occurs within the first 6 to 12 months.

Some have reported visible bumps after the treatment. Redness or change in color happens within the treated skin, but these are rare cases. Since the injection of a small needle is done during the procedure, the risk of infection is also possible. Side effects should always be reported to your doctor.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of Sculptra varies and is dependent on multiple factors, such as the following:

  • Geographical location
  • Amount of correction required to get the desired result
  • Number of visits necessary to achieve the desired result
  • Number of Sculptra vials used during the treatment
  • Special offers or discounts

A lot of plastic surgeons offer financing plans. Your doctor might also provide rebates and coupons from Sculptra. According to the 2018 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of Sculptra per syringe is $915.

Are You A Good Candidate For Sculptra?

If you have fat loss within the facial area, Sculptra might be an excellent alternative to surgical procedures. Fat loss in the face is indicated by wrinkles, deep folds, and hollow areas. It is recommended that you ask the advice of a physician trained in Sculptra application and injection.

Sculptra is not recommended for those who have allergies to the ingredients of the product. Those with a history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation should avoid the said treatment. Safety hasn’t been established in pregnant patients and for those who are breastfeeding or lactating. Sculptra is also not recommended for persons under the age of 18.

In Conclusion

Sculptra is a filler used to address signs of aging such as wrinkles and folds. It stimulates the production of collagen within the treated area. Collagen is an essential naturally-occurring substance that is responsible for skin elasticity.

The procedure has various benefits, including a gradual, more natural-looking change in a person’s appearance. This is because collagen production is stimulated over a certain period, where in the results can last up to 2 years.

If you’re considering Sculptra to combat aging, it’s important to talk to a physician about your concerns as the procedure should be administered by a trained doctor. Talk to your physician as well about any allergies or sensitivities you possess to avoid severe reactions with Sculptra. The treatment is generally safe; however, getting advice from a professional is still the best route to having a younger-looking appearance.


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