Synagen IQ Review – Benefits, Ingredients, Phone Number, Where to Buy?

Synagen IQ


Our brain also ages with our growing age. A stage comes when we feel that our brain is not able to concentrate or you always carry a pissed mood. You start forgetting things, and extreme cases can even result in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Not only memory gets affected but energy of the brain is also affected.

In such a situation you need a mental booster which rejuvenates your brain to start afresh and active. This is because brain is the most vital organ of our body. It regulates our actions and helps our response to the stimuli. This response to stimulus decides our role in our lives.

Synagen IQ is one of a kind of products which help our brain to withstand the age quotient and perform with the required amount of efficiency. Made out of the most scientific and natural components, It is totally a safe product. Let’s have a look at the Synagen IQ review.


It is nootropic supplement. Nootropics are basically known as cognitive enhancers which enhance your thinking and mental processes. All those causes of deterioration of functions of the brain are not only limited to old age but inadequate nutrition and prolonged exposure to stress can also be a major reason.

Synagen IQ acts as a fuel to the brain to replenish the energy reserves and then fulfill their tasks. The energy boost acts as the initiation of repair of the brain. They elevate the condition of brain and then affect the person with a long term beneficial impact.


  • Increased levels of energy with better and sharper focus
  • Optimizes the release of neurotransmitters for better functioning
  • Activates cognitive function for a better reception of individual’s atmosphere.
  • Keeps the blood circulation in brain, on the track
  • Decreases the effects of age declines


Synagen IQ is made out of the wonderful yet scientific components. Now, let’s have a look what are the things present in your product.

  • Caffeine: this ingredient is the major reason behind uplifting the energy quotient of the product. First taken in small amounts, the user is expected to increase the dosage by time.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: It regulates blood to the brain and improves overall cognitive abilities for the user. It is one of the best ingredients for brain supplements.
  • Alpha GPC: It is a choline compound which helps in treating dementia or Alzheimers. It helps in enhancing the cognitive and learning abilities of an individual.
  • Phosphatidylserine: It helps in lowering the aging effects on the brain. It is the most natural, economical and impactful ingredients of Synagen IQ.
  • Vinpocetine: coming from Vinca plant, it regulates the blood flow to your brain and helps in efficient metabolism of glucose in the brain and required energy generation. It helps in increasing the overall strength of the brain.
  • Tyrosine: This is an ingredient which contributes in the cell’s protein synthesis process. This amino acid helps your brain to utilize the protein justifiably


It safegurads your brain from any aging effect and carry out the energy generation process. The broad range of the constituting elements boosts a number of areas of brain, which helps them work properly.

While it gives an up thrust to your cognitive functions, it also protects the brain from memory in the coming future or in the present scenario of dosage. Synagen IQ gives the user both long term as well short term impacts simultaneously.

While taking the dosage, the user will feel different from an average person, as the average individual goes through the aging deterioration and faces the disadvantages while the user will feel more empowered while performing tasks. It increases the power of the brain with its use over the time.


As per information provided on official site you can contact them directly. Their phone number is 844-465-0024.


You can only buy this product online; it is not available in the stores. If you want to fight the cognitive degradation of the brain, then Syangen IQ is the only answer. The unique idea about the purchase of this product is that the company is offering it at a very reasonable price.

Here you will not get ‘a pack of three’ discounts only, but getting a substantial money back guarantee along with a bumper discount is even better, in fact it is the best part. Since now we have given the Synagen IQ review, you can now go for the product if you want to cope up the aging problems of cognitive response.

This product maintains your brain health by stimulating its functions. With a logical composition of the best suited ingredients, also has a good rapport with its previous users and they also recommend you the same. So go ahead and make a healthy choice for your brain!