Stress Busters Which Can Truly Boost the Way You Look

Truly Boost the Way You Look

Stress Busters Which Can Truly Boost the Way You Look

Most of you probably already know that stress affects your health negatively. But some of you might not know that stress affects your metabolism too. A research that was for four years and the results published in obesity journal found that that cortisol (a hormone released when stressed) is a major factor that leads to increased weight and also increases the risk of obesity and other chronic diseases.

Chronic stress can ultimately lead to over consumption and we all know what will happen if you eat more calories than your body actually need. If you need to deal with your body mass and enhance the way you look, get that shape you always wanted, and improve your well-being as whole, you will need to lower your stress levels.

One of the best ways of lowering stress is by exercises but there are also methods you can try out. Maybe you can try my home therapy mobile massage therapist that can de-stress you and is also a very effective way of lowering stress levels. In this article we discuss some of these stress busters that can help you lower your stress levels which will lead to improved well- being, better metabolism and hence better look.

#1. Meditation.

Meditation is like one of the best ways of lowering your stress levels. You don’t need any lessons for you to meditate and you don’t need to be overly religious for you to meditate. Anyone can meditate, sometimes when am stressed out I can just sit or lie down on my bed, hold my pillow and do body scan meditation.

It usually don’t take much of my time, just 10 minutes and it miraculously works perfectly to lower my stress levels. Focus, forget about all your troubles and listen to yourself as you breathe in and breathe out. It really works for me and am sure it works for a lot of people too and it will definitely work for you if you try it out.

 There are different ways to meditate and that’s just mine, you can find yours from friends or the internet. Research shows that meditation brings down the levels of cortisol and when they are down the stress will be lower and you will be happier hence boosting your look!

#2. Make a list of what to do.

We all have those days that are super busy and you are probably going to be working all day and most probably a good time at night. And after doing all that you still feel like you have not made any progress on things you wanted to do. Having a list of the things you want to do by the end of the day will help you know all yon have accomplished and trust me it feels good.

 Research shows that for every minute you use planning your time can actually save you up to 10 minutes when it comes to execution. It works so perfectly, make to do list and at the end of the day you are going to agree with me that it really works.

#3. Move a bit.

As we already highlighted exercise is one of the best ways to relax and lower stress levels. However, sometimes you will be too busy and you might actually don’t have enough time for exercises, I understand but nobody said you have to go to the gym or run down 6 miles daily for you to relax. You can allocate some 5 minutes to move your body a bit maybe walk around the block or just do a little work out like pushups while you are still in your office.

Some exercises is going to wake tour brain and it is going to help you feel motivated. A research also shows that exercise improves cognitive function and after you are done it releases the feel good chemicals known as endorphins which helps lower stress levels, depression, and anxiety and not forgetting that it is going to leave you feeling happier than you were feeling. With so much benefits, I guess you can allocate at least some 15 minutes for exercise daily right?

#4. Travel around and seek out sunshine.

A walk in the park for like 2 hours is going to be very effective when it comes to lowering your stress levels. A walk in the cities which are so busy might not as be effective as a walk in cool places with less activities. Our bodies are like designed to be near green places, oceans, forests or anything to do with nature.

 Nature walk is often more relaxing and if you get like 2 hours for that, your stress levels are going to decrease drastically. But of course we don’t always have so much time so maybe after you take your lunch, you can take a walk to the park near office and when you are going home in the evening, avoid the busy streets and walk home using other routes. If you can’t get enough time to walk around, some studies suggests that looking at photos of nature can help lower stress levels.

#5. Sleep it off.

Exercise and looking at nature photos are all perfect ways of lowering stress levels but all that will be not enough if you are not getting enough sleep. Research shows that while we sleep, our brains processes the emotions and the happiness of the day which helps the brain to keep stress levels from shooting up. This will control the emotions including stress, anxiety and depression. On a busy day, take a nap of like one hour and when you wake up you will be feeling better. And it is also very important that you get enough sleep of 8 to 9 hours daily.


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