Reasons for Hair Loss in Males And Females

Reasons Of Hair Loss In Males And Females

Everyone loses hair to some extent, but the problem arises when you start to lose more than the estimated amount of hair. If you are losing almost 100 hair strands in a day as an average then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are losing more then you should take notice of your routine and the health of your hair. Baldness seems like the most prominent issue in both men and women. Usually, men are prone to hair loss but women are also its victim. Most people notice hair loss in the 50s and 60s, hence, it can occur at a near age. Also, there can be lots of reasons behind this issue.

Reasons for Hair Loss:

There can be various reasons that lead to hair loss. However, the intensity and tendency of the reasons change on the basis of gender. Let’s figure out some reasons on the basis of gender to get an exact and clear idea about hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss In Men:

  • Stress
  • Medicines
  • Use of different chemicals
  • Specific illness
  • Chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Aging

Reasons for Hair Loss In Women:

  • Stress
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy or childbirth
  • Specific illness
  • Adopting tight hairstyles
  • Use of different chemicals
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Aging
  • Medicines

It is observable that most of the causes are the same between men and women but there are also some causes that are different. It is essential to know the exact cause that is leading you towards baldness. The knowing of cause allows you to know if your hair loss is temporary or permanent. Also, you will come to know the ways through which you can treat your baldness.

Reasons Of Hair Loss In Males And Females

What Type Of Doctors Treat Hair Loss?

Even your family doctor or any other doctor can monitor these aspects and let you know about some reasons that are leading to your hair loss. However, dermatologists specifically deal with the diseases and problems related to skin, nails, and hair. So, they may do the professional diagnosis of your problem and provide the advanced solution to your hair loss. Sometimes, dermatologists refer to scalp surgery.

How Do Physicians Classify Hair Loss?

Different ways are accessible through which the physicians may classify the hair loss. First of all, scalp analysis and assessment are essential. It is necessary to know the actual reason for the hair loss. If the hair loss occurs because of any physical issue or the loss of hair grafts then the hair loss is categorized as scarring alopecia. If there is no physical issue and the scalp area is also healthy then the hair loss may be categorized as non-scarring. If you are the victim of scarring hair loss then your hair follicles are destroyed on a permanent basis. The hair loss due to chemical or physical damage may be noticed as non-scarring. Usually, it is essential to perform a biopsy of the scalp to find out the exact situation of the condition of the scalp and hair. Occasionally, it happens that a surgeon pulls a hair from the scalp to examine different aspects of the Hair Transplant or Graft and the chances to enhance the hair growth.

Some of the categorized forms of hair loss include;

  • Alopecia areata
  • Tineacapitis
  • Trichotillomania
  • Traction alopecia

The solution to Hair Loss in Male and Female:

If your hair loss is temporary then you don’t need to be too much worried about it as simple treatments may work for it. On the other hand, if the hair loss is permanent then you need to find ways that can provide you a permanent solution. FDA-approved medications, laser treatment, and hair surgery are some options that may provide you the solution. But the issue that needs to be taken into account which treatment is better among all and which treatment provides a permanent solution. So, without any doubt, surgical hair restoration treatment is the best solution among all. This technique allows you to get a permanent solution to your hair loss. Different methods are accessible in the market and you may choose the one that suits you best. However, it is recommended to discuss it with your doctor before taking any decision. Your doctor does a proper assessment and tells you the exact procedure that will be best for you. Then you need to take all information about that specific procedure before achieving it.

Different clinics are providing services to get rid of hair loss. They are providing services at reasonable rates so that most of people can get benefit from them. Some of them are also providing 100 percent FREE services. So, what are your waiting for? Go ahead and do something beneficial for your hair.

Google Search Terms:

  1. Hair Loss in Male and Female
  2. Hair Loss in Male
  3. Hair Loss in Female
  4. Hair Loss in Summer