Protect Your Eyes, Use Computer Glasses

Use Computer Glasses

Protect Your Eyes, Use Computer Glasses

When you are working at a computer for a long period of time, it is common that you experience eye strain, blurry vision, red eyes and other symptoms of computer vision syndrome. The reason is that the visual demands that are required by the computer are not like those associated with other activities.

Computer glasses are helpful because this will optimize your eyesight when you are viewing your computer screen. If you are under the age of 40, experiencing eye strain or blurry vision during computer work may be because of the inability of your eyes to remain accurately focused on your screen or because your eyes have the trouble of changing its focus from your keyboard then to your screen and then back again for a long period.

On the other hand, if you are over the age of 40, the problem might be because of presbyopia that is a normal age-related loss of near focusing ability which can also cause computer vision syndrome symptoms.

If you are experiencing this, you should first have a comprehensive eye exam to be able to rule out vision problems and also update your eyeglasses prescription. If your glasses are up-to-date, or you really do not need to wear prescription eye-wear, yet you still continue to experience discomfort to your eyes during computer work, then you should really consider purchasing computer glasses because these are special-purpose glasses that are prescribed specifically to reduce eye strain and then give you the most comfortable vision at your computer.

The computer screens are usually positioned from 20 to 26 inches away from the user’s eyes. This is considered as the zone of vision, that is closer than driving vision, but farther than reading vision. The children and young adults who will need prescription eyeglasses are usually prescribed single vision lenses. These lenses then correct the wearer’s eye problem, either nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, and then the shape of the lens inside the eye will automatically adjust to be able to provide the user with the extra magnifying power that is being required for computer vision and near vision.

If a person’s close-up vision is becoming less clear because of presbyopia especially after reaching the age of 40, this natural loss of focusing power affects reading and seeing computer vision clearly and comfortably. The use of bifocals can provide the user with clear distance and near vision, but also, intermediate vision often remains to be a problem.

In the absence of computer glasses, there are many computer users that end up with the blurry vision, eye strain, and headaches – these are the hallmark symptoms of computer vision syndrome. Worse, there are still many people who try to compensate their blurry vision by leaning forward, or by tipping their head to be able to look through the bottom portion of their glasses. When are prolonged in such position, this can result in a sore neck, sore shoulders and a sore back.

In this context, it is best to call the eyewear that is designed specifically for computer use as “computer glasses” so to differentiate this with conventional reading glasses.

The computer glasses have about 60% magnifying power than reading glasses. However, the optimal magnification depends on how far you prefer on sitting from your computer screen and as to how close you would like to hold your digital device.

The use of computer glasses should also accurately correct any astigmatism that you might have, and those precise measurements should also be taken into account to ensure that the optical center of each lens is directly in front of your pupils when you are using the device with your preferred working distance.

Because of these reasons, computer glasses should be customized based on each of the user’s individual needs. By using weaker non-prescription reading glasses for computer work and then seeing your digital devices usually will not provide the accurate vision correction that you will need for sustained clarity and comfort.

Having to use computer glasses will put the best lens power for viewing your computer screen right where you will need it for a clear, wide field view without needed excessive focusing effort or unhealthful postures. Research has also shown that the use of customized computer eyewear can also significantly increase the productivity of workers.

To be able to achieve maximum comfort, the lenses of the computer glasses should have an anti-reflective coating. These are sometimes called anti-glare treatment, or anti-reflective coating which eliminates reflections of light from the front and back surfaces of your lenses which causes eye strain.

Computer glasses also have photochromic lenses that will shield your eyes from potentially harmful high-energy visible blue light that is being emitted from the computer screens and digital devices. This also automatically darken in sunlight outdoors.

You may also be recommended to add a light tint to your computer glasses by your eye doctor in order to reduce the glare that is being caused by the harsh overhead lighting and also to enhance contrast.

You should resist the temptation of buying reading glasses which are over-the-counter that is being used as computer glasses. You should instead use accurate prescription glasses because you should be able to have the full benefits from computer glasses, and thus, it is best that you purchase this eyewear from an accredited eye care professional.

Before you schedule for an appointment on your eye exam, you should measure first on how far you are going to sit from your computer. And then, measure from the bridge of your nose to the surface of your computer screen. You then bring this measurement with you to your eye exam so that your eye doctor can utilize it in determining the optimum lens power that you will need for your computer glasses.

It is important that we take care of our eyes, and reduce its exposure from extreme conditions to avoid straining your eyes. Being in front of a computer for the most part of the day is inevitable especially if you are doing office work. This is why to reduce damage to your eyes, you should also wear the right protection for your eyes.


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