Physical Inactivity Rates Are On The Rise

Physical Inactivity Rates Are On The Rise

One of the greatest trends in the health care system is the burden that obesity is causing. People are growing larger by the day it seems and with this increase in waist size comes an increase in all the health problems that are associated with being overweight.

Many people don’t fully understand just how interconnected their body weight is to the numerous conditions that it can lead to and as such, don’t make the problem nearly as serious as it should.

Let’s dig a bit deeper and show just how important this trend is and why you must start paying attention.

Rates Of Inactivity On The Rise

With fast food locations around every corner and far too many passive leisure time options to choose from, rates of inactivity are now currently trending towards 43% in the most inactive countries.

While some areas maintain a lower level of inactivity around 10.1% in areas such as the South and Appalachia, these areas are few and far between.

Most countries are now experiencing record-high rates in terms of how many people are spending the vast majority of their time in sedentary pursuits.

Health Problems Obesity Can Lead To

So what’s the price for this sedentary lifestyle?

These countries that experience the highest rate of inactivity also report the highest rate of diabetes as well as overall obesity.  Since exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight are highly interconnected and body weight plays a critical role in diabetes development risk, you can easily see how all three of these statistics would be heavily interconnected.

In addition to that, high rates of inactivity can also lead to other health concerns such as heart disease, high blood pressure, along bone-related conditions due to lack of weight-bearing activity.

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Taking Action

So what’s the solution? What can be done to put a stop to these record highs in inactivity?

The first step to take is to start figuring out activities that you enjoy doing. So many people are forcing themselves onto workouts that they just don’t enjoy doing and thus, they fall off the bandwagon far too quickly.

Instead, start focusing on doing activities that you look forward to each and every day. When first getting into the habit of adding more activity into your lifestyle, this is the smartest route to go. Once you’ve built the association between exercise and pleasure, then you can look towards putting a more structured workout program in place.

The Diabetes Prevention Program has found that 150 minutes of physical activity per week at the minimum along with losing 5 to 7% of your total body weight can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 58% of people who are at risk for diabetes.

Be sure that you are also combining this physical activity change with a smart diet plan as well as a supplement to help increase the rate of weight loss even further such as Adiphene so that you can reach your goal weight as quickly as possible and shift away from the negative health risks associated.

If everyone works hard, we can reduce this trend of inactivity.

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