Make Keto Exciting With BBQ Ribs!

Make Keto Exciting With BBQ Ribs!

People these days are prioritizing their health more and are adopting several dietary plans to maintain a healthy diet and retain a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy diet begins with following significant diet plans and one very famous diet that everyone is raving about these days keto or a ketogenic diet. Keto diet is about adopting a low carb dietary plan and including more proteins in your daily food intake. Keto has proven to be very effective and benefits the body in several ways.Keto Ultra buy

When you adopt a ketogenic diet your body basically starts taking its nutrient supply from proteins and healthy fats. Your body starts to run mostly on the stored fats rather than from the glucose that emerges from the carbs. So your body basically burns the fats all time to get you the fuel to move around.

The best part about a keto diet is, you don’t have to cut back o0n delicious meaty foods. As a matter of fact, you can load your diet plan with healthy proteins like chickens and red meats and incorporate keto favorable vegetables along with that. tAnd a great way to make your keto diet tasty and delicious and exciting is bbq. Yes, who said maintaining a diet has to be starvation and eating bland foods when you can eat succulent meats and achieve a lean and toned body along with a fit and healthy lifestyle.

We have come up with some very easy bbq recipes and techniques that you can incorporate in your keto diet plan. These are easy and tastes absolutely divine. Here are some steps on how you can create tasty and exciting BBQ smoked ribs and add these as your proteins for the keto diet. Try these ribs bbq and make your keto more delicious and exciting.

How to smoke Ribs

Smoked ribs are an absolute favorite of all. No matter what the occasion is, You can always make these. The great part is it is very keto friendly recipe and contains good proteins for your body. You can add in a bunch of grilled vegetables along with it and it will be the tastiest keto friendly dish you would have ever taste.

There are so many different techniques of BBQing ribs. However, whichever method you choose to smoke the ribs you will first and foremost need a good quality smoker whose temperature can be easily controlled and monitored. So look out for a traditional smoker to bbq the meats. If you are not comfortable with a traditional smoker you can always choose to go for the charcoal grill or even a gas grill. They will all be equally fine till you can observe the temperature well.

Once you have gotten the smoker, let’s learn how you can prepare it for the smoking process. To smoke a rack of ribs you will have to preheat it for at least 6 hours at a temperature of 220 degrees F. Another thing you will have to do is add in the smoky flavor to the meat. For that, you can add in some wood chunks to the fire in the smoker before you put in your meat or ribs. This way you can achieve a spectacular smoky flavor in your bbq.

How to prepare the ribs for smoking

Once you have prepared the smoker you are all set to step into the next process which is getting the right rack of ribs and preparing it for the bbq. Yes, it is very crucial that you get a rack if rib that is perfect for the bbq. But how do you know that the rib is ideal? Well, there are some tricks for that as well. Make sure that you get yourself a full rack of ribs which is equivalent in thickness throughout. If you grab a rack of rib that is thick in one end and thin on the other then that will not give you the desired outcome of the bbq and the ribs will not cook evenly. However, it is impossible to find a perfectly symmetrical rack of rib due to their default shape but try to get one which is decently thick in both ends and not too different.Ketochoice Garcinia Order

Once you have gotten the ribs it is time to trim them and bring it to an ideal shape. You will have to trim the excess uneven edges from the side and even cut the membrane out as well. Removing the membrane out is extremely important as the membrane is very thick and tough and hence the heat cannot reach the meat if the layer of the membrane is not removed. Removing it will ensure that the rib will cook evenly.

Seasoning the ribs for the bbq

After you have trimmed all the edges out it is time to season the ribs with a tasty flavorsome rub. A meat rub is very easy to make and all you will need is a few simple ingredients. You can add on cayenne peppers or chili flakes or any other sweet or sour rub you desire. You can choose to incorporate the seasonings and rub of your choice.

Smoking the Ribs in the smoker

Once you have coated the rack of ribs in the rub it is time to slide it into the smoker. The idea is to cook it at a constant temperature for almost 5 to 6 hours depending on what is the size of the ribs you got.

Once you see that the bones are out and peeping you can understand that the ribs are cooked through. Or you can even use a skewer to check for resistance in the meat and if it is cooked well it will slide in and out easily.

Smoking other meats for bbq for your keto.

You can smoke any other meat like pork shoulders or briskets or chicken as well which you can incorporate in your keto diet. The process is fairly similar to this just all you have to do is tweak the temperature and timings for each kind of meat you are attempting to bbq. You can save some of the bbq sauce that you made for the meat and use them to bbq some fresh vegetables to complement the dish as sides. Broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower are great keto friendly vegetables and can be excellent sides for your bbq ribs or meats and tastes absolutely delicious. All you have to do is drizzle the vegetables with the bbq sauce and saute them over the griller or just out them in a tray into the smoker.Get Ultra Trim order


Following a diet plan of any kind needs a great level of motivation. Keto diet plans are challenging as you have to cut back on a lot of carbs and dairy and sweet food items. But as you are allowed to take protein why not make the best out of it and create this amazing bbq recipe. These are easy and simple to make and help you follow the keto plan without a glitch. Just give these bbq and smoking techniques a try and with a few trials, you will soon become a professional at it.