Learn how to take care of your ears and curb hearing loss through this

Learn how to take care of your ears

Do your neighbors complain of loud noise from your home even when you feel comfortable with it? You are among many people who do not realize the tremendous effect of sound on the ears. Millions of Americans live with hearing damage that cannot be reversed due to causes such as loud noise.

This is however not the only cause of hearing loss. A large group that is affected by hearing loss is the elderly. Find out how you can prevent your ears from hearing complications through the following techniques.Zeta Clear order now

Stay away from loud noise

High sound breaks down the hair cells in the inner ears preventing them from picking sound vibrations as they should. If you experience a ringing in the ears or pain from noise, you should seek medical advice since they can lead to hearing loss. Noise is considered too loud if it interferes with communication. You should not have to raise the voice when you are trying to talk to another person due to excess noise.

You can measure the level of noise in the form of decibels using a smartphone app. 30 decibels, for instance, represents whispering while anything above 100 decibels symbolizes extreme noise. It is advisable to stay away from numbers above 85 decibels since they can harm your ears.

Practice exercises

Exercises are not only beneficial to your joints, heart, and brain. They can also enhance your hearing. Through training, you help your body lose weight. This keeps you away from diseases such as cornucopia which impair hearing.Forskolin order

According to a study, active women were found to have low chances of developing hearing loss compared to those that were less active. Through training, you can delay hearing loss or even reduce the effects of already existing problems in hearing. Conditions such as obesity lessen the flow of blood to ear parts like the cochlea interfering with proper hearing.

Limit the use of earphones

Headphones and earphones are significant contributors to hearing loss. It is difficult to realize that you are playing high levels of music when you are using these devices. Choose earphones that have settings that allow you to reduce the volume automatically. Avoid using these devices for hours since prolonged use can also affect hearing.

According to a Top ENT Doctor in Dubai, headphones are one of the major reasons that contribute to hearing loss at an advanced age. In addition to loud levels and volume, there are waves and frequencies that are directly emitted to the sensitive ear drums. The more pressure you give to your ear drums, the faster are they likely to get damaged.

Improve your diet

Some ingredients in food have been found to enhance hearing levels while others prevent the loss of hearing. Antioxidants that contain folic acid are a good example of foods you should be taking to improve your hearing levels. They minimize pathogens that lead to the nerve tissue damage in the inner ears. Some of the best antioxidants include spinach, broccoli, beans, liver, and eggs.

You can also increase your intake of magnesium. This prevents you from hearing loss that is caused by excessive noise. Such foods include artichokes, bananas, and potatoes. For the elderly, taking zinc can avert hearing complications that come with age. You can get your source of zinc from oysters and dark chocolates.

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins that can prevent your ears from infections. They also destroy pathogens that cause ear diseases and boost your immunity.

Taking fatty acids from fish like salmon can also prevent you from hearing loss. Omega 3 in fish enhances the flow of blood to ear parts such as the cochlea that is needed for the healthy hearing. You can also get omega 3 from the supplement if you are not a fan of eating fish.

Protect your ears during loud events

Staying away from nightclubs and concerts is advisable to prevent hearing loss. If you attend such, bring along earplugs that minimize high volumes to protect your ears. You can also use ear muffs that reduce up to 30 decibels of sound. Avoid sitting next to loudspeakers since they can damage the function of ear parts. Step outside for some time to give your ears a break from the noise.

Indulge in activities that help your ears

ear safetySome activities have been found to be useful in improving the functioning of the ears. For instance, video games reduce the effects that come with aging such as impaired hearing. Restoring machines is also beneficial to your cognitive health.

You can stimulate the functioning of your brain by increasing activities such as walking and swimming. Ensure that you use earplugs that are waterproof when swimming. Working on a piece of art has also been found to enhance cognitive activity.


Meditating engages your brain and prevents you from ear complications that come from aging. It increases the volume of grey matter in the brain thus boosting its functioning. The quiet activity gives your ears a chance to rest after spending a lot of time in loud surroundings.

Go for tests

A hearing test is advisable when you suspect hearing loss. Early testing makes it easy for the doctors to treat the condition before complications set in. Different facilities also hold annual hearing check-ups. If you work in a noisy surrounding, you should visit these check-ups regularly.

Avoid smoking or sniffing inhalants

Inhalants and drugs such as tobacco can cause hearing loss since the chemicals in them affect the normal functioning of the brain. You can also get inhalant addiction from the chemicals in substances such as glue. Get support from professionals if you have problems quitting the use of such substances.CBD Seralabs buy

Clean your ears

The accumulation of ear wax can affect the quality of sound. It is not advisable to use cotton swabs to clean the ears since they push some of the wax into the inner parts. You should wash your ears with the use of an irrigating kit that softens the wax. Regular cleaning of the ears will prevent you from infections. Do not insert anything sharp in your ear when removing wax.

Be careful with choosing medication

Some drugs such as antibiotics and those prescribed for cancer can have a negative impact on your ears. That is why you should always get a doctor’s opinion before using some of these drugs to protect yourself from side effects.

Final thoughts

Hearing loss is a serious problem that we often underestimate. Start taking the precautions above to maintain good ear health.