Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Keep your teeth healthy

Keep your teeth healthy

Each tooth in your mouth is basically composed of minerals. After eating and drinking plaque can form which is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth. If you run your tongue over your teeth when they have plaque on them they will feel gritty. You have to brush your teeth to make them feel smooth and clean. If you leave bacteria on your teeth the bacteria consumes sugar and then produces acids and these eat way at the enamel covering the tooth. When you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste you are protecting your teeth from decay. Don’t forget to also brush your gums to protect them from disease. Having a mouthful of healthy teeth means you can try shrimp tempura roll and have a delicious meal. Just after your have eaten remember to brush your teeth.

Always Brush Your Teeth Before Bed

No matter how much you have eaten or if you might have skipped a meal it is important to always brush your teeth before you go to bed. It is also recommended that when you wake up in the morning you also give your teeth some brushing but if you don’t that is all right. Just after a full day of eating and drinking your teeth have accumulated germs and plaque so it is very important that you brush them before going to bed.

Brush Your Teeth Properly

When you’re brushing your teeth don’t just give them a quick scrubbing with the toothbrush. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth properly. Go slowly and move your toothbrush in gentle, circular motions to remove plaque. Keep in mind that un-removed plaque hardens and this leads to calculus buildup on your teeth and gingivitis which is an early gum disease can form.

Once you have brushed your teeth give them a good flossing. You can buy dental floss at your local drugstore. Some dental flosses also come in minty flavors. Even though you have just brushed your teeth some small particles of food can remain in hard to get places. By flossing between your teeth you can get rid of these particles so that your mouth is completely clean and your teeth are fully protects. It is a good idea to carry around some dental floss for when you cannot get to brush your teeth but you can floss out food particles and rinse out your mouth with water to keep your teeth protected until you can give them a good brushing.

Clean Your Tongue

Plaque can build up not only on your teeth but also on your tongue. This can result in bad breath and lead to other oral health problems. Make sure to gently give your tongue a brushing as well. You’ll see that a filmy substance brushes off your tongue and your breath will be fresh.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

To make sure you’re cleaning your teeth properly it is also important to use the right kind of toothpaste. You should make sure that your brand of toothpaste includes fluoride. Fluoride is known to be a leading defense against tooth decay and helps to fight the germs that can lead to decay. It will provide you with a protective barrier for your teeth.

Drink Plenty of Water

It is important to drink water after every meal. The water can wash away the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and helps to save your teeth enamel if you cannot get to brush your teeth right away. Water will also wash away the sugary sweetness left after drinking coffee, tea, or soda with your meal.

Eating Crunchy Vegetables and Fruits

Your teeth will be healthier if you eat crunchy foods like apples or other kinds of fibrous fruits such as oranges, carrots or celery which help to clean your teeth and also increase salivation. They’ll neutralize the citric and acidic acids that get left behind in your mouth. Chewing on crunchy apples also stimulates your gums and helps to reduce cavity-causing bacteria while increasing the flow of saliva. Saliva helps to decrease the acidity in your mouth and washes away food particles which otherwise would remain and lead to tooth decay. You should make sure that your diet includes citrus and other fresh fruits that provide Vitamin C.

To make sure that your gums are healthy you should chew on raw carrots, celery, and other hard vegetables. They will stimulate your gums while generating saliva to cleanse your mouth. Both carrots and celery are great sources of beta carotene which is needed by your body to produce Vitamin A. This is an essential nutrient needed for building strong teeth.

Leafy, green, and dark, multi-colored vegetables like kale and lettuce, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, chard and other such greens are full of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain oral health. Among the nutrients in these dark green foods are Vitamins A and C, beta carotene, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. To make sure you’re getting the necessary vegetables in your diet try making some hangover soup.

Berries such as raspberries, cranberries, and blueberries can help to disrupt the enzymes that are associated with the bacteria forming process which can lead to plaque and tooth decay.

Limit the Intake of Sugary and Acidic Foods

Once sugar gets into your mouth it converts to acid and this can begin to erode the enamel of your teeth. These kinds of acids also lead to cavities. So it is best to avoid foods and drink that are full of sugar. You should also avoid acidic fruits, teas and coffee all of which can wear down tooth enamel. You don’t have to give up these completely just don’t have then as frequently. So have that cup of coffee or eat some delicious filipino spaghetti.

Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

You will greatly improve the health of your teeth by brushing and taking care of them properly but it is also important that you visit your dentist twice a year. Your dentist will provide you with thorough dental cleanings and check-ups. He’ll be able to see if any problems are developing which will help to save your teeth.


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