Indulgence & Your Oral Health

Your Oral Health

Indulgence & Your Oral Health

As humans, indulgence is part of our nature. We can quite happily eat an entire pint of ice cream instead of one single serving and we know all too well what the cost of this minute of pleasure can be on our long-term health not to mention our figure! It’s not unheard of for many workers to call in sick to work to have a day off when, in reality, they might be jeopardizing the size of their paycheck or even the security of the employment itself, after all for unskilled jobs it’s a buyers market and it’s all too easy in these days of zero-hours contracts and lax workers rights for a boss to get rid of you. We drink one too many beers during happy hour on a weeknight, how often have you heard the faux-lamenting phrase of, ‘oh well, one more can’t hurt’, while you know all too well their head and bank balance will be smarting the following morning. Sometimes, though, our indulgences affect our oral health, meaning bad dental health, bills for work done and a less than pretty visage in general.

Smokers teeth, that was always the one that caused that nasty yellowing of the teeth, not to mention the hands and face as well. We all remember that one uncle, parent or grandparent that sported the yellowy-brown staining and the toxic, rancid breath that accompanied it, yuck! Recently, the increasing number of vape consumers has led to more questions about its oral health effects. While vaping is considered safer than smoking cigarettes, it can still cause gum disease, bad breath, and other oral issues. Tooth discoloration is also a problem, mostly with the flavored juices available for vaping. Because of its overall negative health benefits, and no positive ones, vaping should be avoided.

Unfortunately, drunken stupidity can often be the cause of damage or injury to the mouth. A large number of visits to emergency rooms are due to incidents owing to intoxication, and this figure is rising. Other daft behavior such as opening things like bottles, or even a bag of chips with your teeth, can harm your mouth and gums. You can chip away the enamel of your otherwise healthy teeth if it hits or scrapes against a surface. The pressure can also cause cracked or broken teeth, which usually leads to costly repairs, not to mention a lot of pain. You can sustain a jaw injury from this bad habit, as well as so best to avoid such nonsense in general.

Another action that can lead to this kind of injury is one you probably never thought of: chewing ice. While ice melts and eating it seems like an innocuous act, you can chip your teeth and cause problems with dental work you’ve previously had done, like fillings and crowns. It can also be an irritant to those of us who are unfortunate enough to suffer from sensitive teeth, in fact, sensitive teeth can be caused by damage to the enamel which could be the result of behavior such as those just described above. It’s not just a case of accepting this and using sensitive tooth-paste as this is not treating the cause of the problem but only masking the symptoms leaving the possibility of bigger issues down the line.

One of the most well-known causes of oral issues is the overeating of sugary, processed foods. Medical and dental professionals agree that this type of food and drink will cause problems, especially in the long-term. The biggest effect of too much sugar is tooth decay. In some cases, there can be intense pain and loss of the affected teeth. Sugar is a surprising ingredient contained in many processed foods such as ready meals, store bought bread amongst others, even things like ketchup and other sauces and dressings, one area to be particularly mindful of is so called healthy or low-calorie options which are often bulked out with sugar for taste.

It’s important to note that even sugar-free candy and drinks are harmful to your teeth. According to a study at Melbourne University, sugar-free alternatives may lessen the risk of cavities, but the acid present in them will wreak havoc on your tooth by stripping away the enamel which as described earlier can cause all sorts of issues including sensitive teeth. The plaque acids that build up from eating unhealthy foods high in sugar, carbohydrates, and starches will damage your teeth and gums if consumed to excess, and without maintaining proper oral hygiene and maintenance this is almost certain to happen.

Another area we haven’t touched upon yet is that of drug use and poor oral health. Now, this usually makes people think of illegal drug use and the stereotypical idea of a junkie with awful teeth, and yes, something like ‘meth-mouth’ is a real problem. However just a big a problem can be unexpected side-effects of legal and prescribed medications, even something like a strong mouth-wash can cause discoloration, and that is from an oral health product. Always be sure to completely read the labels and if you notice any change consult your doctor and dentist as well to see if you need to switch before the problem gets any worse. You will probably find that these issues are listed in the huge list of potential side-effects you get with any medication you are given.

Laura Miller DDS is just one of the dental practices you can consult with to help improve the appearance of your teeth and overall dental health. If your overindulgence has led to tooth or gum pain, it’s important to get yourself checked by a professional. You could have cavities, other infections, or damaged teeth that need to be addressed before the problem worsens. You can also get advice and education on how to avoid these problems in the future. A good dental professional should be giving out preventative advice in addition to treating problems as and when they arise. To be on top of your oral health you need to have a good regular brushing routine that is augmented by flossing and mouth-wash and that you also regularly have check-ups at the dentist. This can all minimize the chances of more costly dental bills in the long term.

You can also improve the overall appearance of your mouth and teeth with cosmetic options. Teeth whitening will help your confidence and give you a smile you’re proud to show off and is not just the domain of the rich and famous anymore, it is surprisingly accessible and many providers even offer finance options to pay up over a term of months or even years. Lumineers or traditional veneers will help with the shape, function, and health of any chipped or broken teeth you have and give you a better than the original look to your mouth. But don’t just simply make these changes and then go back to your old bad habits.Make sure you’re changing your ways to ensure your future oral health, protect your looks and even your bank balance as we all know that treatment can be expensive, especially if it’s not covered by your health insurance provider.


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