How You Can Get A Better Sleep Tonight

How You Can Get A Better Sleep Tonight

How You Can Get A Better Sleep Tonight

There’s nothing more frustrating than not getting a good night’s sleep. Whether you have a hard time falling asleep or a hard time staying asleep, there are many things you can do to drift off quickly and stay asleep all night long. Proper rest is important for keeping you alert during the day, staying efficient at work and staying safe while driving. Lack of sleep lends itself to several health problems, including obesity and depression. So, if you don’t get adequate sleep, which is 7 to 9 hours per night for most adults, it’s time to do something about it today. Try any or all of these effective strategies and you’ll soon be getting the best sleep of your life. Of course, you should always talk this over with your doctor before getting started.

Drink Water Before Going to Bed

Being dehydrated or thirsty can really interfere with your sleep. For that reason, you should sip some water before you hit the sack so that thirst isn’t distracting you from falling asleep. Of course, don’t drink too much water or you’ll be up during the night making a run to the bathroom. A few ounces are all it takes to drift off, but not have a full bladder before morning.

You might also consider keeping a small glass of water or water bottle next to your bed so that if you do wake up thirsty, you can get a sip and then go back to sleep rather than having to get up and get something to drink, waking your body up and making it hard to get back to sleep.

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Take Screens Out of the Bedroom

Screens, such as those on your television, tablet or smartphone, emit blue light that activates the awake signals in your brain. Staring at videos, your email or your social media pages can wake you up and make it hard to shut your brain down so you feel sleepy. At the same time, looking at your screen might mean you are watching something that gets your brain excited so that you aren’t able to relax enough to fall asleep. Eliminating screens from your bedroom is an easy way to avoid this problem and get the rest you need.

If you do choose to have such devices in your bedroom, turn them facedown or against the wall when you want to sleep so that the light they emit doesn’t wake you up. At the same time, turn off all notifications so that their sounds and alerts aren’t waking you up during the night and tempting you to get up and see what’s going on.

A Good Mattress is the Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

How can you expect to sleep well if your mattress is old, worn out or uncomfortable? Experts recommend replacing your mattress every 7 years or so, which is especially important if you sleep on it every night. Beyond that, your mattress begins to break down and you might feel the coils when you lie down or it might sag in certain places. You might be surprised at just how much better you sleep when you have a new mattress on your bed.

It’s also valuable to consider any health problems you have. For example the best mattress for fibromyalgia may differ from the best one for lower back pain or breathing difficulties. Likewise, if you are obese or have physical limitation, the right mattress can make all the difference in your sleep patterns. The right pillow also deserves some attention.

Too Much Clutter Can Cause Anxiety and Lack of Sleep

Studies show that having a bedroom cluttered up with stuff can make it hard to relax and being unable to relax makes it difficult to fall asleep. When you’re feeling anxious about having things out and piled up throughout your bedroom, you aren’t in the right frame of mind to drift off to sleep. Cleaning up your room can do wonders for the quality and amount of sleep you get each night.

There are many easy steps you can take to declutter your bedroom and create a soothing and comfortable sleeping environment. Hang all clothes in the closet or fold them into your drawers. Place all dirty clothes in a hamper and stash out of sight in the closet. Keep dressers and nightstands free of a lot of clutter – an alarm clock, glass of water and lamp on your nightstand is all you need and your dresser shouldn’t have more than just a framed photo or bit of decor. Keep the space dusted and vacuumed so it feels clean and sanitary when you go to bed. Replace light bulbs as needed and keep the window treatments clean and in good shape.

Bedroom Darkness is Important Too

Many people find that if there is any light in their bedroom, they can’t get to sleep. Blocking all light creates an environment conducive to sleep and is fairly easy to do. Start with blackout curtains that keep light from outside your windows from getting in. Leave your smartphone in another room so notifications don’t light up the screen and wake you up. You can also turn your alarm clock to face the wall so the lighted digits don’t keep you from falling asleep. Closing your bedroom door can keep light out if family members are moving around through the house at night.

The right environment makes all the difference when you need a good night’s rest and these tips are a great place to start. If you still have problems falling asleep or staying asleep, contact your doctor to rule out any health problems that could be interfering with your rest. Here’s to great sleep every night!


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