How to Unlock Tight Hip Flexors

Unlock Tight Hip Flexors

How to Unlock Tight Hip Flexors

Learning how to get relief from tight hip flexors is something a lot of people struggle with on a daily basis. When your hip flexors tighten up it can cause a lot of pain in different areas of your body. However, the main area where hip flexor pain is experienced is around the upper groin.

Your hip flexors are a group of muscles that help you walk, run, and do a bunch of other things that you probably take for granted. When one or more of these muscles become injured, tight, or strained it can cause an unbearable amount of pain if it isn’t taken care of.

What Causes Hip Flexor Pain

There are various things that can cause hip flexor pain, but the 2 main causes include:

Too much stress placed on the hip flexor muscles due to excessively using them without rest. This is usually what causes hip flexor pain in athletes who do a lot of running and kicking.

Sitting down for long periods of time is another common cause of chronic pain in the hip flexors because it causes the muscles to shorten up. The shortness that occurs due to sitting is what usually causes the hip flexor muscles to become tight and lead to painful symptoms.

Another common cause of tight hip flexors are injuries that cause the muscles in this area to shorten up. Regardless of what’s actually causing your hip flexor pain the best way to begin getting some relief is to begin doing one or two of the simple stretches listed below.


There are certain symptoms and signs that will let you know that your hip flexor isn’t in the best shape. The most common symptom that your hip flexor muscles have shortened up on you is a clicking sound your hips make whenever you move around. This sound is letting you know that your hips are getting irritated and has become too tight.

Other symptoms of tight hip flexors that lead to chronic pain include:

  • Problems with standing up straight.
  • You feel pain or tightness in your lower back or glutes.
  • You can’t but to limp when you walk or run.

Sometimes these tight hip flexor symptoms can come and go but other times they can be persistent and affect you long term.

How to Unlock Tight Hip Flexors

According to Hip Flexors Info the best way to get rid of pain in this area is to unlock hip flexors that have tightened up due to excessive activity or constantly being in a sitting position.

The hip flexor exercises and stretches below are some of the best ways to get relief from hip flexor pain.

The Pelvic Tilt

The pelvic tilt is one of the best hip flexor stretches because it works the major muscles in the hip flexor to give you fast relief from pain and discomfort.

To do the pelvic tilt properly do the following:

  1. To start you’ll want to lay down flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting flat against the ground.
  2. Now push your back against the ground while you tighten up your midsection and glutes.
  3. While your knees are bent go ahead and lift your left leg off the ground and then hold it in the air for about 5 seconds before dropping back on the ground.
  4. Repeat this leg raise about 10 times before repeating with your right leg.

Hamstring Stretch

This hamstring stretch is a great hip flexor exercise because when your hamstrings are too tight or weak they pull on your hips causing a lot of pain and discomfort.

By strengthening your hamstrings you in turn help strengthen your hip flexor muscles which will relieve any pain you’re experiencing.

To do this hamstring stretch do the following:

  1. First you’re going to want to lay down on the ground flat on your back.
  2. Relax your body completely and then raise your left leg into the air and toward your upper body. You want the toes of your elevated leg pointing towards the ceiling and your knee slightly bent. To help keep your leg elevated you can use your hands for support.
  3. You’ll know you’re doing this stretch properly when you feel the stretch towards the back of your thigh.
  4. Hold your left leg elevated in the air for about 15 to 20 seconds before dropping back to the starting position.
  5. Do about 10 reps of this hamstring stretch with your left leg before switching to your right.

Pigeon Stretch

According to  WebMD this is one of the best yoga stretches for hip flexors because you work all the major muscles in your hip flexor. The best part about this hip flexor stretch is that you can work one hip at a time.

To do this hip flexor stretch do the following:

  1. Start off getting down on the ground in a push-up position.
  2. While on your hands and knees pull your left foot in toward the right side of your hip.
  3. Hold this position with your hands placed on the left thigh of your hips.
  4. As you hold this position make sure you’re taking deep breaths into any area of your hips where you feel a lot of tightness.
  5. Now repeat this stretch with the opposite leg.


Learning how to prevent hip flexor pain is the best thing you can do to increase your chances of never suffering from this problem again. The best way to prevent hip flexor pain is to always stretch before you do any type of exercise like walking, jogging, or running.

When you stretch it’s best to take your time and perform the stretches slowly and avoid rushing through them. The better you get at stretching properly before doing any type of physical activity the better you’ll be able to reduce the chances of hip flexor pain.


As you can see, just because you’re experiencing some pain and discomfort due to your hip flexors doesn’t mean you have to accept it as the normal. By doing the stretches and exercises listed above daily you’ll be able to unlock your hip flexors and get some fast relief.


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