How to Reduce Neck and Shoulder Tension

How to Reduce Neck and Shoulder Tension

We all are well-accustomed to the functionality of the neck and shoulders. Responsible for motor movements in the muscular system of head and neck, facial expressions, etc., shoulder muscles assist in a wide range of motions and tasks. Additionally, neck and shoulders serve one more purpose, they act as stress containers. Feelings of anger, pride, and stress activate in the head, neck, and shoulder areas.Nerve Renew Order Now

Shoulder and Neck muscles react drastically to the chronic stress: rising the tightness in neck and shoulders. Stiffness in muscles due to stress makes the heart race, skin perspire, and mouth dry– these are the signs of primitive physiological reflex that puts a body on guard for danger.

The gentle exercises and massages are the most effective in restoring the natural health of muscles, in releasing tension build-up, in conditioning the body to cope with stressful situations, etc. A regular stretching along with certain actions potentially helps eliminate neck and shoulder stress, promotes relaxation, and properly aligns the muscles of the body to minimize strain.

Have a look at the four gentle ways of reducing neck and shoulder tension.

 1. Yoga Practice:

The practice of gentle yoga postures is an ideal way to release the stress in the neck and shoulders. The subtle movement of neck and shoulders in different directions during the performance of yoga asanas help loosen the stiff muscles in these areas and expands the range of motion of both. Given below is a list of the best yoga poses for relieving strain in the neck and shoulders :

  • Heart Melting Pose (Anahatasana): A stretching yoga pose that melts away tension in the neck and shoulder region. Take care of the alignment to savor the benefits of this gorgeous yoga asana.Eagle Pose (Garudasana): A joint opener and an excellent pose for sciatic pain. Beginners can practice this pose in a seated position and shine with health and vibrancy.
  • Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana): This asana opens up and creates space in the thoracic region and cervical spine.
  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana): A powerful posture that greatly benefits the shoulders, neck, and other vital organs.Fibromyalgia Treatment revi

Go for a yoga teacher training in India to realistically understand the classical system of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga, Meditation, alignment techniques, etc., for a healthy tension-free body and mind.

 2. Meditation:

Stress is a deadly killer that affects both the physical and psychical health of a person. Physically, tension negatively impacts the sensitive areas of the neck and shoulders contributing to stress, headache, neck pain, and shoulder soreness. In certain cases, it can cause serious health issues. Meditation is a great way to calm anxiety. The practice of meditation involving the repetition of mantras and focus on the third eye modulates the neurobiological pain signals. Meditation is effective in alleviating pain related to stress. Here is how you can overcome neck and shoulder pain by sitting in meditation:

  • Feel and notice the pain: Sit in meditation and feel the tension points in neck and shoulders, mentally take the note of the pain, and how your body reacts to it.
  • Stay present: Despite the pain, encourage yourself to be in the moment. Focus on your breath, count the inhalations and exhalations, and connect your body with the floor upon which it rests.
  • Show Interest: Become interested in the pain and the sensations felt and less curious about the sufferings that it causes. Indulge in gentle neck rotation and bee breathing with a smile on a face.
  • Do it regularly: Repeat the meditation styles regularly and keep these pointers in mind. Slowly, you will train the brain to overcome the pain.Fibromyalgia Treatment read more

In the laps of the Himalayas, imagine yourself meditating and savoring a tranquilizing experience. Turn the dream into a reality with 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

 3. Deep Breathing:

When we do not release anxiety, our chest collapses, and our breathing patterns become shallow. Pranayama teaches the art of deep breathing that slows down the racing heart and releases stress. Focus on deep inhalations and exhalations and experience profound relaxation. Take a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh– the birth land of yoga for edifying yourself about the importance of breath-based training and its forms:

  • Skull Shining Breath or Kapalbhati: Deeply inhale the positivity, serenity, strength and forcefully exhale the toxicity and acidity through Kapalbhati Pranayama. The exercise rejuvenates the whole system.
  • Bellows Breathing or Bhastrika: The bhastrika pranayama is a powerful breathing technique for clearing of the Nadis, purifying the mind, and for balancing the doshas. It is the best technique of oxygenating the head and intensifying the health.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing or Anulom Vilom: Alternate inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils balance the hormones, increase energy, and cures arthritis and sinusitis.
  • Bee Breathing and Bhramari: This deep breathing  exercise cures hypertension, calms the nerves of body organs, reduces anxiety, and provides clear voice by treating throat problems.Buy Nerve Renew

 4. Massage:

Ayurvedic massages are relaxing and stress relieving in nature. Ayurvedic techniques such as Abhyanga, Podikizhi, Greeva Vasti, Pizhichil, and Nasyam specifically ease the tightness and problems of the neck and shoulders. Ayurvedic treatments positively impact the chronic conditions like fatigue, stenosis, spondylitis, and offer a healing touch. Some of the techniques are listed below with their benefits.

  • Abhyanga: Ayurvedic oil massage for relieving stiffness, increasing blood circulation to the nerve endings and toning the muscles of the shoulders.
  • Elakizhi: Herbal poultice is prepared with herbs and is tied into a soft cloth. The bag is dipped in hot medicated oil and is applied over shoulder joints for soothing the pain and tensions.
  • Greeva Basti: An Ayurvedic neck care treatment that involves pouring of medicated oil in a dough prepared of black gram flour or wheat flour placed over the neck. Greeva Basti treatment relieves the excess burden from the neck, releases stress, and enhances movement and blood circulation.
  • Nasyam: It is a Panchakarma therapy for massaging the shoulder, neck, treating headaches, sinusitis, and a remedy for congestion.

Increase mobility in the neck and shoulders while remaining in a stress-free zone through a dedicated practice of Yoga.Joint Advance, Joint Advance Reviews, Joint Advance Buy

Author Bio- Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He is currently working with The Yoga Alliance affiliated school organizes a number of Yoga events such as Yoga teacher training India, Yoga workshops, Retreats, Pranayama training, etc.