How to Effective Workout At Home Gym?

Workout At Home Gym

Do you want to lose weight and improve your physical fitness but where you can start training? 

Moreover, when we buy a gym membership, you forget about it after a few days. Having such a gym at home, you will not skip your workouts.

Here are some ideas that we hope will motivate you to get up and start working on yourself.

The hardest part of training is actually assessing your capabilities. This is the main mistake of beginners who put all their strength into the first two days of training. It can lead to muscle pain, which will cause the exercise to be postponed indefinitely. But home fitness equipment allows you to break this vicious circle forever.

PhenQ Weight Loss

With all the availability of fitness rooms at any time of the day, it can be difficult not to turn into a fat man. The home gym will adapt your workout routine to suit your lifestyle.

Once you’ve set up your gym for your regular workout, very soon you’ll want to take it to a whole new level. Start by making a list of the things you will definitely need.

The gym room must be at least 8 sq. m. Here you can conveniently place an exercise bike, a treadmill, a vibrating massager, wall bar and responsibly choose the best power tower with bench because this very important fitness equipment for build your body perfectly. Also, you can take the help of a fitness expert.

A dedicated gym space doesn’t always have to be large and expansive. Even a minimalist corner of a room can be turned into a workout area by adding a treadmill and some barbells.

Add a mirror to the interior, and preferably several at once, to increase the space of the corner. This will help regulate the number of your lifting repetitions. Just set aside an old attic or lonely corner next to the laundry room for a workout area. You will soon notice the many benefits it offers.

Most homeowners choose to set aside a workout area that combines rooms for different purposes. Whether you are looking to combine an indoor swimming pool with a gym, or add a relaxing Jacuzzi this is the right compact solution.

You may want to express your individuality through decoration. You can listen to your favorite music, wear a shirt worn down to holes and paint the walls in any color. A nice, fresh look outside and inside, as well as some inspirational posters, will add a unique touch to your gym.

Inspiration is a very important part of your workout. However, it is often overlooked. It’s hard to be motivated all the time without encouraging words. You can select witty quotes from your favorite bodybuilder and use them as a wall decoration option.


Exercise is essential even if you are not overweight. First, it is strengthening muscles and developing muscle endurance, which will help you easily withstand any physical activity in everyday life. 

15 day Diet Plan

Training plan for beginners:

DAY 1: Slim Legs Workout

DAY 2: workout for arms, back and chest

DAY 3: full standing cardio for weight loss

DAY 4: workout for toned buttocks

DAY 5: workout for the abdomen and waist


1. Squat with raising toes and hands up (How much to do: 15-17 reps.)

2. Lunges on the spot. (13-15 lunges per leg.)

3. Abduction of the leg in a semi-squat. (20-25 assignments per leg.)

4. A shell with a swing on the side, (15-17 swings for each leg.)

5. Rotation of the leg on the side. (10-12 rotations in one direction and the other on each leg.)

6. Squat with a kick leg. (9-10 swings on each leg -total 18-20 squats. )

7. Swing the leg to the side while standing. (15-17 swings for each leg.)

8. Half-hip with knee up. (15-17 lunges on each leg.)

9. Crossing the legs. (18-20 crosses.)

10. Bridge with a swing of the leg. (15-17 repetitions on one and the other leg.)


1. Circular rotation by hands. (18-20 rotations forward and the same amount back.) Hand rotations

2. Cross-touch of the shoulders in the plank. – 10-12 touches on each hand (20-25 touches in total). Cross-touching the shoulders in the plank.

3. Push-ups in a cobra. – 10-12 lifts. – Going from low cobra to high cobra.

4. Crossing arms. 25-30 crosses.

5. Lateral plank with pelvic rise. – 8-10 reps per side.

6. Touching the hand in front in the plank on the elbows

10-12 stretches for each arm – (20-25 stretches in total) Elbow plank with arms straightening.

7. Bench press sitting on your knees. 20-25 arm raises.

8. Raises of the folded arms while sitting on the knees. – 20-25 arm raises.

9. Ripple of the hands while sitting on the knees. – 25-30 pulsations.

10. From plank to dog face down. – 13-15 reps.

15 Day Diet Plan


1. Walking with shin overlaps

18-20 overlaps on each leg (35-40 overlaps in total) Cross-Leg Race Walking.

2. Squat with arms and legs spread.  – 9-10 steps per leg (total 18-20 squats).

3. Knee-elbow with hand lifts. – 13-15 touches on each leg (25-30 touches in total).

4. Pulling the knee in a half-side stand. – 20-25 knee pull-ups per side. Pulling the knees to the chest.

5. Swing the leg with touching the foot. 13-15 swings on each leg (25-30 touches in total).

6. Crossed touches of the feet. – 18-20 touches on each side (35-40 touches in total).

7. Lateral knee-elbow bends. – 13-15 tilts on each side (25-30 tilts in total).

8. Passing in a semi-squat with arms up. – 12-15 arm raises.

9. Pulling the knee to the chest. – 20-25 knee pull-ups per side.

10. Abduction of the leg with hands up. – 18-20 for each leg (35-40 touches in total).


1. Squat with a step to the side. – 10-12 reps per leg (20-25 squats total).

2. Side lunge in place. – 15-17 reps per leg.

3. Abduction of the leg while standing. – 15-20 leads per leg.

4. Standing leg curl. – 15-20 flexion’s for each leg.

5. Ripple in the sumo squat. – 20-25 pulsations.

6. Squat sitting on your knees. – 15-17 reps.

7. Swing a straight leg on all fours. – 15-17 swings for each leg.

8. Swing of the bent leg on all fours. – 15-17 swings for each leg.

9. Abduction of the bent leg on all fours. – 15-17 swings for each leg.

10. Raises in the bridge with an extended leg. – 15-17 lifts for each leg.


1. Twisting. – 15-17 reps.

2. Oblique twisting. – 12-15 reps for each leg (25-30 touches in total).

3. Saw bar. – 13-15 reps.

4. Half-sitting fold. – 15-17 reps.

5. Lying bends with touching the feet. – 15-17 inclinations on each leg (30-35 touches in total).

6. Knee-elbow in a side stand. – 15-17 reps on each side.

7. Reverse twisting knee-elbow. – 13-15 reps.

8. Raising from the floor with outstretched arms. – 13-15 reps. Raises to a sitting position from the floor.

9. Plank-climber. – 10-12 pull-ups on each leg (20-25 pull-ups in total).

10. Stretching arms and legs on all fours. – 10-12 stretches per side (20-25 stretches in total).


After each exercise, take a break of 15-20 seconds.

Pros and cons of a gym in a private home


  • During classes, you can play the music that suits you.
  • No one is standing next to you, showing with all their appearance that it is time to release the simulator.
  • Feel free to try new machines or techniques.
  • No one will distract you with unnecessary conversations.
  • Not any time restriction and do not need pay for visits to your gym


  • As a rule, in ordinary houses there is not too much space to accommodate all the necessary simulators, so you have to limit yourself to the minimum set.
  • If there is no coach nearby, then it is easy to be persuaded by your laziness and, accordingly, one day just stop practicing.
  • If necessary, there is no one to ask for advice.
  • When working with a large weight, there is a risk of injury, since there is no one to insure you.
  • The high cost of simulators.

Final Words

Regular exercise encourages a person to lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits. In addition, exercise promotes the production of happiness hormones (endorphins), which reduce the risk of depression. 


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