How to Build Six-Pack Abs with Exercise and Diet

Six-Pack Abs with Exercise and Diet

How to Build Six-Pack Abs with Exercise and Diet 

In the world of Instagram, everyone seems to have a six-pack. No matter if you’re trying to find fame online or just want to feel hot and powerful in your own body, getting a six-pack can definitely help. However, getting washboard abs is not an easy task. 

While trying to get that coveted six-pack, you can come across a lot of false information and health gurus trying to trick you into getting their new magical pills. However, if things are too good to be true, know that they probably are. All the flashy celebrity testimonials and well-written sales pitches won’t do anything but waste your money. 

Instead of wasting both time and money, here’s a recipe that works. It’s all based on hard work and proper diet. there’s no secret to abs. In order to get a little bit of advantage, here are some tips to keep in mind when working towards your coveted flat belly.

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Shed a few pounds

Cleaning up your diet is the first step towards six abs. Even if you kill it in the gym, to make your abs visible, you need to reduce some of that body fat covering your muscles. The healthiest and most effective way to lose weight is to cut your intake of sugars, processed foods and carbs. It’s best to create a menu that’s full of veggies, nuts, lean protein, healthy fats (olive oil, fish oil, avocados) and fruit. Every meal you eat should contain some healthy nutrients. For instance, you can boost your intake of protein for breakfast, add a serving of veggies to your lunch, have some fresh fruit snacks and drink plenty of water instead of chugging juice, soda or Starbucks coffee. Realistically, moderation is the key to weight loss. Just because something is healthy, it doesn’t mean it’s not full of calories. Make sure to reduce your calorie intake as well, and you’ll see some great results. 

Eat plenty of protein

Protein is what helps you get those big and lean muscles. Besides that, muscles also burn fat, so you want to have a lot of them! The best recipe for burning fat is to eat plenty of protein. Out of all macronutrients, protein is the hardest to break down, which results in a great calorie-burning effect. If you look at bodybuilders, you’ll see that they eat mostly lean protein and look like Olympian gods! 

Eat some post-workout carbs

This is how most people thin: Carbs bad for you and they make you fat. However, that’s not always the truth. Eating too much carbs will result in weight gain, but not all carbs are created equal. Grans and starchy carbs coming from sweet potatoes, brown rice and oatmeal are a great addition to your six-pack diet, especially if you include them into your post-workout meal. When you ingest carbs after a workout, they won’t turn into fat! However, you will get plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that will ensure you remain strong, energized and healthy. 

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Don’t neglect good fats

Good fats from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated sources like nuts, nut butters, fish and olive oil are great for your body. Nutrients from these foods will keep your insulin in check which is the key for losing belly fat and getting that sexy six-pack. Of course, you shouldn’t go overboard and gobble down an entire bag of cashews. Simply, stop being afraid to eat some healthy fats. With many low-fat diets in the media, it’s easy to believe that fat is bad for you, but the reality is quite different. Extreme reduction of fat from one’s diet can have disastrous results on your physique. 

Work your legs

What? Work your legs if you want six-pack? That might not make any sense without context and some more information behind it. However, a full-body workout that tackles every muscle in the body, legs included, can boost your metabolism and speed up the calorie-burning process for up to two days. 

You mustn’t neglect a single muscle group, and when you take into consideration how big leg muscles are, you’ll see why it’s so important to exercise them. When you do leg exercises like squats or deadlifts, you target your glutes, quads and hamstrings, but also your core. Plus, the bigger the muscles, the more calories you’ll burn at the end of your workout

Forget about crunches

Most people who step into the gym for the first time in hopes of getting a six-pack go straight to crunches and sit-ups. However, total-body workouts with plenty of compound movements are much better for fat loss and muscle building than crunches will ever be. Wasting time doing hundreds of crunches is basically pointless for beginners with extra fat and without developed muscles. 

Classic ab exercises are not very effective because they allow you to flex or round your lower spine. On the other hand, true core exercises do movements like rotating your torso, fight against rotation and brace your torso all while flexing your lower spine. These exercises will have a much better effect on your physique. Try doing plenty of mountain climbers or even grab a compact ab roller for an effective full-body workout that will put your abs to work. If you have an ab roller, you can do a lot of different effective movements that will bring results. 

However, keep in mind that these ab exercises shouldn’t be your main portion of the workout. they are always side-dishes. Create a good workout program that will target your big muscles and include exercises like squats, deadlifts and push up. At the end of your workout, set five to ten minutes aside for a short ab workout with your ab roller. Training your abs won’t hurt unless you’re taking time away from your full-body workouts. 

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Introduce HIIT to your workouts

In order to speed up your fat burn and tackle more calories during shorter workouts, try adding some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your workouts. Find a good workout and perform it a few times every week. These high-intensity exercises burn a lot of calories even though they are short. Also, HITT workouts will strengthen your abs and improve your cardiovascular health and fitness. If you’re new to HIIT, make sure to start slow or you can end up with an injury. Ouch! 

Master the plank

If there’s one exercise you must perfect if you want abs, that’s the plank. This exercise might seem a little boring or even too easy, but the looks can be deceiving. Even though it looks like you’re not doing much (holding a simple pushup position on your forearms or hands) if you do it correctly, the plank will be very challenging. Besides working on your stamina, planks teach you how to keep your core stiff which will come in handy for all other ab exercises. 

How does one perform a perfect plank? Well, start from a pushup position resting on your forearms or hands, but be mindful of your spine alignment. Also, make sure your core and glutes are activated. Once a normal plank becomes too easy, you can play with variations and make it more challenging and effective. 

While it’s easier for some people to stay fit and develop a six-pack, shredded abs require a lot of dedication and discipline. So, take these tips to heart and start working hard towards your goal. With a good diet and plenty of exercises, results are guaranteed. 


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