Health Benefits Related to Bike Riding

Health Benefits Related to Bike Riding

Health Benefits Related to Bike Riding

Why do people love motorcycle riding? Is it because of the freedom, the flexibility or the adventure quotient? How about considering the health benefits! Are you sure!!! Well, yes riders know one thing that their motorcycle offers them much more than easy transportation but what they don’t realize is that it gives their mind and body the much needed health boost.

Why do you need the gym?

Car driving is a passive activity. You just sit and allow your car to do all the tasks. Sure, under some conditions, the driver swerves into a lane or intersects a vehicle, your hearts definitely get a workout. But your body remains inactive. You burn up to 50 or 100 calories per hour which you can burn while watching television.

But riding a motorcycle is different. It is a complete body workout which burns your 200-300 calories per hour and even more when you ride against the wind. Handling the bike involves every muscle of your body and enhances tone, especially:

  1. The core: Balancing and moving a motorcycle is comparably better than doing crunches or rounds on an ab machine. The continuous movement and correction on your bike ride adds to a perfect workout session. And, if you want a six pack then just continue riding and eat lean protein and vegetables.
  2. The lower bottom: Treadmill takes you nowhere while your bike will take you anywhere you want. And while your exercises on one side hurt your joints, motorcycle riding on the other hand can help you build your muscle efficiently with low impact.
  3. Your neck: You can adjust your bike to suit your body correctly and this way strengthen your neck muscles. In order to ride safely, you should maintain a straight posture. It will help in getting rid of back aches. However, you should have a perfectly fitted motorcycle and helmet or your pain may worsen.

Sharp corners will sharpen your mind

Can motorcycle riding enhance your mental skills? Scientists gave it a yes! Yes, a team of Japanese scientist from Yamaha have suggested that motorcycle riding can enhance your cognitive functions. They performed an experiment and proved that motorcycle riding activates brain. When the whole body of a motorcyclist is in action along with brain to operate the bike safely, then it exercises the brain too. When brain is being constantly used, it learns to be focused and remain alert.

Riding works as a therapy

Are you happy when you are on your motorcycle on the road? For a lot of motorcyclists, their tension flies away. One reason which explains this is endorphins. They are the “feel good” hormones which your body releases after gymming. So, when you have a good workout session, your body responds accordingly.

Your mood enhances, your stress level falls and you feel victorious. It keeps your body and mind in great spirit. You can link several mental health benefits with it too. Some of the mental health advantages of riding a motorcycle bike are given below.

If you have heard this phrase before “free your mind and the rest shall follow”, then you mind be knowing that it is the healthy mind which leads to a healthy body. This applies to the long term advantages linked with motorcycle riding. Yes, riding a bike has a lot of positive benefits on your brain. Some of them are mentioned below:

  1. Enhance the power of your brain on a motorcycle

Who doesn’t want a perfectly toned body, but at the same time you cannot forget to appreciate the vital role a health brain plays in accomplishing your physical objectives. Do not drive a car, ride a bike. While sitting in car, your body is sedentary and completely at rest. However, when you ride a motorcycle, it needs physical and mental effort. Mentally, you work on the prefrontal areas of your brain and concentrate on the different turns and functioning of the bike. Thus, it helps you enhance the levels of your cognitive abilities.

  1. Enhance your mental health on a motorcycle

Along with keeping your brain functions at optimal level, motorcycle riding has shown immense positive impact on mental health. It improvises your mood and lowers stress when you cruise down on a countryside road. Every time you accelerate your motorcycle, you feel an adrenaline rush. Well, it is the endorphin of your body which makes your feel great and enhances your mood too. When you ride your motorcycle and your body absorbs Vitamin D, you get a healthy and happy mind. Thus, riding a motorcycle has several mental benefits along with physical ones.

  1. Add to your core strength with motorcycle riding

Yes, enjoying a scenic ride on your motorcycle can add to your core strength. You need to work out your core to keep your body and mind functioning well. Maintain correct body posture to enhance your core, strengthen your back muscle and neck. A correct body posture leads to less stress on the neck.

  1. Do not skip a single day

Riding a bike offers major benefits to your knees and thighs. So, rather than spending hours in the gym, you can spend an extra hour riding your bike. It will not just strengthen your knee and thigh, but will also give you fresh air and relax your mind. Your body and mind will love this freshness and get rid of the whole day stress.

  1. All in all, a full body workout

Riding takes energy and effort in comparison to driving a car. It is not just physical and mental exercise but it enhances your insulin sensitivity too which helps in burning your calories and stores less fat. So, when you burn these calories while riding motorcycle, you perform a full body exercise. If you weigh a few hundred pounds, then you should use your body to balance safely and steer. Over time, it will use every muscle and tone them accordingly.

Do what make you happy as it is the best option to enhance your mental health. If you love riding a motorcycle, then it is the best health and fun activity to keep your body and mind healthy and reach from Point A to Point B at the same time.

But, are motorcycles really worth it?

Well, with so many physical and mental health benefits linked with motorcycle riding, can you still question about the worthiness of the bikes?

Motorcyclists have higher chances of getting injured but if they ride safe and wear all the safety gears, then they are less prone to any road accidents and dangers just like other means of commuting. Hence, you should buy all safety gears and motorcycle parts online from reliable and reputed stores for utmost safety.

 If you enjoy riding a motorcycle, then consider all the positive impacts it can have on you and your life. It is very important to acknowledge every factor to ensure your security. It includes opting for safety courses, buying Yamaha motorcycle OEM parts, wearing the right clothing and boots while riding your motorcycle riding, being responsible and attentive and giving your 100% on every ride. So, if you still question about whether motorcycles are worth your purchase or not, well yes…. They are and after your first ride, you will also give the same answer.


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