Getting Started on Your Fitness Journey? Here’s What You Need to Know

Fitness Journey

As we’re nearing the halfway mark of the year, many people are reflecting on their new year’s resolutions. This is when the shock sets in and you realize that you haven’t made progress with any of your goals. That’s okay! There’s still a lot of time to rectify this. For a lot of us, at least some of our goals have to do with our health. We want to lose weight, get fit, build muscle, drink more water, eat healthier . . . you get the idea.

But the truth is that wanting to improve your health and doing it are two very different things. There are so many factors to consider when it comes to health and fitness, which is why people often give up before they start. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of a few key things you need to know when you’re just starting your fitness journey, so you don’t have any more excuses!

Visit a Doctor

We often think of a doctor’s visit as something we only need to do when something is wrong. However, going to the doctor before you start your fitness journey can help you prevent injuries. It’s always a good idea to check up before you do any new exercise. This is especially important if you are pregnant, or have any health problems, like old injuries or heart issues that could cause certain exercises to be dangerous. Visit any reputable local doctor, such as OKC doctors, to make sure it’s safe for you to go ahead with your plans.

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You’ll often have heard people say that fitness relies more on what you eat than how much you exercise, and this is true. However, it’s important to find a balance. It’s a good idea to have some kind of meal plan when you start your fitness journey, just to ensure that you’re getting all of the nutrients you need.

Also keep in mind that, depending on how intense your workouts are, you may be much hungrier than usual. If this is the case, eat! Don’t deprive your body of food. You need food to fuel your exercises, so don’t feel bad if you start eating more. Just make sure that you’re eating healthy and nutritious food for the most part.

Find exercises that work for you

Everyone is going to tell you something different when it comes to what types of exercise you should be doing. Some will tell you to do cardio every day. Others will tell you to start lifting the heaviest weights you can find. Others will tell you that a walk around the block each day is good enough. The truth is that the best exercise for you is whatever you enjoy, and whatever works for your body.

Some people get bored easily, so they may need to try a new form of exercise each week. Others may like lower impact forms of exercise, such as yoga. There are also various other, less traditional types of exercise, such as horse riding, or rock climbing. Feel free to switch things up until you have an exercise routine that works for you. Remember that everyone’s body is different, so you don’t need to be following what everyone else does. You can also combine workouts, such as with this cardio and strength workout.


Resting is very important for any type of fitness journey. If you’re constantly working out and pushing yourself, you’re going to burn out. The resting period is where the muscle is built and your body can prepare for the next workout. If you’re just starting, you may need more rest days than people who have been working out for years. That’s fine – listen to your body and rest when necessary. It is, however, a good idea to still aim for some kind of movement on your rest days, such as some yoga or a light walk.

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Keep track of your progress

It’s easy to give up on your fitness journey, especially when you feel like you aren’t seeing results. For example, if you’re not losing weight, you may feel the urge to quit. However, progress comes in many different forms, and it’s important to keep track of it for days when you feel like you’re losing motivation.

The scale is only one type of progress. You can also track things like body measurements. Another popular option is using workout log apps. Simply input all the details of a workout, and see how you improve over time. Maybe you could only do five squats at a time, and now you’re doing fifteen – that’s progress!

What do you need to buy?

Contrary to what you may believe, you don’t need to have expensive workout gear. Just make sure that you have pants that you can move around in – shorts, leggings, or sweatpants are all popular options. You also need some kind of shoe that feels comfortable as well as breathable shirts. If you’re working out at home, you don’t strictly need to buy any equipment, but a few things that you may find helpful are a yoga mat, dumbbells, a skipping rope, and a resistance band. Fitness shouldn’t be only for people who can afford it; you can get healthy without spending a lot of money!

Gym or home?

For many people, the first thing that they do when they decide to start their fitness journey is to join a gym. While there’s nothing wrong with this, you can also do a home-based program that’s just as effective. It all depends on what your situation is.

Can you afford a gym membership? How often will you be able to go, and will it be worth it to get a membership if you can only go once a week? Do you want to use equipment or your bodyweight? Both options are viable and have loads of pros to them, so there’s no wrong option. A gym may help you meet more people who can motivate you, but home-based workouts will be a lot less expensive.


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