Garcinia Cambogia: Is It The Best Supplement For Weight Loss?

Garcinia Cambogia

You, so do everybody else, know that it’s so much easier to gain weight than to lose just one pound of fat. Regardless of this fact, however, it’s perfectly normal for your weight to fluctuate up to five pounds over two consecutive days of stepping on the scale. Real weight changes can’t happen overnight though that you need to a caloric deficit of at least 1,000 calories per day to lose just two pounds per week. It’s that impossibility that makes weight loss wonders become such a big hit and recently, Garcinia cambogia for weight loss has been attracting plenty of attention – both positive and negative.

What Is Garcinia cambogia?

As already mentioned, Garcinia cambogia, also known as Malabar tamarind, is one of the most recent go-to natural remedies for weight loss. The fruit is native to parts of India and Indonesia and is also widely used for culinary purposes in other Southeast Asian countries. Anecdotal reports based on traditional use of the fruit point to its appetite suppressing qualities that aid people who are trying to lose weight.

Its growing popularity as a supplement goes beyond weight loss, however (other health benefits to be discussed in another section below). Due to the proliferating knowledge of the health benefits that can be derived from this fruit, its hydroxycitric acid (HCA) content to which its health-giving effect has been alluded to, are being extracted and processed into various forms of preparations. As of supplements, the HCA derived from the rind of Garcinia cambogia can now be easily accessed in tablet, capsule, powder, and even liquid preparations and are now being sold globally at both leading and smaller health shops and drugstores.

Does Supplementing With Garcinia cambogia Result To Weight Loss?

Based on claims made about the weight loss benefits that can be derived from Garcinia cambogia, the active ingredients in this fruit work in at least two ways to help you lose weight. So, how does Garcinia cambogia cause weight loss?

  1. It acts as an appetite suppressor: It causes your serotonin levels to rise significantly. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. When it rises, it tells your brain that you’re full. In this way, you feel satiated sooner, helping you avoid overeating and actually brings down your calorie intake. At the same time, because serotonin also makes you feel happy, you don’t feel like binging on junk and sugary foods unlike when you feel sad, depressed or anxious.
    Garcinia Lean Xtreme
  2. It inhibits fat formation and storage: More specifically, HCA extracted from Garcinia cambogia blocks ATP Cytrate Lyase, an enzyme released by your liver to convert excess carbohydrates into fat. When it becomes successful in doing so, you also get to burn off more fat previously stored in your body because when you experience a caloric deficit, your body naturally taps on your fat storages to make up for the energy your body requires to function normally.

What does the scientific evidence say about the weight loss potential of supplementing with Garcinia cambogia? Below are the conclusions of two studies that reviewed a dearth of scientific reports published concerning the alleged health benefits that can be derived from Garcinia cambogia, including weight loss and fat prevention:

  • In a study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2013, the researchers observed that most of the supplements using Garcinia cambogia as a dietary supplement included other active ingredients in the formula. In such manner, the researchers said, it is difficult to allude the health benefits observed to arise as a result of Garcinia cambogia alone. Furthermore, the study also did not find any conclusive evidence to suggest that supplementing with Garcinia cambogia promotes weight loss and, in general, improves overall weight management. The researchers recommended that more rigorous studies should be carried out to guide the public as to the use of Garcinia cambogia, most especially at a time when dietary supplements are becoming increasingly popular.
  • In another study published in the Journal of Obesity in 2010, specifically looked into evidence, based on randomized clinical trials (RCT) only, concerning the health benefits that can be derived from supplementing with the HCA extracted from Garcinia cambogia. The researchers concluded that there is a compelling, although not incontestable, evidence to suggest that HCA from this fruit can cause short-term weight loss. However, the weight change could possibly be negligible.

What Other Health Benefits Can Be Derived From Garcinia Cambogia?

Other than attracting people who want to shed of extra pounds and inches from their waist, people who suffer certain chronic diseases, including those who want to prevent their onset, are equally drawn into supplementing with Garcinia cambogia. So, what other benefits can you derive from Garcinia cambogia? Listed below are just some of these, based on anecdotal reports:

  • It gives you more energy: People who are chronically tired and stressed may benefit from supplementing with Garcinia cambogia too. When its HCA content suppresses fat formation and storage, your body is forced to burn off that extra amount of carbohydrates, thereby releasing more energy in your system that allows you to do more yet still feel great at the same time.
  • It enhances your mood: This is direct aftermath of increased serotonin levels in your brain. It makes you feel happier and more satisfied. It relieves feelings of depression as well. HCA is said to set you up for a good mood that can last throughout the day.
  • It helps keep sugar levels low: When it burns off excess carbohydrates rather than storing it as fat, the HCA in Garcinia cambogia also burns the excess sugar circulating in your system, keeping sugar in your blood at normal levels. This is why people who have diabetes are also interested in supplementing with Garcinia cambogia.
  • It helps lower bad cholesterol: Less fat storage means less bad cholesterol. At the same time, claims made about Garcinia cambogia’s ability to burn off more fat derived from existing fat storage and enhance metabolism attracts attention from people who suffer from high blood pressure and heart diseases.

A double-blind, randomized study involving 58 subjects observed the effect of Garcinia cambogia on cholesterol levels by contrasting the results of a placebo group and a treatment group. The researchers observed that subjects belonging to the treatment group had significantly lower levels of bad cholesterol in their blood compared to those assigned under the placebo group.

Garcinia cambogia: Is It Safe?

Based on the above accounts, it can be concluded that evidence for the claimed benefits of supplementing with Garcinia cambogia are mixed. Some studies support the claims while others reject these. Although evidence as to whether or not using HCA from Garcinia cambogia as a supplement is redounded to real health benefits remain, inconclusive and more study may be necessary to establish its positive health effects, including for weight loss and weight management.

Another equally valid question now begs for an answer: Is Garcinia cambogia safe to use as a supplement?

There are no one-shot, fast answers for this but, what you must know by now is that just because a supplement has been manufactured from naturally-derived ingredients does not automatically make it safe or risk-free. Another point for you to keep in mind is that your supplement can interfere with any medication that you might already be taking, and the medical condition that you are already living with. This is why even supplement manufacturers strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider first before taking any supplement.

The following conditions are likely to interfere with supplementing with Garcinia cambogia:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • chronically compromised the immune system
  • very low sugar levels or taking medications for controlling blood sugar or influencing insulin levels
  • mental disorders or taking medications for such
  • anemia and other blood-related disorders, and taking medications for such conditions, including iron supplementation
  • high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, heart diseases, and related medications
  • taking pain management drugs

The following are some of the reported side effects of supplementing with Garcinia cambogia:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Headaches, migraine, and dizziness
  • Upset stomach and diarrhea
  • Indigestion and nausea
  • Loss of appetite

Further, the Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly warned against weight loss products and supplements claiming to be made from all-natural ingredients. A particular Garcinia cambogia supplement, Fruta Planta Life, was found by the FDA in late 2017 to contain a hidden drug ingredient known as sibutramine. According to the public warning issued: “This product poses a threat to consumers because sibutramine is known to substantially increase blood pressure and/or heart rate in some people and may present a significant risk for people with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke. This product may also interact, in life-threatening ways, with other medications a consumer may be taking.”

Going back to the question, “Is it safe to supplement with Garcinia cambogia?” The answers are not clear-cut. However, there is clearly reason to take extra precaution because the risks are high. When you are seriously considering taking Garcinia cambogia as a supplement, make sure to consult with your health care provider first and, inform yourself or ask about other safer alternatives.

What are safer ways to lose weight?

In general, it is always safer to take the long-term healthy lifestyle approach to weight loss. Other than being risk-free, training yourself to become healthier and to consistently choose to be healthier will redound to health benefits (including a beautiful body) to last you for a lifetime. Listed below are the Top 5 sure-shot ways to lose those extra pounds and become a healthier version of you:

  1. Watch what you eat: You must already know that when you are trying to lose weight, you need to cut down on your calorie intake. One way to achieve your target weight is to plan your meals ahead of time. Mind where your food is coming from and how it is prepared because all of this information will help determine if you’re eating healthy or not. In general, scratch off processed foods from your list of grocery items, visit the local farmers’ market more often and cook your own meals (boil and steam, don’t fry). It takes some time to train your palate to learn the taste of healthier foods so stay on your diet.
  2. Workout regularly: Having no time for exercise means not loving yourself enough. There are many scientifically proven workouts that require just 15 minutes or less of your time a day, such as the Tabata Training technique, for you to derive the weight management benefits of regular exercising. Keep switching workouts to continue challenging your body.
  3. Get sufficient rest and sleep: Missing out on sleep will cause your body to enter a stress mode. When it does, it stores more fat. At the same time, your hormones also run wild, leaving you a long time to feel hungry, craving for junk, and feel fuller.
  4. Don’t stress: Like lack of sleep, stress can drive your metabolism to slow down and give you raging appetite. Worse, your sugar and blood pressure go up uncontrollably, further stressing out your body.
  5. Improve your gut health: Improved digestion also improves metabolism. Make sure that you are getting the most benefit that you can derive from your healthy foods. To enhance your gut health, include probiotics in your diet to help restore the balance of good and bad bacteria as well as drive enzymes that help break down your food back to optimal levels. Taking more dietary fiber will also be helpful.


While there is evidence that suggests Garcinia cambogia may aid in proper weight management, the evidence remains questionable and inconclusive. Still, if you honestly feel it might help you on your weight loss journey, make sure that you are well-informed of risks and that you have considered other alternatives. You should also check the quality of the supplement that you are getting, including its maker’s reputation when it comes to formulating and distributing neutraceuticals. Keep in mind that whether or not you continue to take Garcinia cambogia, your health and body contour can always benefit from the five more natural ways to shed off your extra pounds shared above.