Five Ways to Battle Belly Fat-and Win

Five Ways to Battle Belly Fat-and Win

Are you worried about your weight? One-third of America’s population weighs more than they should, says the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). So if that includes you, it’s important to remember you’re not alone. Eating well is tough, especially in a world where it’s so very convenient to stop by the drive-through and grab a greasy dinner on the run. Working out is tough too-curbed by gym fees and the pressure to look good before you ever set foot in the door.

But tough does not equal impossible. And there are workarounds for those many obstacles that bar your way to a flatter belly. Do you have no time to cook dinner? Hit the grocery store salad bar instead of the burger joint. Do you feel like you’re too rushed to hit the gym? Work out at home instead. Most importantly, burn off that belly with these five simple exercises that will help you see big results in a short amount of time. This will increase your motivation, and when it comes to making yourself work out several times a week, motivation is key.

1. Lift Weights

It’s probably not the first workout routine that comes to mind when you think of reducing belly fat, but strength training is actually an excellent way to help slim and trim your middle.

Why This Works

Strength training works because it targets your core muscles-those used for balance and posture, among other things. A strong core helps eliminate back pain, improve endurance, and correct lazy posture.

Where to Start

If you’re new to the world of weightlifting, start slow. Two days per week is a good jumping-off point because it gives your muscles time to rest in between. It also helps prevent over-training, which can lead to injury. And if you slowly increase the amount of weight you’re working with over time, you’ll see even greater improvement in a shorter period of time. To get started, choose a dumbbell that’s light enough to get you through two to three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

What to Do

Try the following workout for beginners who want to start weight-training:

  • Kettlebell Swing Variation – Holding a dumbbell in both hands, bend at your hips and lower the weight between your legs. Straighten your posture as you raise the weight back up to shoulder level. Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times.
  • Side Bend – Hold a dumbbell in one hand and lower it down your side without bending at the hip or knee. Repeat this move for 12 to 15 repetitions. Switch and work the other side of your body in the same manner.
  • Woodchop – Holding a dumbbell in both hands, squat and hold the weight to one side. As you stand, lift the weight across your body until it’s head-height to the opposite side. Repeat this 12 to 15 times, then switch the weight to the opposite hand and work the other side of your body.
  • Crunch – Lie down and hold a weight in both hands, clutched to your stomach. Raise the top of your body toward your knees, being sure to use your ab muscles, not your hips, to drive the movement. Lower yourself back down, and repeat the move 8 to 10 times.
  • Twist – Sit with your knees bent and feet raised off the ground. Grip a weight in both hands, and slowly move it back and forth in front of you, from one side of your body to the other. Repeat this 8 to 10 times.

Each routine should be performed in order, with no pause between repetitions. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds, then begin the circuit again, repeating six times.

2. Up Your Cardio

Cardio workouts are great for burning calories and working your heart and circulatory system. Cardio is easy to do at home, at work, or anywhere really. Incorporate it into your workday simply by parking farther from your office building or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Why This Works

Cardio exercises target your cardiovascular system, raising your heart rate and making the organ nice and strong. A strong heart does a great job of pumping blood, which in turn delivers oxygen to your cells. This gives you scads of energy and burns lots of fat.

Where to Start

The list of cardio exercises is nearly endless: Walking, jogging, running, swimming, biking, climbing stairs, jumping rope, and rowing are all forms of cardio exercise, so pick your favorite and get started.

What to Do

You’ll get the best benefit if you couple your cardio training with HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training. This involves performing short spurts of all-out cardio activity, coupled with periods of rest.

3. Try Yoga

Yoga is probably another activity your mind tries to shelve when you think of having a flatter stomach, but that’s not right at all. Yoga has enormous benefits, including helping sculpt and tone every part of your body-including your abs. Yoga helps calm anxiety, improve focus, increase body flexibility, keep joints and cartilage healthy, and so much more.

Why This Works

Yoga helps tone muscles much in the way strength training does-you’re still lifting weight. In yoga, however, instead of lifting dumbbells, you’re lifting, maneuvering, and repositioning the weight of your own body.

Where to Start

If you’re new to this ancient form of meditation and relaxation, you might be tempted to question it as a serious workout routine, but yoga is probably quite capable of kicking your butt-especially when done correctly. So don’t discount it. Instead, sign up for a beginner class or try a few of the easier poses right in the comfort of your own home. Yoga poses are great for toning and sculpting your abs.

What to Do

  • Tree – Placing your weight on your left leg, raise your right knee to your chest and grasp your ankle, pressing your left foot into your right, inner thigh. If you can, release with your hands and stand, balanced, with your palms pressed together close to your chest. Hold the pose to the count of 10 leisurely breaths, release, and repeat the stance with the right leg.
  • Warrior Lunge Twist – Stand and place your hands into a prayer pose, then lunge forward with one leg until it’s roughly at a 90-degree angle to the floor with your other leg stretched straight out behind you. Rotate your trunk until you’re able to press an elbow against the outside of your bent knee. Hold for the count of 10 long breaths, release, and repeat the pose with your other leg.

4. Take up a Team Sport

Of course, if you’re someone who has trouble sticking to any kind of exercise regimen without someone forcing you to do so, there’s always organized sports to help get you moving. Joining a team where others rely on your performance for the win adds accountability and may make it easier to stay motivated. Join a roller skating team or a Frisbee league if you’re not inspired by baseball, basketball, or hockey.

5. Take up an Individual Sport

Do you not thrive under pressure? Rest easy – maybe team sports aren’t your thing. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get fit and trim without the pressure of other people relying on your performance. Martial arts, for instance, work pretty much every muscle in your body-so does parkour. And they’re both fun to learn and to practice.

Nothing you’ve done up to this point in your life needs to define you. Tomorrow’s script hasn’t yet been written, and you’re the one holding the pen. Start slow, be kind to yourself, and remember – you’ve got this. Now, go out, and get fit and lose weight.