Everything You Should Know About Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits

Everything You Should Know About Healthy Eating Habits

The importance of having nutritious food might not need any clichéd discussion. It only needs a detailed discussion about what to eat and why. Proper nutrition, in its all way, includes a healthy diet comprising of whole grains, starch, good fats, and colorful fruits and vegetables. A good diet plan also means avoiding too much salt and sugar, and elements potentially harmful to health.

Here’s a list of different types of foods to help in forming a healthier ‘you.’

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Stress Reduction

Stress is a silent killer, engulfing the majority of the globe. While choosing the right food might not be the only way to treat stress, it can go a long way to trigger your feel-good hormones. Different types of foods help to keep Cortisol, the stress hormone under control, while there are foods that contain Tryptophan, the essential amino acid that helps to calm the nerves and induce deep sleep.

  • Having a cup of warm, herbal tea can have relaxing effects on your nerves.
  • Fish contains a lot of Tryptophan, which makes it a must-have among those suffering from depression.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of antioxidants that help to reduce the oxidative processes in your system.

There have been a lot of studies in recent years that aim at establishing the relationship between the choice of foods and mood. For example, a particular 2016 study has revealed that there is a direct relationship between the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index (such as processed foods and confectioneries) and mood swings. Foods having a low glycemic index, such as whole-grain food items and fruits, on the other hand, can work slowly as a mood uplifter.

Improve Your Digestive System

As more and more people becoming sedentary workers, there is a growing tendency of developing intestinal issues, as well as conditions like frequent bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and the like. In the age of work from home and cubicles, tends to reach for comfort foods, as they give instant satiety and a ‘full’ feel. Nevertheless, most of these consumables are made from refined flour and a heavy amount of unhealthy fats, which wreak havoc on the digestive system.

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For improved gut health, you have to redesign your daily diet. You can start by:

  • Adding more colorful fruits and green, leafy vegetables. They are full of dietary fiber. The bacteria present in them helps to maintain the interstitial track. They also produce a lot of stool, thus helping patients with acute constipation.
  • Foods with a lot of probiotics, such as buttermilk, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, and other probiotic drinks, help in producing a lot of good intestinal bacteria, which helps in improving digestion.

As an Immunity Booster

Having a strong immunity can help you to fight against autoimmune diseases, as well as resist infection. It also helps you to recover faster from any health condition. To improve immunity, you have to take foods that are packed with antioxidants, as well as all the essential vitamins and minerals. This way, you will see nutritionists often recommending berries, cherries, citrus fruits, carrots, tomatoes, fatty fish, cheese, different spices, and herbs in the diet. They all have excellent medicinal and therapeutic properties.

On Improving Memory

While caregiving for patients who suffer from impaired cognition and dementia, the diet plays a crucial role. A certain 2015 study, as a matter of fact, has particularly identified certain foods that favor memory. These include:

  • Foods are rich in omega-three fatty acids, such as cod liver oil.
  • Vitamins C, D, and E, which can be had in the form of supplements.
  • Polyphenols and flavonoids, which are strong antioxidants
  • Fish

These apart, nutritionists recommend a Mediterranean diet for boosting memory. This type of diet comprehends a lot of citrus fruits, lean meat, fish, herbs, and olive oil.

For Stronger Teeth and Bones

Healthy teeth and strong bones are essential for your overall well-being. Also, as you age, your bones start losing their reserve of natural calcium and minerals, which are the core elements for bone health. Consequently, you become susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. To make for the depletion, your body needs to intake the following calcium-rich foods:

  • Cabbages
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Tofu
  • Legumes
  • Fish having bones
  • Plant-based milk, such as soy milk

Besides calcium, you will also need magnesium for optimal bone health. This is why your calcium-rich diet needs to be complemented with different types of nuts, whole grains, and leafy vegetables.

Also, make sure to take your vitamin D supplements regularly.

Taking Care of Your Heart

Your food habit has a direct relationship with how well your heart is faring.

Any person having a heart-related problem is asked to keep away from foods containing trans-fat. Even the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has revealed that simply by changing food habits, the chances of developing coronary diseases can be checked to a considerable extent.

  • For example, limiting trans-fat in your daily diet would help to cut on the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol. It is also known as the “bad” cholesterol in our body. LDL often causes plaques in the artery, eventually leading to blockage and stroke.
  • Again, having too much salt in your food can have a negative impact on your blood pressure. The excessive salt present in processed foods and fast foods often leads to the intake of excessive salt. They can lead to a spike in the blood pressure, thus leading to coronary issues. This is why it is always essential to limit your daily salt consumption to 1,500 mg.
  • Thankfully, there are a number of heart-healthy foods, as well. A number of recent studies, for example, have suggested that vitamin E is likely to have a very positive impact on your heart’s health. Some of the best sources of vitamin E include almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. You can also consume fatty fish in moderation because they are rich in another heart-friendly nutrient, Omega 3 fatty acids.

Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is another lifestyle disease that is literally affecting people of all age groups. Type 2 diabetes, in particular, affects those having poor eating habits. It can also be genetic in nature or affect those becoming obese or developing insulin resistance. You can manage the blood sugar level by making slight moderations in your diet. While avoiding sugary, or junk foods is compulsory, ensure that you add dark chocolates, beans, and greens in your diet. They have a low glycemic index, and also help you feel full and satiated for a long time.

Watch Your Weight

Last, but never the least, no one can skip the importance of proper diet while managing those extra pounds from your body. The internet might suggest a number of crash diets to melt some of those fats. However, for a weight management plan which is slow but steady at work, you need to chalk out a smart plan. A weight-loss diet is not essentially an ensemble of bland foods. However, you do have to be careful about the potion, and selective about the choices of food. You might want to contact a professional to get a diet plan that you would love to follow.

The best possible solution

The truth is it’s not entirely healthy to cook your food on an oven or stovetop or any other appliances. It requires sufficient oil to cook the food, and if you use less oil than what is needed, the food might end up burnt. Such appliances take a lot of energy to run. This is when instant pots come in the picture. Instant pots could be the healthier option where there is a minimal chance of your food getting burnt. Because such pots come with specific instant pot burn massage that will alarm you beforehand. You can instantly check your pot if the food is stuck at the bottom. It also has minimal energy consumption compared to other appliances. The good news is, everything you should know about instant pots is now easily available on the web.


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