Everything you need to know about Fenugreek


Everything you need to know about Fenugreek

Finding quality, healthy, safe dietary supplements can be difficult. There are so many options on the market, and a lot of them have little to no research to back up their effects. Thankfully for you, we’ve done our research, and we’ve found something special. It’s called fenugreek, and it’s been used in ancient medicinal recipes for hundreds of years. You may never have heard of it, but the herb has some incredible health benefits.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about fenugreek including what it actually is, the benefits, possible side effects, what dose you should take, and where you can buy it.

What is Fenugreek?

This ancient herb is native to the Mediterranean and parts of Europe and Asia. While it may be unfamiliar in North America, it is a common ingredient in a lot of Indian cooking. You’ll find fenugreek seed in lots of curries, Indian 5-spices, and Garam Masala. Many people in India even eat the leaf of the plant as a vegetable.

The plant has three main parts: the green leaves, a white flower, and the internal seeds. All three parts have some health benefits, but the most useful bit is the seeds. 

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Alternative and ancient medicinal recipes call for fenugreek, but you can find it in a lot more places than you may expect. It’s found in curries and other Indian cuisines. It’s also in many shampoos and soaps as a thickening agent. The seed has so many uses; it’s hard to pin down just one or two benefits. 

Benefits of Fenugreek

The herb is delicious when used as a spice, but there are lots of other reasons people include it in their diet. For those with type 1 diabetes, fenugreek helps with blood sugar and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. It can also help with a lot of digestive problems. It can cure an upset stomach or help with your appetite.

A daily dose of the herb can help you control your appetite. If you have a problem staying out of the junk food in between workouts, you may find this really helpful in curbing those cravings.

Studies have also shown that fenugreek can lower inflammation. It may also have benefits for those with existing skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

How does fenugreek help me in the gym?

Most importantly for our sake, fenugreek acts as a testosterone booster. One study looked at college-age men and the impact of fenugreek on their testosterone production. They had two groups lift weights 4 times per week over a 30-day period. 

The group without fenugreek saw a decline in testosterone levels. But those taking 500mg daily saw an increase! They also saw a 2% reduction in body fat. Some men also report an increase in libido and sexual performance while taking fenugreek supplements.

A group of researchers tested a 600mg daily dose of the herb on a group of men over a 6-week period. Most of the subjects reported an increase in strength and sexual performance.  

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Possible Side Effects of Fenugreek

There are some potential side effects, but they are relatively minor. As we already said, lots of people experience a loss of appetite. For most of us, this is a good thing, but there may be some who should be wary of this, especially those who struggle with eating disorders.

If you currently take diabetes medication or other medication to control your blood sugar or cholesterol, you should check with your doctor before adding fenugreek to your routine. For most of us, though, it’s perfectly safe and has lots of benefits both in and outside the gym. 

What should be the dosage of Fenugreek?

Finding the correct dosage comes down to you individually. You have to consider your age, weight, gender, and the reason you’re taking it. As a general rule, those taking it as a testosterone booster take between 500-600mg daily. 

Those with diabetes often take a higher dosage, as it helps with blood sugar levels. However, 500mg is plenty if you’re trying to get some extra help with your workouts. As always, consult with your doctor if you have any health conditions that may affect your needed dose of the herb or if you have any concerns. That’s always important before adding something into your daily diet. 

Where to buy Fenugreek?

You can buy fenugreek as a spice to add to your food, but it’s hard to get your daily dose that way. That’s why most people opt to take it as a supplement instead. We recommend using Immortal AF. Immortal AF is an all-in-one supplement that includes your 500mg of fenugreek, along with a bunch of other helpful supplements. These include Tribulus Terrestris, Ashwagandha Root, 5a-hydroxlaxogenin, DHEA, and Arimistane.

Immortal AF is engineered to provide you with the testosterone-boosting supplements you need to get an extra leg up during your next workout – not to mention all the other health benefits provided by things like fenugreek.


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