Everything You Need to Know About Dealing With Your Allergies This Season

Dealing With Your Allergies

Everything You Need to Know About Dealing With Your Allergies This Season

There is nothing worse than a day that is ruined by allergies. Luckily, by taking the right steps to address allergies, your days can be much more comfortable and carefree. 

Here is everything you need to know about dealing with your allergies this season. 

1. Recognize the different symptoms of allergies. 

Given that there are a wide variety of allergens, and that each person’s body is different, it should come as no surprise that your symptoms may appear differently from someone else’s. It is possible for an allergy sufferer to experience discomfort in several areas of the body, including the nose, eyes, sinuses, throat, lungs, skin, and stomach.

Generally, allergy symptoms affecting the nose and eyes can seem similar to those of a common cold, which is why it is essential to know the difference between these. Allergies affecting the sinuses tend to make them swollen and inflamed, while those affecting the throat cause a tickly or scratchy sensation, and those that enter the lungs can cause an asthma attack. Symptoms related to the skin and the stomach can often be hard to differentiate from those of food intolerance as they can produce red, itchy bumps on the skin and stomach pain. 

2. Learn to manage your specific allergies. 

For some people, it is easy to know what triggers their allergies, while others require the help of a medical professional. However, once you know what your specific allergies are, you then need to learn how to manage them in a way that is best for you. Ideally, you want to avoid the allergen altogether. That isn’t always possible to control, but you (at least) need to reduce your exposure to it.

Managing your allergies may require making some lifestyle changes such as having a pet-free house, washing your bedding more frequently, or removing certain foods from your diet. While it may seem challenging at first, over time, you will learn to manage your specific allergies so that you can go on living your life to the fullest. 

3. Refresh your home. 

One of the most effective ways to manage your allergies this season is to create and stick to a home cleaning routine as you want to ensure that dust, bacteria, pollen, and other allergens are not in the air that you and your family are continually breathing. Your first step should be to hire professional HVAC cleaning services as they will be able to ensure that your HVAC system is appropriately filtering and distributing air throughout your residence. 

Next, replace your winter curtains with lighter drapes, clean your carpets, and vacuum all upholstered furniture. This series of actions will significantly relieve your home of dust and other types of dirt that frequently cause (or worsen) allergies. 

Furthermore, get into the habit of regularly dusting and vacuuming your home. Wet rags are perfect for use on shelves and raised surfaces, while a mop should get the job done for the floors. Keep in mind that steam is very effective for killing bacteria and germs, so a steam cleaner is highly recommended. 

4. Prepare yourself when traveling. 

Undoubtedly, one of the most challenging aspects of managing allergies is knowing what to do when you are away from the comfort of your own home and routine. For many people, allergies can get in the way of them being able to enjoy themselves while on holiday or maintaining focus while on a work trip. Therefore, if you suffer from any type of allergies, it is essential that you know what to do while traveling so that you are prepared for any scenario. 

When possible – and depending on how severe your sensitivities are – keep what causes your allergies in mind when picking a destination. That means opting to visit a location during a time when your allergens are at the lowest levels.

Wherever you choose to go, make sure you take more than enough allergy medication for the entire period and bring your own sheets, blankets, and pillows to ensure dust mites don’t set off your allergies. Additionally, pack your personal toiletries – particularly if you have sensitive skin – to be on the safe side. 

For those who suffer from food allergies, do research beforehand for restaurants that will cater to you and always pack safe snacks that you know you can have whenever you get hungry. The more you can plan to avoid allergy experiences, the easier it will be for you to enjoy yourself. 

5. Practice self-care. 

For individuals who suffer from severe allergies, the discomfort and stress that results from this condition can impact day-to-day life. Therefore, it is crucial that you indulge in daily self-care to help you get through it. Self-care takes a different form for everyone, but the most critical aspect is that it is an activity that takes care of your emotional, mental, and physical health.

Many people find that taking a long, warm bath before bed immensely helps to relieve the stress that both the body and mind endure when you have allergies. To enhance the experience, add Epsom salts and essential oils to the water and feel yourself instantly relax. Additionally, teas (such as lemon and green tea) can bring a significant amount of relief to those suffering from allergic rhinitis or hay fever, while licorice root tea, turmeric or ginger tea are suggested for those with irritated respiratory passages. 

Other self-care activities you may want to indulge in include eating clean, getting massages, and going on regular walks as these will help to calm your mind, body, and soul while also keeping you strong and healthy to battle your allergies. 

If you are starting to have allergy symptoms or are looking for ways to relieve your allergy symptoms, then it is essential to speak with your doctor or an allergist. By working with a professional, you will be in a better position to prevent or reduce the likelihood of further allergic reactions. Additionally,  they will be able to recommend appropriate treatments and lifestyle changes. 

Do you, or someone close to you, currently suffer from allergies? If so, do you have any tips or tricks to share with the community to help them deal? Alternatively, if you are having a difficult time, with what do you find yourself needing help? Let us know your thoughts, experiences, and any questions you may have in the comments below!


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