Effects of Vaping on Oral Health

Effects of Vaping on Oral Health

Effects of Vaping on Oral Health

E-cigarettes have been around seen 2003, and since then, vaping has been touted as the new wave. Recent statistics on vaping have shown that the numbers of people getting into vaping are increasing by the day. Nowadays, it is easy to find vaping cafes that are setting up shop within major cities and towns, not forgetting the various merch related to vaping.

Additionally, statistics show that a significant number of smokers are shifting away from tobacco smoking in an attempt to quit smoking for good. Moreover, there is also substantial evidence that vaping poses less health risks than traditional smoking.

Let’s Crunch Some Numbers

So far, there has been no conclusive evidence that vaping can actually help cigarette smokers quit the stick altogether. However, studies carried out around the world have shown that vapers were more likely to stop than traditional smokers. 85% of habitual smokers said they had turned to vaping in an attempt to help themselves quit smoking.

Results from another renowned medical publication showed that smokers who had switched to vaping in an attempt of quit slipped back after six months.

The number of teenagers who are also taking up vaping is increasing tremendously by the day. For instance, the numbers leaped from 5% to 19% between the years 2011 to 2015. Additionally, in another survey, high and middle-school kids attested to trying vaping.

The studies showed that the youth were more attracted to the social status linked with vaping. Additionally, the presence of flavored e-juices has tempted more youth to turn to vaping due to curiosity.

Smoking vs. Vaping

Numerous studies have been carried out to discern the difference between smoking and vaping. In most cases, vaping has been proclaimed to be much safer and healthier than smoking.

First things first, cigarette smoking releases carcinogenic elements which are formed during the combustion of tobacco. Additionally, there is tar, which is deposited within the blood vessels, potentially leading to cardiovascular problems.

Secondly, cigarette smokers cannot control the nicotine content in their tobacco, thus making it a difficult habit to drop once you get addicted to it. On the other side of things, cigar and cigarette smoking is said to contain the original taste of premium quality tobacco that is difficult to replicate in electronic cigarettes.

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that makes it very difficult for chain smokers to quit smoking. Nonetheless, this goes both ways and can also affect vapers who vape with juices infused with nicotine.

Naturally, nicotine narrows the blood vessels, triggering high blood pressure and improved alertness and metabolic levels. This often leads to more cravings for a nicotine hit once the levels drop.

Vaping 101

Typically, vapers use electronic cigarettes or electronic cigars to vape. The e-cig is made up of different compartments and is powered by a battery (rechargeable or replaceable). The mouthpiece of the e-cig is made up of soft chewable material that allows the user to bite on it.

So, what happens with the e-cig is that it is filled up with an e-juice which is, in turn, heated to produce vapor, which is later inhaled. The e-cig is equipped with a sensor at the mouthpiece that triggers the heating element whenever the vaper sucks on the mouthpiece.

Other brands of e-cigs have a glowing LED on the end that mimics a burning cigar or cigarette.

E-juices, otherwise known as e-liquids, come in different flavors. There are fruity flavors too, such as strawberry, vanilla, and orange. And it doesn’t stop there; there are more complex tastes such as lemon and chocolate mint. So, all you have to do is fill up cartomizer of your e-cig up when you’re out of juice.

The vapers can also choose the concentration levels of nicotine they want in their vaping liquid. Always remember that nicotine is highly addictive and can get you hooked easily.

If you are looking to get yourself an e-cig or a vaping tool, check out ePuffer. They have an assorted range of vaping pipes, e-cigars, and e-cigs. Additionally, you can also get yourself your favorite e-juice flavor at an affordable cost.

The Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking

As discussed above, cigarette smoking is attributed to more significant health risks than vaping. Some of the health effects of cigarette smoking include:

Cardio Diseases

Tobacco combustion affects the heart and blood vessels, leading to stroke or other heart diseases. Also, smoking distorts the shape of your blood vessels by making them narrower, due to tar deposits. This often leads to high blood pressure and clot formation in your cardiovascular system.

Respiratory Ailments

Smoking can also cause lung diseases such as bronchitis and, in extreme cases, lung cancer. Besides that, it can lead to a relapse of other respiratory problems, such as asthma.

Other health effects include reduced testosterone levels and impotence in men, type II diabetes, arthritis, and poor oral health.

Can Vaping Stain Your Teeth?

One common question that new vapers ask is whether vaping can lead to stained teeth. This is no small matter, as having stained teeth can lead to lower self-esteem and confidence levels.

Recent studies on the effects of vaping on oral health show that vaping doesn’t affect your oral health as smoking would. Moreover, with vaping, you may not find yourself struggling with issues such as bad breath.

Naturally, with smoking, it is the presence of smoke and tar that leads to color-stained teeth. In vaping, there is no smoke or tar. The report further went ahead to explain that using e-juices that have colored flavors can stain your teeth.

Other Effects of Vaping on Oral Health

According to renowned medical experts, nicotine concentrations present in the e-liquids can also lead to some teeth staining, though not so much. What happens is that when nicotine comes into contact with oxygen, it turns from a colorless compound into a yellowish shade.

Nicotine too, affects the blood flow to various organs in the body. The study showed that vaping on e-juices that contain nicotine limits blood flow towards the gums and other oral tissues. This often leads to tooth decay, bad breath, gum and mouth sores.

Frequently, bad breath arises due to the reduced production of saliva caused by nicotine. This often leads to an increase in the number of harmful bacteria present in the mouth, causing bad breath.

Taking Care of Oral Ailments

Nicotine and coloring present in vaping liquids are the leading causes of stained teeth. However, you can efficiently manage this by observing dental hygiene. For vapers, try avoiding e-liquids with artificial colorings in it. Additionally, limit the amount of nicotine concentration present in your vaping liquid.

Typically, other foods and drinks with artificial coloring will stain your teeth. Nonetheless, failing to clean your teeth regularly is what causes the stains to discolor your teeth permanently.

Ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice per day. Also, don’t forget to floss to clean the spaces in between your teeth. Finally, make an appointment with your dentist for checkups on your dental health and extra cleaning.


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