Discover How to Deal With Andropause

Discover How to Deal With Andropause

Does menopause only happen to women? Many of us know that a 50-year-old woman goes through physical changes connected to menopause. At this stage, she gradually stops going through the menstrual cycle and may develop mood swings due to hormonal fluctuations. What most of us don’t know is that menopause is not only for women. Though a man does not have periods, they also experience menopause which doctors refer to as andropause.

As a man turns 50, his life start changing in every aspect including social, hormonal, physiological, sexual as well as spiritual. Statistics reveal that men above 45 show signs of male menopause. This occurs due to a decrease in testosterone hormone. It comes with symptoms such as fatigue, low libido, irritability, decreased muscle mass as well as depression. This can be a difficult stage for you if you don’t know how to cope with andropause. Here are some natural coping strategies you should be using.

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The assumption that you may not have excess fat to lose makes most of us not see the need for exercise. Though we have heard this for long, not many people are interested in building muscle mass. The reality is that you may not want to get masculine but working out stimulates endorphins in your body that is useful for you to fight depression. At this age, intense workouts may be challenging but a simple jog for half an hour every day is easy, right? Start moving today.



At a young age, most of us never have enough time to sleep as much as we should. There is always a deadline to beat, a problem affecting your sleeping patterns or a child disrupting your sleep. At fifty when you are going through andropause, this is the time to recover all the sleep you can get. Your mind and body need enough rest for you to deal with the changes. This will improve your testosterone levels for you to gain enough energy for your daily activities.

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Deal with stress

With age catching up with you, you may be going through stress from debts or family issues that weigh you down. The responsibilities at fifty might be overwhelming but stressing out is not healthy for you. When you allow life to interfere with your mental being, your body produces cortisol which reduces your testosterone hormone.

We all handle stress differently. You can make yourself wiser by reading more books at this age or learning something new. Travel different places as a way of unwinding if this is your coping mechanism.

Change your diet


If you have spent your active years taking junk and filling your home with fast foods, it is time to get rid of them all. Andropause requires a healthy diet to avoid diseases that may come from weight gain. For you to increase your sex hormone, replace junk with whole grains and healthy fruits.

Taking proteins that are plant based instead of beef every day will prevent your heart from accumulating cholesterol. Add zinc from foods such as oysters and cashews to your diet for you to get sufficient minerals to boost your testosterone levels.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Since many men do not understand that they could be facing male menopause, they try and find answers to their depression in smoking and drinking. If you are a victim of daily consumption of alcohol, NH recoveryvillage will help you recover. Such habits damage your body organs and could lead to addiction. For you to survive male menopause, you need to change such unhealthy habits with a healthy lifestyle that does not interfere with your body.

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Take lots of water

Water can help you cope with andropause safely. Taking at least eight glasses a day keeps you hydrated and helps you control the production of hormones in your body. It enables you to avoid severe symptoms and improves your metabolism as well as sexual health. It also prevents you from toxins and excess fat.

Get rid of the belly

fitnessMost men in their forties do no admire their bodies in a mirror due to big bellies that come from alcohol and poor nutrition. This is the time to say goodbye to your unbearable waistline and reverse aging symptoms. Enrolling in a workout program and staying disciplined with food will help you increase your sex hormones as you reduce your waist circumference.

Incorporate natural herbs

You must have heard of drugs that people use to boost their testosterone. Not everything that glitters is gold. Before purchasing anything, do your research and check for any chemicals in supplements. Use natural herbs such as Tongkat Ali to boost your testosterone levels. This has been tested and proven to have no known side effects. It will help you increase your libido and improve your cognitive skills.

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Researchers also recommend gingko biloba that is useful for coping with andropause. It enhances circulation of your blood in your reproductive system for you to reverse erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Use Fennel vegetable

vegetableThis popular vegetable is useful in dealing with andropause symptoms. It works on increasing your erections for you to enjoy your sex life as it improves your testosterone levels.

Seek medical assistance

The advantage of taking your andropause symptoms to a doctor is that they can offer alternative coping strategies. Since we are all different, we may not experience similar andropause symptoms. Your doctor can monitor your progress and recommend replacement therapy that deals with low testosterone. Such techniques may be helpful to find treatment for your condition.

Final thoughts

Andropause occurs differently for everyone, and there is no telling how severe the condition can get for anyone. Even though many people may want to live in denial, finding the right ways of coping with this natural stage is the only way to reduce the symptoms. Your physical health, as well as mental state, affect how andropause hits you. If you take care of these two, by using the mechanisms we have discussed, it will pass without you realizing it. All the best!