COVID-19: Tips On Managing Your Mental Health

COVID-19: Tips On Managing Your Mental Health

COVID-19: Tips On Managing Your Mental Health

If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed due to the current situation of the Corona virus outbreak across the globe, know that you are not alone. Nobody was prepared for such disastrous effects of a virus, especially given the huge scientific and medical advancements made in recent years. The constant barrage of breaking news and social media updates can add fuel to inducing more fear and anxiety

There is no denying the fact that practicing social and physical distancing, using a private hand sanitizer label and taking other precautions to keep safe is of utmost importance. However, it is equally important to tend to your mental health. 

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So, if you are feeling scared and anxious, you are not alone. In fact, that is how a normal person should feel these days. The aim, however, is not to let these feelings take over. Following are some tips to help you find some semblance of sanity and normalcy during this time of crisis:

Take breaks from media

As important as it is to stay informed of the ever-changing dynamics of the COVID situation, it is also crucial that you do not glue yourself to the TV or social media. This can prove to be detrimental to your mental health. So, take breaks from the traditional media as well as social media to help your mind declutter.

Practice mindfulness 

Be aware of all the emotions and feelings you are going through. Preferably, journal these down. Writing about them will make you consciously think about them hence aiding mindfulness. Expressing your thoughts and feelings is a cathartic process that is rejuvenating and refreshing as it takes the burden off your shoulders and leaves you feeling lighter and stress-free.

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Eat healthy

Eating healthy is something we all struggle with from time to time. It takes a great deal of self-control and will power to resist all those cheesy pizzas and burgers around us when we are out and about. However, since the restaurants are closed due to the pandemic, we all have to stay inside our homes. This has made eating healthy not so difficult as all those temptations are no longer around us. You can look up healthy diets and make it an aim to follow them. 

Connect with old friends

Being locked down in the confinements of your house can be extremely depressing. Take this time to connect with old friends. They’d be more than happy to hear from you. You can catch up and reminisce about the good times you shared and the fun you had together.

Write thank you notes

This is a lost art. We now just text our family and friends on important occasions and be done with it. But it can never be the same as receiving something that the sender put actual thought and effort into. You can utilize this time to write small thank you notes to the important people in your life. You can then take pictures and send them to your friends and loved ones.


Besides eating healthy, having a workout routine can prove to be a  game-changer for you. You can finally have the body you have always wanted. However, perseverance is the key. You can start with easy and simple workouts so your body can get ready when you go in full throttle. Keep in mind what your goal is and it will help you stay on track. 

Good Sleep 

Getting good sleep is the key to having a healthy and relaxed body. Sleep revitalizes our mind and all our organs and helps us start afresh each day. It is absolutely necessary that you do not compromise on your sleep schedule no matter what. It will not only keep you alert throughout the day but also help you look fresh and feel happy.

Practice breathing techniques

When feeling uncomfortable due to feelings of anxiety or stress, remind yourself to start practicing a breathing exercise. They reduce the feelings of anxiousness and help clear your mind. These breathing exercises will stop you from being carried away by uncomfortable feelings and will help you become calm.

Find solace in your personal and spiritual beliefs

You can be more focused on practicing your spiritual and religious practices. These can prove very comforting in a crisis. Practicing these prove helpful for many people to calm the nerves and fight hopelessness.


Feelings of despair, anger, irritability, confusion are very common during a crisis. It can be unnerving to see so many people suffering and in pain. Understand your feelings and know that this is how everyone feels. Take this time to take care of your body and mind and remind yourself constantly that this is only a temporary situation. It will end soon and you can get back to your life.


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