Clinically Proven Anti-Aging Treatments

Clinically Proven Anti-Aging Treatments

Aging can be rough, even when we’re taking care to take great care of ourselves. The bad news is that there’s no way to fully turn back the clock. The great news is that we now have better strategies than ever before to age well. Today, we understand prevention, maintenance and how to stave off many common signifiers of age like fine lines and wrinkles.Purebody buy

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

As we age, our skin loses some of its soft, supple feel. There are plenty of treatments designed to address this issue. For example, laser resurfacing can remove tired outer layers of skin. Microneedling can be used to stimulate collagen production. But one of the simplest measures to address the problem can be done at home.

Keep your skin hydrated every day and night. Use a moisturizer daily, at night if not during the day. This will help your skin retain moisture and appear plumper throughout the day. Apply sunscreen if you’ll be out in the elements. And remember to drink plenty of water. An average adult’s body is made up of over 50% water. This is the substance that keeps every cell going. It also helps us flush out toxins and impurities. A good guideline is to drink 64 oz. of water each day.


In recent years, a number of scientists have started to view aging differently. Instead of treating the symptoms of aging, like fine lines, joint pain and wrinkles, they’re looking at how body processes change with time. Today, we know that as we age the body makes fewer necessary things that we need. For example, the levels of enzymes that help with wound healing decrease. Levels of some enzymes and nutrients that help regulate our sleep cycles also change.Cleara Bella reviews, Cleara Bella, Cleara Bella review

Because of this, some doctors and other scientists are starting to recommend supplementation as a strategy for dealing with the issues around aging. Niagen, also known as Nicotinamide riboside or vitamin B3, has been linked to improved cognition and energy. Enzyme supplements, like bromelain and pancreatin, can influence inflammatory responses in the body. Other enzymes, like lipase, can help with digestion. These supplements are designed to nip problems in the bud, before symptoms start to appear. They are generally safe for healthy adults, but should be discussed with healthcare providers if any health conditions are present.

Use Antioxidants

We love a good antioxidant. As things age, they can oxidize. This is what’s happening when food spoils, or a skincare product you love starts to turn yellow. Antioxidants inhibit that process. In the body, that means they’re fighting free radicals. Free radicals are particles that are missing electrons. This means they’re unstable, and will form chains and bond with other structures like DNA. Free radicals can cause a lot of trouble. They’ve been linked not only to aging, but also to the formation of cancers.

Our bodies fight free radical damage with antioxidants. We all know about antioxidants, even if we think we don’t. Vitamin C might be the most famous one. By eating plenty of berries, leafy green vegetables and fruits, we can keep our defenses in good shape. But antioxidants like vitamin C and retinol can also be applied to the skin topically. Some of the best and most effective skincare products harness the power of these antioxidants. A good dermatologist, plastic surgeon or even aesthetician can recommend something that will work for your skin type. As a side note, some antioxidants can make skin more sensitive to sunlight. Make sure to pair these products with protection like sunscreens, hats and long sleeves as recommended.

Keep Moving

We all want to look and feel good as we age. Working out can be a big part of that. Study after study demonstrates the effectiveness of exercise in an anti-aging regimen. We know that weight-bearing exercise can help stave off osteoporosis and give people stronger, healthier bones in the long term. Exercises like swimming, walking and yoga also help stave off muscle loss.

Exercise helps us maintain our balance, and helps keep us strong enough to get up if we fall. While this may not be a problem for most of us reading this now, it’s important to maintain fitness as we age for the purposes of prevention. Beyond that, exercise helps with posture, and can even lift low moods.

Medical Aesthetics

Of course, as we age, we all want to look great. Appearing youthful can even be important on the job. For example, looking tired can make clients, bosses and co-workers think less of us. Seeking help from professionals is the best way to approach this problem.

The team at Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami is made up of board-certified plastic surgeons affiliated to the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jason Altman, Dr. Marcelo Ghersi and Dr. John Oeltjen are among the best-rated plastic surgeons in Miami. They perform a wide variety of reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries, as well as providing non-surgical medical aesthetics procedures. Visit website at for more information and a consultation.