Brutal Force Supplements, Bulking & Cutting Stacks and more

Brutal Force Reviews, Supplements and complete details
Brutal Force Reviews, Supplements and complete details

What is Brutal Force?

Brutal Force creates supplements to replicate the effects of Trenbolone, Clenbuterol, Anadrol, Dianabol, and other steroids. By taking Brutal Force’s supplements daily, you can purportedly replicate the effects of these steroids. Owned by Muscle Club Limited, Brutal Force is a supplement company on a mission to deliver 100% legal alternatives to steroids. The team at Brutal Force trust that their takes can provide similar results without the steroid risks attached. All their products have been manufactured in the U.S. in FDA-registered and GMP-certified facilities. To see how each product matches an existing, banned steroid, let’s now direct our attention toward Brutal Force’s offerings.

The Brutal Force Supplements

Brutal Force supplements are split into three categories: bulking, cutting, and stacks. Each one is worth exploring as the team has managed to bring a wide variety to the table. 

Below is a summary of the products found under each category:

#1. Bulking

Bulking is a step in one’s regime where calorie consumption exceeds what the body typically requires. This must be done with intense weight training so that muscle mass can be gained. 

Brutal Force offers six supplements for bulking:-

  • DBULK (Dianabol)

DBULK as stated above provides users with an alternative to Dianabol, which goes by the generic name methandrostenolone. Brutal Force focuses on the way that DBULK can help users increase their testosterone levels without any type of prescription medication. Everything is done naturally, using ingredients like ashwagandha, MSM, and L-leucine, along with other herbal extracts and nutrients. 

  • SBULK (Testosterone Sustanon)

SBULK is designed to replace testosterone sustanon, another popular bodybuilding supplement used for decades. Testosterone sustanon is the original of all anabolic steroids. According to Brutal Force, SBULK increases your testosterone levels naturally with no illegal steroids required, leading to huge gains in muscle, strength, and performance.

  • TBULK (Trenbolone)

TBULK gives users androgenic benefits. Users experience incredible strength and muscle gains, though they will also see improvements in their muscle density and conditioning. Some users integrate this supplement as a way to increase both bulking and cutting. Most users who take this formula will notice an increased appetite and better absorption of protein as users take on a healthier diet. 

  • ABULK (Anadrol)

ABULK is a legal alternative to Anadrol, purportedly mimicking the effects of Oxymetholone (better known as Anadrol), one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available. Brutal Force claims ABULK delivers similar benefits to Anadrol but. To deliver these benefits, Brutal Force uses ingredients like bulbine powder, Acetyl-L-carnitine, Muirapuama bark powder, and Longjack root powder, among other ingredients.

  • DEKABULK (Deca-Durabolin)

DEKABULK replaces the steroid Deca-Durabolin (which commonly increases lean body mass), there is DEKABULK. This formula is used to improve muscle strength and gains while also supporting the user’s stamina in the gym. In addition, it can promote improved recovery time, and it can increase protein synthesis in red blood cell production to do so.

In this formula, users will get DM root powder, puncture vine extract, and L-arginine ingredients. 

  • HBULK (Somatropin HGH)

HBULK is for anyone wanting to naturally increase the release of the human growth hormone (HGH). As per the Brutal Force team, HBULK is meant to force the body into producing essential growth hormone that promotes muscle growth and increases the body’s use of fat. The reason why they decided to develop this formula rests in the simple fact that aging implies low levels of HGH. And so, the ingredients used in this formula are believed to shred through fat storage. They include Maca Powder (200mg), Hawthorn Berry Extract (150mg), MucunaPruriens Extract (150mg), L-Arginine (20mg). 

#2. Cutting

The next group of supplements from Brutal Force is the cutting supplements. These supplements are primarily used to help consumers eliminate excess weight, though it sometimes targets certain parts of the body to create a more masculine physique. 


It is used to burn through fat quickly, helping users eliminate the potential energetic fatigue that comes from weight loss. It is primarily meant to be an alternative to Clenbuterol. It also uses some common ingredients in weight loss supplements today, like Garcinia Cambogia, bitter orange, Griffoniasimplicifolia seed extract, and guarana.

  • ACUT (Anavar)

Used as an alternative to Anavar, ACUT helps users to improve their energy and strength, and it is meant to be used as a post-workout formula. The exact ingredients entail Soy Protein Isolate (450mg), Whey Protein Isolate (450mg), BCAA 2:1:1 Vegan (250mg), Wild Yam (150mg), and ElevATP® (125mg).


It is designed to be a safe and legal alternative to Winstrol, also known as Stanozolol. To help you gain lean muscle mass and a more defined look, WINCUT uses ingredients like acetyl-L-carnitine, choline, wild yam, dimethylaminoethanol, and safflower oil. Take two capsules of WINCUT daily to build quality muscle without the bulk.

  • GCUT (gynecomastia reduction)

GCUT is marketed towards men with gynecomastia, also known as man boobs. If you have excess fat on your chest, then GCUT could be the solution. The supplement claims to permanently reduce male breast size. , GCUT uses ingredients like cocoa powder, chromium, potassium, green tea extract, and evodiamine, among others.

#3. Stacks 

For anyone that wants to get the most value for their products, Brutal Force offers several stack options that allow users to customize their workout with multiple products at once. By combining them within one package, users will save much more money as they build up their muscle mass, support weight loss, and more.

The stacks available include:

  • Brutal Stack (for bulking and stacking)
  • Mass Stack (for bulking)
  • Beast Stack (a two-cycle stack)
  • Sculpt Stack (a cutting stack)
  • Definition Stack (a cutting stack for men)

Read on below to learn a little bit more about what these packages offer to consumers.

The Bulking and Cutting Stack – which is better known as the Brutal Stack – allows users to purchase multiple supplements for bulking up at once. It also includes a cutting stack to ensure that users can eliminate the stored fat that may prevent them from showing the full expansion of their muscles.

Overall, this package includes:

  • CCUT

This entire package is priced at $164.97.

Mass Stack

Next, there is the Mass Stack, which is primarily filled with bulking formulas. Users will get the five most popular remedies available. Period all of these bulking supplements help users easily power through any of their workouts to develop the intense muscle mass they’re hoping for. They can also use these remedies to enhance their recovery after each workout and improve games at the gym.

If the user follows the regular routine, each of these Mass Stack remedies should last for about four weeks. 

The formulas include:


This package costs a little more at $219.99.

The Beast Stack provides users with more formulas than any other stacking package on the list. Instead of just five products, users get 10, doubling up on the bottles of SBULK that they receive. With this stack, users can promote a better physique with less fat and more muscle mass at the same time. Each of the Beast Stacks takes about two cycles of four weeks each to get through. Users will go through a four-week bulking cycle which is followed by a four-week cutting cycle, depending on which products they use.

The package includes:

  • SBULK (2)
  • CCUT
  • ACUT

Considering all of the products consumers get, they should not be surprised that this package costs more than the previous two on the list at $379.99.

The Sculpt Stack only provides users with three formulas, but they are all focused on cutting back on the user’s weight. They provide users with fairly similar reactions that they can expect with the SARMs, but users will not have to worry about the legality or safety of any one of them. Plus, they can still build up their strength and improve their performance at the gym easily. The supplements should last for about four weeks.

Users get:

  • ACUT
  • CCUT

This package is one of the lower-priced stacks add $129.99.

In the Definition Stack, users will get more cutting supplements. All five of these products help users to build up their muscle mass as they improve their look. All of the ingredients work together effectively to protect the user’s lean muscle mass as well, which is why they can be relied on to maintain strength and promote better recovery. Like the packages before this one, users can expect that each stack lasts about four weeks.

This package includes:

  • CCUT
  • ACUT

To get this entire stack, users will pay $219.99.

The Select Stack provides users with all three SARMs in one package. There are no risks associated with these alternatives, lasting for about four weeks. A unique aspect of this stack is that it can be combined with a bulking or cutting regimen as well, allowing them to order one of the other sacks to use with it.

This package includes:


Users spend a bit less money on this package than they do on others at $139.99.

Brutal Force SARMs Alternatives

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are much like anabolic steroids, but they don’t quite have androgenic properties. The supplements offered by Brutal Force are illegal alternatives, and they also have no side effects the consumers have to worry about. The brand is responsible for creating three helpful supplements to this effect, which include:

  • RADBULK: provides an alternative to Testolone, even though users are still able to achieve the muscle-building effects it offers. This formula focuses on using natural ingredients with no side effects to achieve lean body mass, increasing strength and vascularity. Taking on this formula means that users will get the benefits of wild yam, safflower oil, Acetyl-l-carnitine, choline, and related ingredients. The SARMs alternatives are a little more expensive than the other products on this list at $59.99 each. This price also applies to the other two SARMs alternatives below.
  • Ostabulk: It is an alternative to Ostarine MK-2866, focuses on the stamina and energy that consumers need as they work out to build up their muscle mass. In addition, it supports the user as they shed the extra fat along their body without any of the typical side effects that the medicine would typically offer. Some of the ingredients that users can look forward to in this formula include B vitamins, zinc, and D-aspartic acid. All of these nutrients are necessary to the health of the body, making it even more beneficial for consumers to take on.
  • Andalean: Users can take in place of Andarine S-4, which helps users improve their muscle mass and burn through the extra fat preventing them from reaching their goals. With natural ingredients, users can take advantage of the proteins and branched-chain amino acids that can truly benefit their body, including soy protein and whey protein isolate.

Brutal Force Refund Policy

Right now, if the user has already opened or used the supplement, it is not qualified to return. Supplements also cannot be returned if the seal has been broken. Refunds are simply not available once the user has tried the product directly.

If the user has not opened or broken the seal of the supplement they’ve chosen, they have up to 100 days to return it for a full refund. This company’s return policy is much stricter than that of other brands.

Brutal Force Contact Details

Brutal Force is based out of the United Kingdom. Still, all of these formulas are developed within a facility in the USA that is registered with the FDA and certified under GMP regulations. Users who want to learn more about these formulas can reach out to the company via email or phone. Users can also fill out the form on the official website for electronic communication or send a letter to the UK address below.

Brutal Force Email:

Brutal Force Phone Number: (844) 886-1634

Contact form:

Brutal Force Mailing Address: MuscleClub Limited, Digital House, Clarendon Park, Nottingham, UK NG5 1AH

The entire Brutal Force brand allows users to get legal alternatives to some of the steroids on the market today. There are testosterone boosters, performance boosters, stamina boosters, and more, appealing to the needs of consumers today. Most consumers want to find a natural and healthy alternative to the dangerous and often illegal steroids on the market today, and each product from Brutal Force makes it easier. The Brutal Force team affirms that their products are 100% safe and encompass legal ingredients. The manufacturing processes took place in an FDA-approved, GMP-certified facility under strict guidelines. Regarding allergen information, each supplement was manufactured in a facility that also handles milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. As this is being written, individuals are told that Brutal Force never received complaints about side effects. However, if something unusual is experienced, product consumption should be halted altogether.


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