Bodybuilding Exercises That Will Build Muscular Legs

Muscular Legs Exercises

Bodybuilding Exercises That Will Build Muscular Legs

Getting into bodybuilding and turning into a lean, mean, muscle-building machine is definitely not easy. It requires a lot of time, dedication and persistence, not to mention a strict diet plan. If you have put everything into consideration and you are willing to do whatever it takes to have the body you’ve always dreamed of, you will need to pay close attention to how you spend your time at the gym. Although most of the bodybuilding exercises focus on your upper body, you mustn’t neglect your legs. After all, most movements originate from the lower part of your body. If you don’t believe it, just try to imagine doing a bench press without engaging your pelvic muscles or your legs at all! If you would love to look like bodybuilders, skipping leg day should never be an option. There are so many exercises that can help you work those leg muscles, and here are several to get you started. 


This exercise should be a part of your every workout. Although it is a full-body exercise, your quads and glutes will be doing most of the work. If you wish to get into shape, you will need to get used to doing squats on a regular basis. 


Another powerlifting exercise that can sculpt your legs is definitely the famous deadlift. It is a simple workout in which you should lift a loaded barbell off the ground to the level of the hips while lifting your chest up and straightening your lower back. After holding the weight for a couple of seconds at the top you should place the barbell back on the ground and repeat the whole process. Basically, you are just picking something heavy and then putting it down again several times. Although this lift is very simple, it can benefit your form and help you build your leg muscles


Most people who are into bodybuilding believe that you need to make friends with the bench and leave your bike and your branded compression socks for running alone. However, contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t avoid cardio if you wish to build your leg muscles. If you are one of those individuals who worry that running might burn their muscle mass for energy, keep in mind that with some strategic supplementation you will halt muscle breakdown. You will also need to make sure that your diet provides your body with at least the calories you burned when running. The easiest way to do this is to opt for balanced nutrition that includes protein-rich foods such as fish and eggs, vegetables and carbohydrates in the form of sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats. 

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Dumbbell lunges

In order to get that bodybuilder’s body, you will need to fall in love with all sorts of lunges. It is great if you can use a barbell for this exercise, but dumbbells will also do the trick. Maybe this workout seems too easy to have any effect on your body, but after a set or two you will feel that burning in your quads and glutes. With these lunges you will build a muscle foundation and be one step closer to your fitness goal. 

Leg press

Unfortunately, not many fitness gyms have a leg press machine, so if it is possible, try to buy or borrow one. During this exercise you will be pushing the weight away from your body up in the air which will work your quads and glutes. If you (or someone you know) are good with the tools, you can also build a homemade leg machine.

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Calf raise

If you have noticed those robust guys who look like their upper body and their lower body came from two different people, you can understand how skipping leg day could affect your figure. Just like you shouldn’t skip leg day, you shouldn’t neglect calf workouts. To easily build your calf muscles, opt for the calf raise. If you cannot do this exercise on a machine, simply use dumbbells or barbells instead. 

Leg extension

To work your quads give this machine-based exercise a chance. The most important thing to keep in mind when performing this workout is the amount of weight you will be using. Your weights should be light enough so you are still able to fully extend your legs, but heavy enough so you feel the burn after you complete your sets. 

Romanian deadlift

In this version of the deadlift instead of taking the barbell to the floor, you should stop at the shins. It can be also done with either a barbell or dumbbells and it will definitely work your hamstrings and glutes.

Incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine should help you build your leg muscles. Keep in mind that unlike your upper-body muscles, these ones can be difficult to build up and you will need to spend a lot of time at the gym before being able to see any results. Of course, genetics also plays a big part here, but if you stick to a proper exercise routine and pay attention to your nutrition, there is no way you won’t benefit from your hard work. Here are several tips that will help you achieve your goal in the shortest amount of time possible. 

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Prioritize weights but do not neglect cardio

As mentioned before, you shouldn’t neglect cardio workouts if you want to look like a bodybuilder. In fact, the  benefits of hiking, running, and swimming are countless, so do your health a favor and mix up your exercise routine. To bulk up your legs as quickly as possible, opt for swimming or using a rowing machine. 

Work out every other day

If you wish to look like a bodybuilder, you don’t have to live in your local gym. In fact, your muscles can really benefit from small breaks in your training schedule, and those rest days can help them get even bigger. Even if you are anxious to see results from your leg workouts, you shouldn’t exercise the same muscle group for two consecutive days. Instead, each day focus on a different muscle group.

Don’t waste time

You can work out every day of the week, but if you are using weights that are just too light and you are not giving your 100%, you are just wasting your time. Keep in mind that workouts should not feel comfortable and they should get you out of your comfort zone. Leg workouts usually do not last more than half an hour, but during those 30 minutes you should put a lot of pressure on your muscles and make them work.

Be safe

Maybe using heavy weights seems like a good way to speed up the whole process and build muscular legs in a short amount of time, but overexerting yourself can lead to a knee injury, spinal compression, or back injury. Therefore, opt for light weights first and only after you have perfected the proper form move on to a more challenging weight.

Bodybuilding is about dedication, sacrifice, and motivation, so if you really want to get seriously ripped, bear in mind that every rep you do, every meal you eat and every hour of sleep you get will affect your progress. Are you ready for that challenge?


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