Back Pain: What Not to Do

Back Pain

Back Pain: What Not to Do

Back pain, whatever type, can have an impact on all areas of your life. From a slipped disc to sciatica and countless other causes in between, back pain can be intense, long-lasting and very difficult to get rid of. Containing reading for our advice on things not to do when you are suffering.

Lie in Bed

Of course, you will still want to be able to sleep at night, but lying in bed for prolonged periods of time will do you no favors. It used to be commonly believed that bed rest was what is best for back troubles. However, now, it is widely known not to be the case. The opposite is true for the vast majority of people suffering from a painful back. Being active is far more important for you. 

Resist Pain Relief

There is nothing wrong with taking painkillers as long as you follow the instructions on the back of the packet to the letter. Your doctor may wish to prescribe something stronger, but if you have not managed to get an appointment yet, try alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen. If you are not keen on taking medication, consider pain relief through a different route. Using a hot or cold compression pack can offer short time relief. Hot water bottles or an ice pack (ensure it is wrapped in a tea towel or cloth to prevent it burning) can be great alternatives. 

Put Off Seeing a Professional

Seeing a professional such as a physician can be a nuisance. However, it really is the best way to be diagnosed. If you have been cursed with back pain on a regular basis, you may feel able to cope with the pain, but for those of you who haven’t, it is certainly a must to have some kind of assessment. For a lot of people, once you find out exactly what is causing your pain, you will be able to start getting better. This could be through physio exercises, pain killers or simply resting and doing very little. Furthermore, if it is an injury, you may need an operation to rectify things. None of this will be known if you do not seek medical advice, so do not delay in doing so.

Slouch or Curl up on the Sofa

Many of us love to curl up on the sofa, watching a movie and generally relaxing. However, whether you are suffering from back pain or not, slouching and manipulating your body in an unnatural way can be really detrimental to the well-being of your back. Poor posture while you are sitting down is one of the main causes of lower back pain. Sitting upright without your legs crossed ensures there is less pressure on your joints, muscles and discs which could otherwise lead to avoidable pain. Although it does take some practice, making sure you sit correctly at all times, whether you are suffering from a bad back or not, is imperative. It can take a while for it to form as a habit, but will certainly make a huge difference. As well as the position in which you sit being vitally important, it is also worth noting that extended periods of time sitting in the same place can also be damaging. 

Avoid Exercise

While for some people suffering with excruciating back pain, exercise is not recommended, the majority of people suffering with lower back pain would certainly benefit from a certain amount of physical activity. Maintaining a level of fitness can support you in keeping you core muscles strong as well as increasing circulation to your back’s discs and joints and helping with your mental well-being. Even something as simple as a brisk walk can work wonders. Hydrotherapy (exercises in water) and swimming can also be good choices. The water can help to support your body, making the impact less. As with everything, be sure to get agreement from your doctor prior to embarking on a new fitness regime to ensure what you plan to do will not have a negative effect on the health of your back. 

Keep the Same Furniture

If you dream of being able to sleep without back pain and would give anything for a restful night, it may be worth considering that your bed could be the cause. Investing in a bed and mattress which support your back, preventing and reducing back pain, could be the way forward. It is also worth considering the position in which you sleep as this can have an impact on the pain you experience. Some professionals suggest that you ought to sleep on your side with your knees together but brought up slightly. If you prefer to sleep on your back, a pillow underneath your lower back could help to support it. Sleeping on your front is entirely discouraged and you should really try to break that habit as soon as possible before the pain worsens. 

Likewise, if you are sitting at a desk all day, yet struggling to concentrate because of your back troubles, it may be worth investigating the possibility of a new desk and chair. Many people choose desks which can be raised to allow for work both while standing up and sitting down. Ensuring correct posture in an office chair is imperative. If you work for someone else in an office, they may be able to carry out an occupational health assessment to check that the height of your chair and monitor are correct for your height. A riser for your monitor may be suggested or a slightly different style of chair. Simple changes can make huge differences. 

Lifting Heavy Things

We have all been there. Determined to prove that we are capable of performing the supposedly simplest of tasks and then struggled. This is another major cause of lower back pain, so avoiding unnecessary  lifting is vital. If doing so is part and parcel of your job, you may need to undergo an occupational health assistant. There are things that can be put in place to support you including another member of staff or specialist equipment. Even picking up our own children can be an issue, so do so carefully with knees bent (even if it does look a little odd!). Carrying young children on your hips can be another cause of pain, so avoid doing so, even for short periods of time.

Maintain your Current Lifestyle

If you are overweight, inactive or a smoker, it is time to change. All of these things can apparently contribute to back pain. Eating a balanced diet is the single most important part of losing weight. Ensuring that you get everything you need nutritionally, but don’t take in more calories than you will burn off is vital. Eating slightly fewer will mean that the weight will start to drop off. If you combine sensible eating with exercise, as advised above, the weight loss may be quicker. The thought of smoking affecting your back can be a difficult one to get to grips with. Studies suggest that because nicotine reduces the blood flow to discs in your back, this can increase your risk of back pain. Furthermore, coughing as a result of heavy smoking can also lead to back troubles. 


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