Arthritis Food

Arthritis Food

Arthritis Food

If you have arthritis and difficulty managing pain and some of the setbacks that result from it you might consider going on a diet that provides you with the right foods. Of course, you have to have patience because nothing comes instantly you have to know what the right foods are and include them in your diet and avoid the wrong foods. In the long run this will help you greatly. Basically what happens is that the food works with your body, remedies, and medication and the nutrients restore the biological elements that have been damaged.

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Obesity and Arthritis

If you are obese or overweight you should consider going on a diet to lose some pounds. The extra pounds put pressure and strain on your joints and that makes it more difficult for you to move about because your joints have already been damaged by arthritis. To help yourself you should begin a diet that includes lots of fruits and raw vegetables. Your consumption of protein should be limited and particularly protein that comes from animal sources.

You should begin by getting proteins from plant sources such as legumes, potatoes, and soy beans. All of these will provide you with great protein sources but won’t be a hindrance in your arthritis treatment. Just keep in mind that you should not consume too much protein because that could result in the production of uric acid which then settles in your joints. Start by making some meal plans such as having chinese seafood soup for dinner. Beginning a healthy diet that includes seafood can help to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and help you to manage your condition much better.

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The Benefits of Losing Weight 

Losing those extra pounds with reduce the pressure put on your joints. A study proved that losing one pound of weight resulted in four pounds of pressure being removed from the knees. So as you lose weight do the math and soon you’ll see your knees are moving very easily.

Weight loss will lessen pain and has the ability to improve function and lower inflammation levels in the body. It is important to remember that fat is an active tissue that creates and releases pro-inflammatory chemicals. If you exercise along with losing weight it will greatly help you to manage and lessen the pain and symptoms of your arthritis.

Weight loss can also help to reduce the risk of developing such diseases as cancer and can help prevent and even treat arthritis and related disease. Weight loss will not only help you to move more freely but will also help you to breathe easier. It will also help to lower your blood pressure and eating right and doing physical activity will also lower cholesterol. This will also greatly lower your risk of getting heart disease and stroke.

Exercising With Arthritis

If you have arthritis it is important to exercise since it increases strength, flexibility, and reduces joint pain and help to fight against fatigue. Some of the benefits of exercising include:

  • Strengthening the muscles around the joints
  • Maintaining bone strength
  • Making it easier to get a good night’s sleep
  • Helps to control weight
  • Improves balance

Before starting on an exercise program check with you doctor who can suggest the best exercises  for you. Exercises that can benefit people with arthritis include:

  • Range of motion exercises like raising arms over your head, rolling shoulders   forward, and so on.
  • Strengthening exercises can include weight training to increase muscle strength.
  • Aerobic exercises help to control weight and give more stamina and energy.
  • Doing daily physical activity like walking your dog, mowing the lawn, or raking leaves and other jobs around the house.

Always remember to never overdo and as time goes on you’ll see that you’ll be better able to manage your arthritis.

Arthritis and the Mediterranean Diet

If you have rheumatoid arthritis the way you feel greatly depends on what you put on your plate. Even though food won’t provide a cure for your disease, a proper diet can work wonders. The Mediterranean Diet can help to lower inflammation and control some of the symptoms that come with arthritis.

The Mediterranean Diet is full of foods that are known to help people who have arthritis. There are a lot of veggies, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, beans, and fish. All of these foods include natural chemicals that help keep inflammation in check.

This diet includes olive oil which helps people with rheumatoid arthritis lower the levels of chemicals that can cause inflammation. All of the fruits and veggies in this diet are rich in antioxidants and your best choices are squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, blueberries, blackberries, oranges, and melons.

When preparing meals you should include spices like turmeric and ginger. Even though these are not a part of the Mediterranean Diet they have been naturally proven to reduce inflammation. However, if you’re taking blood thinners check with your doctor first since turmeric can prevent blood from clotting.

A classic part of this diet is red wine but if you’re taking certain medications it is best to check with your doctor to see if you can have a glass with dinner. 

Best Foods for Arthritis

Among the best foods for arthritis are fatty fish varieties like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout all of which are high in omega-3 fatty acids that are known to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Fish are also a great source of Vitamin D and studies have shown that rheumatoid arthritis could be associated with having low levels of this vitamin, contributing to the symptoms. You can also enjoy shrimp and shellfish but eat them in moderation. Make yourself the occasional delicious meal with shrimp like hunan shrimp or make yourself a crab salad .

  • Garlic is important to include in your diet since it has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect that can help to decrease arthritis symptoms.
  • Ginger in all its forms – fresh, powdered, or dried also helps decrease inflammation and thereby reduces some of the symptoms of arthritis.
  • The silica nutrients in cabbage, lettuce, and Alfalfa sprouts help to alleviate the effects of arthritis.
  • Berries such as raspberries and cherries have alkali properties that have the possibility to combat the uric acid in your body.
  • All dark leafy vegetables are sources of Vitamins C and E which help in building and maintaining cartilage in the body. So you should include spinach, kale, and broccoli as part of your diet.
  • To keep your bones healthy you should eat apples, pears, and cereals which all have the boron nutrient.
  • Vegetable oils are lubricants for the joints and help to reduce the effects of arthritis attacks. The best sources are walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, and flax seed oil. Extra virgin olive oil is known to lower inflammation and pain with the compound oleocanthal.. It has heart healthy monounsaturated fat, and antioxidants. You should include 2 – 3 tablespoons of olive oil in your cooking, on your salads, or in other dishes each day.
  • A handful of nuts and seeds will give you inflammation fighting mono-saturated fat, protein, and filing fiber. To gain the benefits you should have 1.5 ounces of nuts daily. The best nuts are walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, and almonds.
  • Beans like pinto, black, red kidney, and garbanzo provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, They’re low calorie and are great source of fiber, protein, folic acid, and minerals. You should have at least one cup twice a week.

Foods to Avoid

People who have arthritis should avoid eating all processed foods and fried foods.

Sugars and refined carbs are bad for you. So avoid eating candies, baked goods with white flour, and drinking sodas to reduce the pain from arthritis.

Dairy products because they contain the kinds of protein that can contribute to arthritis pain. The protein in these products can irritate the tissue around the joints. It is best to switch to a vegan diet.

Salt and preservatives since excess salt can result in the inflammation of joints. Always read all labels to avoid these irritants.

Corn oil which is found in many baked goods and snacks is high in omega-6 fatty acids and these can bring on inflammation. Stick to foods that include omega-3 fatty acids.


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