All You Need to Know About Truvada Side Effects

Truvada Side Effects

All You Need to Know About Truvada Side Effects

Truvada is a brand name given to a prescribed medication that is mainly used for treating or preventing HIV infection in people who have a very high risk of getting the infection. Truvada actually contains two drugs in a single dosage – emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Both of these drugs are antiviral drugs which are used to treat an infection from various viruses. These specific drugs fight HIV.

Truvada comes in a pill form and must be taken orally at least once a day. It is an effective drug for both preventing and treating HIV, however, it does have a host of side effects that the manufacturers have failed to warn about. Hence there have been many recorded Truvada lawsuits in the past. If you’ve been prescribed with Truvada, for either treatment or prevention, it is very important to know about the side effects of the drug.

Truvada Side Effects

Truvada is known to cause mild or serious side effects which can also be fatal in nature. Below you’ll find a very comprehensive list of the most common side effects that may occur when you are taking this medication. Please note that this list may be missing some side effects but we have tried to cover as many known side effects of the drug as possible.

To find out more about the side effects of the drug, it is a good idea to talk to a qualified medical professional or a pharmacist.

Common Side Effects of Truvada

The most common side effects of Truvada include –

  • respiratory infections
  • sinus infection
  • rash
  • headache
  • trouble sleeping
  • sore throat
  • high cholesterol
  • fatigue
  • depression
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Dizziness

These are the minor side effects of the drug that usually go away after a few days or couple of weeks. If they tend to get severe or don’t go away after a few weeks, it is a good idea to immediately get in touch with a doctor.

Serious Side Effects of Truvada

Truvada has a fair share of serious side effects that can become fatal if not looked into immediately. These side effects are known to cause permanent damage and even death in certain cases. If you feel you have incurred any of these serious side effects from the drug, get in touch with a doctor immediately.

  • Immune reconstitution syndrome
  • Lactic acidosis
  • Bone loss
  • Liver problems
  • Kidney problems

Here are some more details on each of these side effects.

Kidney Damage

In some individual, Truvada may cause kidney problems or worsen existing problems within the kidneys. However, the risk is actually pretty low. A study found out that decreased kidney function only incurred in about 1 percent of people taking the drug over the course of 1.5 years.

If you suspect your kidneys are suffering damage, visit a doctor and get blood tests to check your kidney function. If the kidneys are indeed not working properly, your doctor may advise you to lower the dosage of the medicine. If severe damage to kidneys is found, you may have to stop using the drug.

Kidney problems can easily be determined by the following side effects –

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Bone pain
  • Nausea
  • Decreased urine
  • Vomiting

Bone Loss

Bone loss is one of the most common serious effects of taking Truvada. In a study, about 15 percent of people who took the drug had a significant decrease in their bone mass. In the very same study, about 1.7 percent of individuals also experienced a bone fracture. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor while you are taking Truvada.

Make sure you check for any bone loss after every six months to determine how bad the damage has been. Depending on the bone loss you have suffered, your doctor may ask you to take vitamin D and calcium supplements to prevent further bone loss. If the damage is too much, you may have to stop taking the drug.

Liver Problems

Truvada can also cause liver damage during treatment. How often people suffer from liver damage from taking Truvada is still unclear. If you think you have visible signs of liver damage, you may have to stop taking the drug. When you stop taking Truvada, the liver may start to improve.

To find out if liver damage has occurred, you can check the following symptoms

  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin
  • Yellowing of the eyes
  • Swelling in the abdomen
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Nausea

Weight Loss

In a recent study, people who were taking Truvada reported that they had lost significant weight from the time they started taking the drug. No individual has ever reported gaining weight while taking Truvada. If you’re aiming to gain weight while on the drug, these easy and effective ways to gain weight fast may help.

Stomach Problems

Truvada is known to cause liver damage which also means that those taking the drug may have to deal with constant common stomach problems like stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. These side effects usually go away as you get used to the drug but sometimes they can stay for a prolonged period. Make sure to talk to your doctor.

Skin Rash

In some people, Truvada can also cause an uncontrollable skin rash. In a study, about 7 percent of people who took Truvada reported that they experienced skin rashes randomly on their bodies. The side effect usually goes away with time but it still needs attention if you are already suffering from skin problems.


Depression is also a very common side effect of Truvada. In a study, about 9 percent of people reported that they had depression symptoms. The side effect usually doesn’t last more than a few weeks but if the symptoms persist, then you must talk to a doctor.


People who take Truvada also report trouble in sleeping. At least 5 percent of people taking Truvada in a clinical study reported that they had trouble sleeping while taking the drug. These side effects should go away with time. You can also start by making little changes in your bedroom to get better sleep.


Truvada is effective and quite frankly, the only prescribed medication available that can treat HIV and prevent it. But the life-threatening side effects of the drug must be taken in account. Since the company does not warn about the side effects, if you feel a loved one was hurt by the drug, you can file for a Truvada lawsuit against the manufacturer and claim damages.


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