All You Must Know About Human Growth Hormone

All You Must Know About Human Growth Hormone

The human growth hormone (HGH) comprises 191 amino acids in it and is basically a polypeptide. Its molecular weight is approximately 22124 Daltons. It plays an essential role in the development of human beings and in the promotion of growth in us. Its main work is to produce cells and facilitate their regeneration and repair. It is also known as somatropin and is secreted and produced by the somatotopic cells which are in the anterior region of the pituitary gland.


There are various factors which regulate and control the release and build up of these growth hormones in human body. The most important and the most influential factor in this is the hypothalamus neurosecretory nuclei. It is responsible for producing somatostatin or somatocrinin. These hormones are responsible for regulating our activities like exercises, sleep and sex hormones.

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With all the benefits in boosting up the growth of an individual, this growth hormone is also responsible for the treatment of various diseases. These are:All You Must Know About Human Gr

  • Turner’s syndrome
  • Short bowel syndrome
  • Short stature or stunted growth
  • Prader-Willi syndrome

This hormone can also be used for treating the deficiency of adult growth hormone. This is a deficiency disease which might be during the time of birth or n individual might develop it. But, it must be used under doctor’s prescription and everything must be done legally.

This hormone is infamous for supplements, which are used extensively by athletes to boost their performance and get better results. Therefore, the HGH prescription given be a certified doctor must be followed. Many men and women from around the world have benefited with the HGH results, and have experienced noticeable improvements in their health and fitness.

Supplements option for increasing HGH content in body

There are numerous HGH products available in the market to boost the HGH content in the blood to get better results and increased benefits. These are some of the mediums through which HGH supplements are consumed by people.

  • Injections – This was basically the only option that doctors had to treat the deficiency of growth hormone in people. The HGH made synthetically in the lab is composed of a similar structure and is a substance that occurs naturally in the body.
  • Oral sprays – These sprays are a more compact and an affordable version of the injections previously used by people. They have some real HGH quantities which when taken gets dissolved in the blood. This rescues the hormone from being harmed by the acids in the stomach and can be directly absorbed in the blood.
  • Homeopathic HGH – This HGH has been discovered and has its origin from homeopathy. The quantity of HGH in them is very low and it is diluted in the medicine, following the principle of homeopathy. It is prepared in mixture with other ingredients like herbs and amino acids. They are commonly available in market in the form of drops and sprays.

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The human growth hormone plays a vital role in the growth and development of an individual. It is not a drug as it is naturally produced in the body. But, sometimes it may be consumed by the sportspersons to boost their performance and therefore, must be always taken upon the prescription given by the doctor.