Acupuncture for a More Beautiful You

Acupuncture for a More Beautiful

Acupuncture for a More Beautiful You

A friend told you that acupuncture can help you deal with your facial skin problems. You wonder if that can really help. Yes, you have heard about acupuncture. Still, you are unsure if this is something you want to try. What is the process? Will it be painful? What are the effects?  Learn more about it by reading below. 

Acupuncture and Its Origins

Acupuncture is a treatment or process whereby very thin needles are inserted through the skin. These are put in strategic points of the body. 

It is believed to be a healing system that predates recorded history. They believe that it began even during the Stone Age. During this time, sharp-edged tools and stones were used as tools to puncture. 

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Acupuncture is considered to be traditional Chinese medicine.  It was first recorded in the ancient Chinese medical text Huang Di Nei Jing. This is The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine.

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years in China. Acupuncture was established during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).  Earlier in the sixth century, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture were introduced into Japan.  Acupuncture was also used in the West since the 17th century. It was first recorded in Europe in 1810.

Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain. But it has been found to also help in curing certain diseases. 

During this treatment, the needles release energy (or termed as ‘qi’). This qi has stopped flowing. When qi gets stuck, the body does not work well. The body is not on its topmost form. Or it can become sick. Acupuncture helps address this. 

Many Westerners have seen the benefits of acupuncture. They have seen its benefits for both body and soul. Acupuncture is said to bring about positive effects for the body. It aids in the improvement of the total well-being of the person. Acupuncturist in Perth usually recommend regular acupuncture. He will also suggest doing acupuncture alongside Chinese herbs and the right diet. 

Known Benefits of Acupuncture 

Acupuncture is known to relieve pain, such as back or joint pain, and neck tension. It also helps relieve headaches and migraines. Even eye strains are reduced with acupuncture.

Other than these, acupuncture can help with digestion. Another benefit is allergy relief. Acupuncture also helps deal with fibromyalgia pain and carpal tunnel symptoms. 

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For women, it helps with pre and post menstrual symptoms. Examples are dysmenorrhea and hot flashes. Acupuncture can help regulate menstruation. Many also believe that acupuncture helps improve fertility and regulate pregnancy.

Acupuncture also improves the immune system and increases energy. Other than physical benefits, it also reduces stress, enhances mental clarity. It can also help improve the overall well-being of the person.

Effects of Acupuncture to Skin 

Aside from the above-mentioned benefits of acupuncture, it also has effects on the skin. Remember that our skin is the largest organ. Hence, an acupuncturist looks at the skin as a whole to treat the surface. 

Acupuncture can help in general skin improvements. It can also help treat acne and rosacea.  What happens is that the acupuncturist finds the qi imbalances. Once these are made to flow properly through acupuncture, the skin begins to clear up.  

Other than acne and rosacea, acupuncture can also help deal with eczema and psoriasis.  It can also help improve skin to lessen wrinkles and sagging.  Thus, an acupuncturist is thought to have anti-aging effects. It slows down this aging process that causes the appearance of wrinkles and saggy skin. 

Dermatologists usually concentrate on the surface of the skin. Whereas acupuncturists treat the underlying issues inside the bodies. These issues are the causes of skin problems. Acupuncture aims to address these to clear up the surface or outside of the skin. 

Examples of underlying issues are hormone imbalances. Acupuncture deals with these hormonal imbalances first. Then the outcome is better and more beautiful skin. 

As mentioned earlier, acupuncture helps reduce stress. Regular treatments of acupuncture can make you feel relaxed. You can sleep better too. We know that with less stress and better sleep, the skin glows up. Addressing stress and sleep issues will greatly help in giving you a flawless skin. 

Acupuncture also has anti-aging benefits. Some call it the ‘acupuncture facial.’  This has shown to have effects on helping slow down the signs of skin aging. No need for facial injections. In this type of treatment, the needles are placed on certain areas of the face. Acupuncture stimulates collagen production. It also allows the blood to flow better to the face. The result is not instant. You will need multiple sessions to see improvements on the skin.  

If you do not yet want to try acupuncture because of budget constraints, you can also try acupressure. In this method, an acupressurist applies light pressure on certain parts of your body. Acupressure also fingers, palms, elbows, or feet.

It can also use special devices to put pressure on acupoints on the body’s meridians.  Acupressure can also stimulate the flow of energy or qi. Acupuncture though is more effective. But you can use acupressure to complement the acupuncture sessions.

Indeed, there are many known benefits of acupuncture.  Other than physical healing, it also helps with emotional well-being. Plus, it has effects on the skin. Acupuncture helps improve the skin by addressing underlying issues. If you wish to have facial acupuncture, look for a licensed and credible Acupuncturist Perth.


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