A Look at Mr. Hyde Pre-Workout and the Need for Supplements

Hyde Pre-Workout

A Look at Mr. Hyde Pre-Workout and the Need for Supplements

Practically every man wants to be a powerful, unstoppable force who can defeat any challenge, obstacle or enemy. Since this is not the case for the majority of people, most resort to creating this beast of a character in their minds.

If you remember the Marvel Comics animation character named Mr. Hyde, a character created in the lab who had immense powers, you will see how true the opening statement in this article is. Many people, mostly men, still try today to increase their strength and physique by working out very intensely.

As shown here, appropriate workout routines can help build strength, endurance and bulk. However, in doing this, a lot happens behind the scene.

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In this article, we will be looking at what happens behind the scenes and what body builders do to try to get optimal results.

What Happens when You Workout?

Everyone engages in one form of physical activity of the order and the body handles these with ease unless the individual has health issues. When we however talk about working out, we are referring to activities that place a greater demand on the muscles.

Such activities will cause the muscles to work harder than normal and possibly for an extended period of time. When these harder-than-normal activities are undertaken, certain things occur in the body.

The first thing that happens is that the body rises, or tries to rise to the occasion by supplying to the various parts of the body necessary nutrients and chemicals required to ensure the activities are successfully carried out.

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Below is a list of some activities that begin to occur in the body.

  • Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, GABA and Serotin are produced by the brain, explaining why the brain requires a lot of energy at this time.
  • The increased supply of adrenaline causes the heart to work harder, beating a lot faster to push about 20 times more blood flow through the body and widened capillaries located in your muscles.
  • With increased blood flow comes an increase in the demand for oxygen. This is supplied by the increased pace and depth of breathing made possible by the ribcage muscles that help ensure that the diaphragm can bring in about 15 times the regular amount of oxygen it normally will have.
  • The increased activity results in increased internal heat and body waste in form of sweat. As sweat is excreted through the millions of sweat glands in the skin, the sweat carries out the heart, cooling the body as it dries on the skin.
  • The pumping of the muscles involved in the workout squeeze the blood vessels that run through them which forces blood to flow back to the heart.
  • Depending on the exercise, bone formation can be stimulated, ensuring that loss of calcium is curtailed with aging.

The summary of everything listed above is that there is a diversion of blood to the muscles of your skeletal system and the body is instructed to process the fat stored in it, converting it into glucose. The body will also work to enhance your mood and dull your ability to feel pain.

As the muscles work harder, lactic acid will be generated. This acid will build up, causing a drop in blood pH level in the muscle region. As this drop gets more significant, your muscles will gradually lose their ability to contract, indicating that you need to rest.

You can read a more detailed description of what happens in the body during a workout session here.

How Supplements Help

The activities we described above make a lot of nutritional demands of the body. Since the muscles, brain, respiratory system and other components of the body are being made to work harder than they usually will, the meals you usually will take may not be sufficient to provide the nutrients that will be required. To this end, supplements are there to augment what you get from your meals.

Since this increased demand is for a given period, there is no need to load the body with this increased supply of nutrients outside of the workout times. It is for this reason that you have what is now commonly known as a pre-workout.

A pre-workout is a supplement that is taken before an intense workout. By taking this supply about 30 minutes before the session begins, the body is loaded with enough nutrients to handle the increased demand it will be facing during the workout.

The supply you will get from a stipulated dose will be enough to last you for the period. This means that the supply will be used up, allowing your body to revert back to its regular level of nutrient demand and supply.

Any Safety Concerns?

When it comes to pre-workouts, there are really no serious side effects. That said, depending on the particular product, its constituent ingredients and the makeup of the individual taking it, a number of side effects may be experienced.

Some of these include:

  • Restlessness, insomnia, increase in heart rate, nausea, anxiety, headaches and drowsiness. These can be caused by a high dose or intolerance to caffeine. Reducing your dose may take care of this.
  • Digestive issues and diarrhea which can be caused by a high dose of the supplement or the use of a small amount of water in mixing the product. Reducing your dose or using more water in your mixture may solve this.
  • Weight gain,bloating and water retention which can be caused by creatine, an ingredient in many pre-workouts. Again, adjusting your dose appropriately can help take care of these possible side effects.

None of the side effects listed above is life threatening. They may be inconveniencing but they are also easy to manage.

What Mr. Hyde Pre-Workout Offers

In concluding this article we will briefly look at one pre-workout that has been touted as offering a lot. A look at any Mr. Hyde pre-workout review will show the following about the product:

  • Promises double the standard industry energy delivery.
  • Contains Beta-alanine, Creatine, Arginine Silicate, Citrulline, Caffeine, Choline bitartrate, Theanine, N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, Theacrine, GABA and Yohimbe.
  • Is best suited for users with high caffeine tolerance, requiring high energy delivery.


Pre-workouts can be important tools in your bodybuilding or general fitness locker. You must however be sure you know what product you are taking and what it contains.

You can only get the best out of this supplement if you make the right choice and use it wisely.


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