How to Avoid Emotional Burnout in College

Emotional Burnout in College

According to the Anxiety And Depression Association Of America (ADAA),  a large proportion of  American students feel overwhelmed at one point or another. It is easy to feel this way while juggling multiple roles in college. There is course load, social life, community engagements, and internship/volunteering. It is even more stressful if you have to earn on the side to support yourself. At some point, you must ask yourself, ‘Who will write or proofread my essay for me?’ It is a starting point to avoid college burnout.

What is Burnout?

The American Psychological Association describes a burnout as an extended period of physical and mental exhaustion. During this period, the individual displays a lack of interest in everyday tasks resulting in declining performance.

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In college, an emotional burnout could lead to lack of interest in academics and social life. It brings on the risk of academic performance decline and withdrawing from social life.  There is a danger of a burnout transitioning into a depression and greater mental health decline.

What are the Symptoms of an Emotional Burnout?

A burnout does not come on suddenly, but is the climax of a gradual process. Here are some signs that you are in danger of burning out:

  • Emotional exhaustion 
  • Physical fatigue- Feeling tired all the time 
  • Lack of sleep 
  • Irritability 
  • Lack of concentration 
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Negativity and pessimism 
  • Nervousness 
  • Irrational fear and anxiety of the future 

What Causes Burnout in Students?

The University of Southern Maine did a study on 354 students to determine what caused burnout in students. Here is what they found:

  • 5% reported to be mentally and physically exhausted 
  • 5% reported that they had problems with their tutors and professors 
  • 13% said they were no longer interested in their courses
  • 25% reported that they had external problems including financial stress, problems at home, and time stress due to overcrowded schedules 
  • 52% reported problems with their course workload. They felt their courses were too demanding and placing them under high pressure 

It is important for students to recognize that it is very possible to avoid an emotional burnout. A majority of college students go through school relatively unharmed. 

The most important thing is maintaining a healthy study- life balance. College is a phase in life when your work-life balance should have you enjoying life’s adventures before starting your career phase.  What are these steps you can take to stay in good mental shape in college?

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Remember Why You Are in College

It is easy to forget what brought you to college  amid all the changes you are experiencing.  Develop intrinsic motivation. This type of motivation comes from within and is what makes someone want to work towards a certain goal. 

Are you in college because you want to get into a dream career? Are you here because your parents pushed you to it? Did you just stumble into college as an experiment? The answer to these questions will tell you whether you have the motivation. If it is lacking, it is time to see a life coach and talk about your life goals.

Make a Good Time Management Plan

Good time management is crucial in avoiding stressful situations. It lets you plan how to handle demands on your time; coursework, side jobs, extracurriculars and social life. Look at the semester’s timetable. Make a note of term papers, essays, and project deadlines. 

Deploy time management tools to make long-term, short-term and daily schedules. For example, you can set a deadline by which to complete a project. You can then break down your project tasks into weeks and days.  

Make a calendar and to-do lists. These two items are very helpful in avoiding last-minute rushing and the stress that comes with it. 

Identify Your Stressors 

Is unexpected coursework or lack of boarding fees stressing you? Identifying your stressor helps you work out solutions and seek help when you require it. If you have an unexpected essay to turn in, it might be helpful to ask yourself, ‘Who can do my college essay for me?’

There is a solution for everything. Many people will help if you reach out. They say that a problem shared is half solved. If you are suffering money problems, talk to the college HR department to see if they have on-campus jobs. If there are problems at home, talk to the college counselor. There is someone to talk to for each of your problem. Even your room mates can offer useful tips if your dating life is not going very well. 

Develop Coping Skills 

Coping skills help you destress or take off the pressure. They allow you to escape stressful situations and look at them more objectively and find better solutions. These coping skills also allow you to reconnect to the outside world and discover new opportunities. Fortunately, there are many extracurricular activities in college.

Join a Sports Club 

You are at the peak of your physical form while in college. It is the perfect time to get into sports. Getting into sports could also open opportunities in the lucrative sports industry. There are many sports people who developed their talent in college, such as Michael Jordan. 

You can also apply for a sports scholarship after joining a college sports team. It will ease your financial stress to some extent, or fully if you get a full scholarship. 

There are well documented mental and physical benefits of physical exercise. The hormones you generate make you feel good with a positive outlook towards life. You keep your weight manageable and achieve a good body physique. Being a good sports person will be an enormous boost to your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Meditation and Yoga 

Meditation and yoga are perfect for releasing mental and physical stress. Meditation clears your head and allows you to focus on what is important. Yoga gives your body flexibility and allows your physical side to connect to the spiritual side. 

Develop Good Sleeping Habits 

Lack of sleep can be very damaging to mental health. You will become irritable, distracted, mentally and physically fatigued. Developing good sleeping habits keeps your brain sharp to concentrate in class and handle high-pressure coursework. Learn to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each day. 


If you are comfortable with your coursework and understand the concepts, you can delegate some paperwork. Rather than get overwhelmed post a simple ‘Who can do my college essay for me’ gig on your Twitter or Instagram. 

Take Regular Breaks 

Unless you are in a military college, you are always free to step off campus. Take time off college for a few days each month. You can visit your parents or other relatives. You can go for a road trip and discover the world while you still have time. 

Develop Effective Study Habits 

It is important to recognize that the studying habits which worked for you in high school may not work in college. Cramming material over and over is not effective. College reading material is deeper and more detailed. 

Understand foundation concepts by spreading them out over time if you need to. Ensure that you understand by doing practice tests and going back where you go wrong. It makes it easier to understand the coursework that is built on these concepts. 

Keep Your Eye on the Prize 

Always remember getting through college will open the doors to what you want in life. Whichever career or opportunities you want in life, it all starts here. Avoid burning out and you can open the doors to whatever dreams you have.


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