Are Podiatrists Real Doctors? What Do They Do?

Podiatrists Real Doctors

Are Podiatrists Real Doctors? What Do They Do?

You may have some confusion about the differences between chiropody and podiatry. In some countries and regions there may be both chiropodists or podiatrists. The reason for this will depend on where you are. It could be due to when they qualified and it could be due to changes in how the practice has been licensed. Mostly you can assume they are essentially the same and podiatrist is the more modern word that is now commonly used. 

Are podiatrists real doctors?

A podiatrist is indeed a doctor however they are not medical doctors. An MD or medical doctor will study for longer than a podiatrist and know about every aspect of the human body. They can assist you with any basic problems you have with any part of your body. However they do not specialise in any one area so if you have a severe problem they will have to refer you to a specialist.

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A podiatrist is a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (PDM). They spend 4 years studying at podiatry school. They will have to study in detail illnesses or injuries that affect the lower limbs and feet. They understand how the structure of the lower legs works with muscles, bones and nerves. They only concentrate on one area of the body for their studies and career and therefore have far more knowledge of this area than a medical doctor will have. 

So after four years of education they are now podiatrists?

They will have graduated from podiatry school after four years but they are not ready to go and practice yet. They must now be resident in a hospital for 3 more years to put in practice what they have learned. After this time they can get advanced certifications in surgery on ankles and feet. So you see any podiatrist you visit in their office has put in at least 7 years education and practice to become a specialist in this area. 

When would you see a podiatrist?

You can see a podiatrist at any time. In fact it can be good practice to book a session even if you feel there are no issues with your feet. They can give you a checkup and if there is any troublesome hard skin they can remove it and advise you on foot care and even which shoes would be suitable for you. You may even wish to take along your footwear to show your podiatrist what you are forcing your poor feet into!

Obviously if you have a problem with your lower legs or feet you should see a podiatrist as soon as possible. They can deal with problems such as gout, sporting or exercise related injuries, athletes foot or other fungal infections. 

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What do podiatrists do?

Podiatrists will provide individual consultations and diagnoses of any foot related ailments. These can include fractures, sprains, nail and skin diseases and tumours. They will provide modern treatment for bunions, warts, verrucas, blisters, ingrown toenails, bone spurs, arch problems, flat feet, cysts and bone disorders.

They can spot other health problems when the feet show you have another disorder such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and kidney disease.

They can perform surgery, reset broken bones and write out prescriptions for drugs. They can design orthotics and plaster casts and correct other deformities with strappings. 

Podiatrists don’t just fix the obvious feet problems.

They can also help with diabetes problems. Diabetes can damage the nerves in your feet and legs and it can stop you receiving enough blood. Tens of thousands of people have feet amputated every year due to complications from diabetes. A podiatrist can help you prevent that. If you have any sores or calluses have them checked out. 


is another extremely painful foot condition. There are 33 joints in each of your feet and arthritis comes wear and tear on your joints over the years and can lead to inflammation and pain. Your podiatrist can prescribe drugs to help or special shoes and physical therapy. If nothing else works they can perform surgery. 


is one more very painful foot affliction that podiatrists will deal with.Gout is caused when uric acid builds up and turns into crystals. These enter the joint of the big toe and cause immense pain. Getting to your podiatrist such as Essex Union Podiatry quickly is essential to relieving the pain and treating the gout symptoms. Luckily podiatrists can help with this problem and if not they can refer you to a specialist who can.


Podiatrists are indeed doctors just not medical doctors. They spend years qualifying and training and they are specialists in a very small but complex area of the human body.


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