When it is that time of the month again most women do not find it fanciful as it usually comes with pain, mood swings, nausea, and other changes. Menstruation is an important process in the body of the woman and during this period, lots of self-care needs to be put into consideration. Proper basic hygiene needs to be observed during this period, plus there are also ways to deal with the cramps that can come and things to eat and avoid eating as well in order not to aggravate the pain, all which will be seen in the course of this article.

Basic hygiene to observe during one’s menstrual period

During one’s period, observing good hygiene is very vital, and poor hygiene can lead to some future health issues such as; infections, and even an irregular cycle that can affect one’s lifestyle. Here are some basic clean and healthy tips to always bear in mind.

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  • The first tip will be to try changing sanitary napkins or tampons every 4-6 hours to ease the possibility of having any irritation, rashes, or urinary tract infections.
  • Next, always wash the vagina frequently with lukewarm water to shun organisms hanging to the body after removing or changing the sanitary napkin or tampon. The best menstrual cups online are safe to use and are designed to collect blood rather than absorb them.
  • During this period, using vagina hygiene products is not a good idea because the vagina’s self-cleaning mechanisms get activated and artificial hygiene products can hinder the natural process which can rather lead to the infectious and growth of bacteria.
  • Use one method of sanitation and stick to it. Making use of tampons and sanitary napkins, or two sanitary napkins at once may succeed in keeping one dry and stain-free but can cause serious infections. Getting menstrual cups online is a good sanitary method of collecting the blood because they can be worn for up to 12 hours before emptying it and they do not leak when fitted properly.
  • Having a regular bath during one’s period is also vital because it goes a long way to relieve women who suffer from those monster backaches and cramps.
  • Also having a regular change of towels is important especially those used to clean the vagina; this is to prevent contacting any bacteria that could be stuck on damp towels.
  • Make sure to wash hands before and after changing the pad, tampon, or cup to make sure that full cleanliness is observed since the hands come in contact with all types of stuff all through the day.

Things to eat when menstruating

Stay hydrated

When it comes to eating and drinking when on one’s period, staying hydrated is quite vital. Normally, an average person has to drink about 8 ounces of glasses daily. Being hydrated helps to ease the crams and reduces the aches.

Eat more berries

Fruits especially blueberries and blackberries can aid in relieving the pain. This is because berries are rich in; antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they can aid balance out the hormonal changes the body is going through during the cycle. Also, berries are assumed by some to aid with low estrogen levels, which can lead some people to lose sleep during their period.

Iron-rich lentils and fish

Substitute proteins that can make one’s period symptoms worse such red meat with fatty fish and delicious lentils, can help in boosting energy levels. During menstruation, iron levels can take a hit, most especially with those who usually have heavy flows. Salmon and other oily fish, combined with a portion of lentils, can aid in regaining some of that energy and get rid of that sluggish period feeling.

Foods to avoid when menstruating

The next thing will be looking at foods to avoid when menstruating. Eating the wrong food during one’s period can aggravate symptoms such as; mood swings and reduced energy levels. No one loves that feeling, so the best thing will be to avoid these types of foods for the time being.

Salty food

Too much of salt generally causes water retention and bloating. The hormones that usually come with bloating causes bloating, thus it will not be a good idea to eat salty food that will rather increase the bloating.


Coffee persons will need to stay away from their routine or try to limit the intake for some days because they can make cramps worse. Caffeine can make the blood vessels in the body constrict. This can make the vessels that feed the uterus to tighten, making period cramps to be even more painful than they already were.


Blood sugar levels are everywhere during one’s period and taking any extra sweeteners will only increase the levels. Sugar is inflammatory, so it can make cramps feel worse when the period hits. It can result in super bloating during periods and normal days.

Fatty meats

Red meat really is not the best thing to be putting in the body generally speaking, not just when one is on their period. Having a high saturated fats diet can cause a break huge breakout before one’s period and can intensify bloating and breast tenderness during one’s menstrual cycle.


Foods like milk, cheese, and ice cream contain arachidonic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid that can cause a huge increase in inflammation which results in cramping. Thus trying to stay away from them or limit the intake generally will go a long way to reduce severe cramping and make the flow less painful. So try to avoid this to have a smooth flow – a few days will not hurt and for general health reasons, it also matters.

Natural home remedies for menstrual cramps

When a woman starts experiencing her period, the muscles of the womb usually contract and relax to aid shed accumulated lining. At times there will be severe cramps which imply that the muscles are working. Some women during this phase tend to experience other symptoms such as nausea, headaches, vomiting, or diarrhea. Thankfully, there are ways to handle severe cramps at home to reduce pain.

Take over the counter drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the major over-the-counter (OTC) form of pain relief that is advisable to tale for menstrual pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. NSAIDs comprise ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). These drugs go a long way to aid in reducing the body’s production of prostaglandin. NSAIDs are not in effect as oral contraception, but they can aid in reducing pain.

Applying heat

Applying heat to the abdomen and lower back could be of great help when it comes to relieving the menstrual cramps pain. So it is equally an alternative for people who do not love taking drugs.

Massaging with essential oils

Massage therapy for about 20 minutes can greatly aid in reducing menstrual pain. This has to do with pressing particular points around the abdomen, back, side, and feet.


The idea of exercise right away before or during your period may not appeal to sound rosy or all that nice. But exercise reliefs endorphins; and it is also effective at decreasing menstrual pain to the extent that they might be no need for drugs. Regular activities like walking, skipping, and jogging can help a lot during one’s period.


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